Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 795

That kind of bizarre power is definitely not something humans can have in the eyes of the black feather thief. The only explanation, although it seems absurd, but it is a very reasonable explanation, that is, Qiye is like his code name, it is a Devil.

"Haha, it's okay."

Qiye smiled indifferently, and looked at the black feather thief, and said, "However, I still have some doubts that you need to answer, black feather thief."

"Oh, what is it?"

Qiye sat slantingly, tossing the kunai in his hand up and down, and said: "The true purpose of the organization."

Qiye asked in such a direct and unconcealed manner, the black feather thief flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said: "Our organization was founded half a century ago. As for the purpose, Shirley is by your side. I don't think you can guess anything. Come on."

"APTX-4869? You probably guessed a little too. You are going to resurrect someone."

"That's right!" The look on the black feather thief's face became a little savage and crazy, and said: "We just want to resurrect that lord! And then reproduce the glory of the year!!"

"The lord?" Qiye smiled with contempt. "I can ask, who is the real identity of that lord?"

The craziness on the black feather thief's face calmed down, and his hands that had grasped the arm of the chair because of the mood swings also relaxed, and said coldly: "Tell me your guess, Devil."

Qiye grinned open the corners of her mouth, revealed a mouthful of white teeth, and coldly spit out a figure who was definitely a demon king in the last century.

"Adolf Hitler!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Three-Crazy!!

Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany in the last century, was also the main enemy of World War II.

Hitler was the head of the German Nazi Party and a central figure in World War II and genocide policy.

In the Second World War, it quickly occupied the entire Europe by means of blitz, and also occupied some other regions such as the Middle East. It must be said that Nazi Germany was indeed very powerful at that time.

Hitler was a crazy dictator, but he did give a great boost to the development of Germany at the time.

As the old saying goes, if God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy.

In 1941, the German army attacked the Soviet Union. After the defeat of Stalingrad in one of the most famous battles in the history of World War II, with the landing of Normandy planned by the Allies, the German army began to lose streak and retreat and eventually went to ruin.

On May 8, 1945, Soviet and Polish forces conquered Berlin. Germany announced its unconditional surrender. On September 2 of its childhood, Japan signed a letter of surrender, marking the end of World War II.

The end of World War II, that is, the end of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany) was in 1945, which is the middle of the last century. According to the time cycle of Conan World, it is still the beginning of the twentieth century, and the time gap is exactly half. The century corresponds to the time the organization was established for about half a century.

Hitler is one of the most famous figures in the last century, and his life and death are basically international events.

Whether Hitler died, when, where, how he died, these are questions that have always existed, and there is no definite answer in the 21st century.

A surprise and cold light flashed in the eyes of the black feather thief. Obviously, Qiye guessed correctly, and the purpose of the organization was to resurrect the lunatic, Adolf Hitler.

Thinking about it now, this organization was probably established by the remnants of the Third Reich. Back then, during the Second World War, Japan was also on the Nazi side.

"It's a shame that you have such perseverance, just to revive that lunatic."

Qiye supported his head with one hand, and smiled indifferently, such a big organization, which has been in business for half a century, only to revive the lunatic, and according to the current development level of the drug, I am afraid it is still not enough. , I really have to say that these guys are really geniuses.

"Everything we do is to resurrect the Führer. We must not be disrupted by you. You must die here today!"

The black feather thief looked crazy, and then quickly pressed a red button under the arm of the chair.


With a few sounds of mechanism activation, the ground underneath the black feather thief's seat suddenly cracked, and his whole body sank with his chair, and the gin did not hesitate, and jumped directly into the crack on the ground. .


After the gin and the black feather pirates escaped, the flaps were closed immediately. The two metal plates were tightly seamed, and there was no trace of connection at all, as if such a complete alloy plate was originally poured. .


The surrounding headlights lit up. This is a very wide place, half the size of a football field, similar to a laboratory.

The interior of the laboratory is full of the highest grade titanium alloys. It is very difficult to explode this place even with high explosives. Obviously, the research results here are absolutely not to be leaked.

With the headlights on here, the secrets hidden here can't be concealed.

In the entire laboratory, there are a dozen two-meter-high transparent glass barrels filled with green and transparent liquid, and in that liquid, humans with closed eyes are immersed.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk... it's amazing."

Qiye let out a sigh, without the anxious feeling of being "caught" at all, watching the things around that only appear in science fiction movies.

A dozen or so clones were basically immersed in those green liquids, large and small, some seem to be stunted.

The development of more than a dozen clones can be described as good and bad. The largest looks like an adult, while the smallest looks like a child of one or two years old.

One of the culture barrels was empty, but there was no dust. It was probably opened not long ago. It should be the clone of the gin that fooled Qiye's eyes.

In the remaining culture barrels, there are also Qiye acquaintances, such as a gin soaked in it, and two clones of Shuichi Akai.

However, the two Akai Hideichi seem to be obviously a few sizes smaller than the original version, and they are probably still underdeveloped unfinished products.

"What do you want to do next?"

Qiye raised her head and said to the ceiling, which was also made of titanium alloy. He knew that Kuroba Thief and Gin would definitely hear him.

"Kill me here and starve me to death, or kill me by some other means, or..."

Qiye prolonged her voice, her lips curled up with an indifferent smile, "Are you trying to make a clone of me?"

Humans will have metabolism. Every day the body will lose some hair, dead skin and the like, which will contain their DNA, but Qiye will not have that situation, so he has to get his DNA unless he wants to. .

Moreover, even if Qiye's cells are obtained, if he wants to cultivate his clones, the energy required is not that big in terms of his cell activity.

"Devil, now you go to hell and become a real devil!!"

In the laboratory, the crazy voice of the black feather thief echoed everywhere, and the mechanism was activated immediately, the ceiling of the laboratory began to drop, and the ground began to rise, it was clear that Qiye was crushed.


The culture barrel used for culturing clones burst because it could not withstand the huge pressure, and the green culture fluid inside flowed out, and the unfinished clones, because they were not "activated", all fell to the ground.

The organization spent a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate several clones, this time they are all going to be here, and it can be seen that the black feather thief is about to take Qiye's life this time.

"Oh, what a pity, I didn't plan to die here with this group of things."

Qiye smiled indifferently, "Even if I get to hell, I wouldn't be able to stand it without beautiful women, hehehe..."

Qiye raised his right hand, and a cyan spiral pill was condensed in his hand. This world was on the verge of ending, and his power beyond ordinary people would gradually be revealed in this world.

The ceiling slowly sank, and the cyan wind ball in Qiye's hand reflected the weird smile on his face.

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