Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling From Bengbao Chapter 792

"Yes, boss!"

Rum is also a natural kid, so he immediately stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward at high speed. When he encountered an intersection, he drove horizontally, and the whole car immediately drifted out laterally.

The sudden change of direction from going straight to turning would have been thrown out by inertia if it were an ordinary person, but when Qiye is such a person who is not human at all, there is no way.

"Hey, I said gin, your little brother is a bit short, and his driving skills are average."

Qiye was still sitting on the roof of the car with an old god, even with Erlang's legs raised. In order not to be laughed at by the woman in Chianti, Qiye would definitely take off the head of the gin today. Otherwise, his Who pays him for a Lamborghini?

Rum obviously can't control his emotions like gin, so he is just a little brother, and gin is the boss.

After listening to Qiye's words, Rum immediately took another sharp turn. Qiye's body left the roof of the car, and the whole person flew up, as if about to fly out.

But at this moment, Qiye grabbed the door and window frame of the car whose windows had been completely broken. With the inertia of the steering, the whole person flew around the car, then flew in from the co-pilot window, and sat down in the co-pilot. In the driver's seat, there are really only Hollywood stunts.

As soon as Qiye entered the car, the gun in his hand was already pointed at Rum's temple. It was strange that Rum was not dead after this shot.

Not only Qiye reacted quickly, but also Gin. When Qiye got into the car with a powerful hand, his gun was pointed at the back of Qiye's head.

As far as the organization is concerned, the Demon King is definitely a great enemy. Jinjiu pointed his gun at Qiye at this time, but did not shoot. The reason was the muzzle on his waist.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, the gin is the praying mantis, and Kiel is a oriole that nobody expected.

Gin didn't turn his head, but directly from the rearview mirror in the car, looking at Kiel next to him, his gloomy voice sounded, and said, "Kiel, do you want to betray the organization?"

"Tsk tusk, gin, you are wrong to say that."

Qiye smiled faintly, shaking her legs, ignoring the barrel of the gun against the back of her head, and said, "You have two big mistakes in this sentence."

"Oh, which two?"

Gin raised his eyebrows, Qiye’s gun was pointed at Rum, Gin pointed at Qiye, and Kiel pointed at Gin. The atmosphere calmed down so strangely for a while, but Rum was a little pitiful.

"First, Keele was originally an undercover agent sent by the CIA, so there is no betrayal at all."

"CIA..." Gin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the emerald green eyes showed a surprising murderous look, "007? That's the case, then, what's the other fault?"

"Haha, that is, I'm not Kiel at all." "Kiel" sneered and responded to the gin. The tone of the voice was exactly the same as Kiel, because now, she is controlled by the parents of Yinghai. The.

Gin's eyes widened for a moment, but because of the brim of his hat, it was not so obvious, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.

If this person is not Kiel, who is it?Belmode?Gin wiped out this thought, even if it was that witch with a thousand faces, it wouldn't work to keep him from being so close for a long time.

"How should I say, this guy is like a doll. Both Eikai and I can control this doll from a distance, and this doll will also pass on all the information collected to me, gin. "

"Hmph," Keel sneered twice, and the deity of Yinghai, sitting at home, closed his eyes, controlling the puppet, and said: "Gin, this time you completely lost."

"Humph!" Gin snorted coldly, with a terrifying smile on his face, and said: "Devil, do you think you are going to win?"

"Oh, do you have any other cards?" Qiye raised her eyebrows and said, "With those one hundred and ten guys, it can only be said that you are too sad, gin."

Gin's eyes turned cold, he put his hand in his pocket and pressed a button.


Big explosion!!!!!!

Chapter seven hundred and eighty-doubts!

Gin actually installed a high-explosive liquid explosive in his car. The detonator was on his body. When he pressed the detonator button, the two liquids mixed and caused a big explosion. With the gasoline in the cylinder, this explosion It's really powerful.

However, because the explosion was subjectively detonated by Gin Wine, with the evil thought that he wanted to kill Qiye, it did no harm to Qiye.

If it is said that, for example, a pressure cooker explodes due to excessive pressure, and no one wants to cause such an explosion, then this explosion is effective for Qiye.

Qiye stood up from the ground, patted the dust on her body, and looked at the Porsche 356A that was engulfed by the fire. There was an unexplainable doubt in her heart.

The gin actually wants to die with him?

The character of the guy with gin is unreasonable even after thinking about it, and the organization is still at a loss of manpower, let alone gin.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if this can kill Qiye, it will not be of substantial benefit to the organization.

No money, no people, this approach is really puzzling.

Qiye walked towards the car that was blown up in two, because the explosive was installed in the middle of the car. After the explosion, the body was blown into two. Qiye was blown out of the car directly, and the remaining three, Stay in the car.

"Qiyao, are you hurt?!"

Qiye approached the car that exploded, and there came the worried voice of the main hall Yinghai. Although the inside was actually just an elephant turn clone, but now it is controlled by the main hall Yinghai, that feeling is really real. it is true.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Qiye nodded and looked at the elephant who was sitting in the back row, half-lengthed by the bomb.

Through the eyes of the avatar, Hontang Yinghai stared at Qiye, and after confirming that he was only stained with dust and not injured, he was relieved.

Qiye smiled helplessly and said: "Don't worry, Yinghai, I'm fine, don't worry about this clone, I will go back as soon as the matter is over."

"Well, I got it."

The elephant turned the avatar and nodded, then closed his eyes, and the face of Keir on his face gradually melted and turned into an ordinary woman.

Qiye didn't bother to take care of the elephant's avatar, and went straight to check the state of the gin. If the gin died so easily, it would be a bit unbelievable.

Reached out and broke apart the steel body that had been distorted by the bomb, the gin inside had been bombed beyond recognition, lying on the seat, there was no life.

Qiye reached out and touched the neck of the gin, and found that there was no pulse.

"Strange, is it dead like this?"

A question mark popped out of Qiye's head. It was too unreasonable to organize this time. Could it be that the three members of Gin, Kiel and Rum were sacrificed to deal with him, and it may not be successful?

Under uncertainty, Qiye checked Gin's face again, and made sure that this face is Gin. It is definitely not a mask, and there is no trace of plastic surgery.

"People are dead, but why does it always feel strange?"

Qiye stood by the side of the road, scratching his head, he couldn't believe that the guy Gin Jiu died in such a simple way, but he couldn't tell how strange he was.

Although Qiye's power and this world are not at the same level, there still seem to be things that Qiye doesn't understand.

A violent braking sound rang!

Akai Hideichi's car stopped in front of Nanaya, and Akai Hideichi and Kudo Shinichi got out of the car.

"What happened?"

Shinichi Kudo frowned and looked at the car wreck on the ground that had burned beyond recognition.

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