Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Benged Chapter 793

Qiye shrugged, and said, "The gin detonated the bomb in the car and wanted to die with me, but it failed."

"Same as one?" *2

Hideichi Akai and Shinichi Kudo frowned at the same time. It was not the first time that they had fought with gin. They were some people who knew gin well, but they never thought that gin would make this kind of wine. move.

"What happened?"

Kudo Shinichi asked anxiously, with a hint of questioning in his tone. This task is very important to him. It is about the organization and the gin. He cannot tolerate him not taking it seriously, and it is inevitable that he can't avoid taking it seriously.


I didn't even see how Nanaya made her move, but just heard the sound of a physical collision. Kudo Shinichi's abdomen seemed to be hit hard. He knelt down holding his belly, his eyes widened, and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth. It was obviously a huge hit. s pain.

"Kudo Shinichi, pay attention to the tone of your speech." Nanya said coldly, "Don't think that I can't clean up you after you join the FBI. As long as I want, even if you become the president of the United States, I can pinch you to death. ."


Kudo Shinichi's expression was distorted, and he wanted to reach into his arms to get his gun.


Nanya stepped on Kudo Shinichi’s head and brought his face into direct contact with the ground. Then he looked at Akai Shuichi and said, "The gin is hung up, and you will take care of the rest. ."

After speaking, his figure slowly sank into the ground and disappeared into the street.

And Shuichi Akai, looking at the car wreck whose flames were gradually weakening, didn't know what he was thinking.


Qiye directly jumped in space and rushed back to her home. As soon as she entered the scope of the Liudao Mansion, Wu Tianhen saw it. At this time, the place that was originally a mansion had been surrounded by a circle of mechanical devices to protect it. With.

"It seems that Behemoth is quite capable."

Around Liudao Mansion, there were already twenty or thirty corpses lying down. Those were the hapless guys who attacked Liudao Mansion recklessly this time, but were killed by Behemoth.

"Damn, how could they have such a strong firepower?"

Not far away, on the roof of a building about four to five hundred yards away, Bourbon, who was driving a sniper rifle, cursed uncomfortably.

He was the member in charge of this offensive mission. He was also a sniper, but with so many weapons and manpower, he took a few strong attacks and did not make any effort. The few attacks also damaged dozens of men, even Even his sniper has failed three times.

"Really, why am I here to perform such a troublesome task?"

Bourbon set up his sniper rifle and sighed at the same time. At this moment, a tall figure appeared behind him.

"This question, you can ask Satan!"

Chapter 781-Step into the darkness!


The sound of the flesh being torn apart by a sharp object, accompanied by the breaking of several bones, penetrated Bourbon's chest with a palm.

fast!too fast!

The speed was so fast that Bourbon could not even turn his head. His chest had been pierced. Bourbon lowered his head in disbelief. A few seconds before he lost consciousness, he saw his bright red heart.

The heart was still jumping, transporting blood to his organs, which also prevented him from losing consciousness immediately. In fact, Bourbon would rather just die.

On the heart that never stops working, there are five fingers clasping the bright red heart, as if completely controlling his life in the hand.


The five fingers tightened hard, directly causing his heart to burst like a balloon.

Blood, tendons, flying around because of this burst, this was the last scene Bourbon saw.


Qiye withdrew her hand, and the blood dripped down his hand to the ground.

The light in Bourbon's eyes disappeared, and his body fell to the ground because he lost support, his face was full of shock and disbelief, and the huge blood hole in his chest continued to spout blood.

"Oh, I killed you by accident. I'm sorry, Bourbon."

Qiye shook off the blood on her hands and said with an unscrupulous smile on her face.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Qiye opened her eyes, her scarlet eyes turned white, and the blue veins around her eyes and temples were all bulging, which looked really scary.

"Tsk tusk, with so many people, the organization is really going to hurt your muscles this time."

Qiye's white eyes included all the members of the organization, and he understood their location distribution and firepower, and smiled unscrupulously.

Organizers, even FBI people, pin their heads to their waistbands. When you die is a matter of course, you can’t blame fate, you can only blame you for being incapable.

However, when the organization made such a big move this time, it was obvious that they wanted to win with one blow, but what they miscalculated was Behemoth's power.

Behemoth is a technology that transcends the times. Perhaps, in a few or even more than a dozen centuries, human technology can create such a super machine with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely not be now.

Behemoth’s arsenal is more exaggerated than the military power of any country. Even in the last century, the United States and the former Soviet Union were inferior to its reserves during an arms race.

As a competent little brother, Behemoth also possesses anti-matter weapons, that is, the positron gun of Qiye, but it is one size smaller.

"Really, it's been a long time since I killed people happily. I will play with you today."

Qiye put up a finger, and a red, table tennis-sized energy ball quickly condensed on the tip of his index finger. Just as Qiye was about to launch it, his mobile phone rang.

"What's wrong, Miwako?"

Qiye picked up the call. The call was made by Mikako Sato. From the phone, he could hear the sharp police siren, accompanied by a chaotic noise. Obviously she was rushing to a scene now.

Qiye didn't worry about Miwako's accident, not to mention that Behemoth had already separated a small clone to protect his sister-in-law who was not at home. Even if something happened, Behemoth would contact him first.

"Qiyao, where are you now?!"

Mikako Sato was sitting in the co-pilot of the police car. Yu Yumi drove the car, while Asami Nakaoka was sitting in the back seat. The three faces were worried.

"Me?" Qiye asked back, "I'm outside now, what's wrong?"

"Seven nights, we have now received a report. There was an explosion on the road. You...are you injured?"

Qiye moved the corner of her mouth and said, "Don't worry, Miwako, those guys can't hurt me."

What he said was to reassure the three women, and also to explain that the explosion on the road was caused by the group of guys.

"Huh~~" Meihezi and the third daughter were obviously relieved, reached out and patted their chest, stabilized the chaotic heart, and said: "Great, fortunately you are fine."

"Of course I will be fine. Don't worry, you have to be careful. If you get hurt, the three of you will resign me and go home immediately!"

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