Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 794

Qiye said this. Although he knew that Behemoth was under the protection, he still added something like this, just to prevent these three dumb women with a sense of justice from working so hard.

"I see, it's really long-winded." Miwako muttered a little blushing, and then hung up the phone.

Qiye smiled helplessly, put away the phone, the energy ball in his hand radiated red sharp arrows, with white eyes as ultra-long-distance navigation, and those red arrows accurately hit all the members of the organization surrounding Liudaozhai. .

Come, we must prepare to be killed.

And when Qiye slaughtered members of the organization at will, in a far away building, a man with a Chinese character face wearing sunglasses, using an ultra-long-distance binoculars, quickly scanned the location of Liudao House, and then took out his mobile phone. , Dialed a number I guessed just now.

"BOSS, all failed."


After such a brief conversation, the call ended, but the man with the national character face didn't notice the smile on the corner of Qiye's mouth.

"Cohen, just wondering where you are hiding."


In the darkness, there was a man sitting, and in front of him, there was a tall man with long hair wearing a black trench coat.

The camera switched to the face of the standing man, that cold face was really gin.

Isn't he dead?

Qiye personally confirmed that the person must be gin, and his life has been completely cut off, there is no possibility of surviving, but the gin has appeared here again?

"How do you explain this failure to me."

The sitting man said coldly, the loss of the organization this time is not the previous small fights, the strength accumulated for such a long time of little action, this time he lost cleanly, he was very angry.

"It's my mistake, BOSS." Gin said lightly, without concealing it, because he knew that it was useless.

"Oh, gin, I really didn't expect you to hide it from me."

In the darkness, Qiye's voice sounded, and the eyes of Gin Wine and the BOSS widened for a moment, looking at the blond man walking out of the darkness.

"The Devil!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Two-The purpose of the organization!

"Don't be so surprised," Qiye walked over, looking at the gin and the figure in the dark, and said: "By the way, I should be the one who should be surprised."

Qiye stepped forward, and then sat down toward the air, as if the air formed a chair, looking at the gin.

"It's amazing, Gin. It's the first time I've been tricked by someone after so many years."

Qiye tilted Erlang's legs and said in a wicked tone. Looking at the gin in front of him, he almost had some cares in his heart, and he was really capable.


Gin snorted coldly, his face was not very good, because even if Qiye said that, the final result was that Gin lost it was also a fact and could not be changed.

"Devil, what is your purpose in coming here today."

The man in the dark, the boss of the black organization, said in a gloomy tone, his voice didn't seem to be a human anymore.

"Oh, should you ask me this question? I think I shouldn't be the one who asked this question?'That gentleman', or..." Qiye cocked her mouth, "Mr. Kuroba ?"

At this time, some light appeared faintly in this dark space, and that light was shining on the figure in the dark.

Almost the same face as Kudo Yusaku, but with two more moustaches, it is the first generation of Kaito Kidd, and the father of Kuroba Kaito, Kuroba Thief One.

The black feather thief glanced sharply, faintly exuding a more indifferent and terrifying aura than gin, but that was not effective for Qiye.

Regardless of the momentum of the black feather thief, Qiye looked at the gin, a touch of playfulness aroused in the corner of his mouth, and said, "I didn't expect that you actually made a clone."

Yes, it is a clone!

On that Porsche 356A, it was a clone of Gin that was killed together with Rum, which was indeed unexpected at the beginning of Qiye.

As far as power levels are concerned, the world of Conan is definitely a low-level world. Although there are drugs like APTX-4869, the overall power and technological level of this world are basically the same as the real world.

It was precisely because of this preconceived notion that Qi Ye had decided early in the morning that there was only one gin and no clone.

It was also because of this idea that when the gin was bombed to death, Qiye's instinct and reality had conflicting results.

I don't believe that gin would die so easily, but the body is real.

Cloning technology!

This technology is basically the same as nuclear physics, and countries with a bit of strength are doing this, whether it is in the real world or in this world.

The most famous product of cloning technology is the cloned sheep Dolly.

As for the cloning of human beings, let’s not say whether there are any results. Even if there is, I would definitely not dare to show them. After all, the cloning of human beings is really against the human relationship.

And if the cloning of humans is completely mastered, what day will a crazy scientist be able to clone a bunch of national leaders?

At that time, one hundred American presidents will be cloned out, and their DNA will still be the same. Isn't the world chaotic?!

So even if some countries or organizations have mastered the technology of human cloning, they dare not get it on the table.

The organization holds top-level biotechnology, such as APTX-4869, which can rejuvenate people, so it is normal to be able to master cloning technology.

But maybe that kind of clone is not perfect, otherwise it won't take so long to get a clone of gin.

The long time, the high cost, and the extremely low cloning success rate may all be the reasons why the organization cannot clone in large numbers.

The black feather thief narrowed his eyes, looked at Qiye, and said, "I didn't expect it? How did you do that as a substitute for Keir?"

Heiyu Thief seems to be a little bit distrustful of Qiye’s unexpected statement. He had already obtained information from the clone of the gin. The real Kiel had already been topped up, and during this time in the organization, All are just puppets.

In this world, the black feather thief couldn't think of how to create such a puppet besides using clones.

"You said that, it's very simple, that's it."

Qiye snapped his fingers, and a shadow clone of him was immediately separated by his side, and then the shadow clone got a seal and became the main hall Yinghai, which is the appearance of Keir.

"The general principle is like this, but the one arranged next to you is a bit more advanced, but I made a clone of a dead person, and it can probably be interpreted as a dead person's puppet."

Qiye held her cheek in one hand, flipped her hand in the air, holding a handful of cold kunai.

"But this low-level shadow clone will disappear as long as it receives a fatal attack, just like this."

Qiye backhanded Kuwu into the body of the shadow clone, and the shadow clone immediately banged, turned into a cloud of white smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

The eyes of Ginjiu and Heiyu Pioneer went wide, and then they changed back to an indifferent look. Heiyu Pirate looked at Qiye and said, "It seems that you are indeed a demon king!"

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