Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 796

"Dayu spiral pill!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Four-Biochemical Man?

Daiyu Helix Maru is an S-level ninjutsu that compresses high concentration of energy. In this low-strength world, even if scientific civilization, titanium alloys are somewhat difficult to withstand the devastation of Daiyu Helix Maru, and a hole is opened.

Qiye raised her other hand at the same time and smiled coldly.

"Dayu Helix Lianwan!"

Qiye controlled the energy of the two big jade spiral pills to not explode. The two big jade spiral pills were like two high-power drill bits, drilling through the super thick titanium alloy.

Qiye leaped forward and jumped out of the big hole, and below, the titanium alloy ceiling and the ground merged together with a dull bang.

"Oh, what a pity."

Qiye dissipated the big jade spiral pill in her hand, and smiled lightly and jokingly in her mouth: "Kuroba Pirate One, gin wine, and any other methods, please use it."



The answer to Qiye was the violent explosion in the entire aisle, and the explosives in the surrounding walls were detonated. These were probably the last resort after being found here, to detonate the entire base, but it was probably not there yet. One step, so only part of the explosive was detonated. After all, besides those clones, there are many precious research materials that cannot be easily given up.

Gin and Hideichi Akai were in the same room, looking at the smoke-shrouded image on the screen.

A few bombs can take care of the Demon King, and neither Gin Wine nor Black Feather Thief can believe it.

The security level of this base is probably not worse than that of the White House. All the explosives buried here must be detonated to completely blow it up. The bomb that was detonated just now was just drizzle.

"I said, you two are too cruel."

Qiye's voice suddenly rang behind Ginjiu and Kuroba Thief, and said, "It's wrong to make so much smoke and destroy the environment."

In other words, are you qualified to say that others damage the environment?

However, in this case, Kuroba Thief and Ginjiu could not go to Tucao Qiye, holding the unified idea of ​​"Today must kill this devil", Kuroba Thief and Gin immediately turned around and shot.

Kuroba Thief and Gin's skills are equivalent, and they are considered top-level guys in this world, but the problem is that it's just this world.

Qiye stood there casually, letting bullets hit him. It didn't hurt or itchy. If it was his favorite gun, eggplant, it would be worth seeing. As for ordinary pistols, it wasn't enough.

"This kind of little toy is useless to me, let's change it to something fresh."

After hearing the firing needle from the pistol, which represented the end of the bullet, Qiye couldn't help but said jokingly.

As soon as the black feather thief gritted his teeth, his eyes immediately became crazy, and there was a squeaking sound from his body.

Kuroba Thief’s body began to swell, his upper body looked like a Hulk, and his muscles swelled like a hill. In just a few seconds, Kuroba Thief’s body became like an adult giant bear. strong.

Such an unreasonable body grew bigger and broke the clothes of Kuroba Thief. The sound was made by the fabric of the clothes being cracked, because this world would not have the "body grows bigger" like in the Dragon Ball world. The clothes will not split dozens of times."

Of course, Kuroba Thief’s pants will not be broken. This is the theorem of the second dimension.

Don’t you see, in Dragon Ball GT, after Kakarot blocked an evil dragon bullet of Super Star Dragon, are the pants still intact?

Therefore, the greatest person in the world is the tailor who made Kakarott pants!

Far away~~

After the black feather thief's body became huge, his body exuded a breath of killing like a beast, and the reason in his eyes was gradually disappearing, showing the ferocity of a beast.

Qiye raised her eyebrows and said, "Is this a biohazard? Then, for gin, you should have something similar."

Gin smiled coldly at Qi Yeyin, and said, "The devil, this time you have been fooled again, because the one that was blown up in the car is the real gin, and I am his clone! !"

Clone Gin roared wildly, and his body grew abnormally like Black Feather Thief. Under Qiye's slightly surprised gaze, Clone Gin turned into a monster close to three meters tall.

"It seems that I really failed. I will be fooled by a clone."

Qiye reluctantly complained to herself, with a hint of chill in her eyes, looking at the monster cloned gin, and said: "So, what are you going to do?"

Although Clone Gin still maintains some inspiration, the animality of the beast still affects him, his mouth is wide open, saliva slips from the corner of his mouth, and he looks frantically at Qiye.

"I want to tear you apart! As long as I kill you, I can prove that I am stronger than gin!!!"

Clone Gin roared frantically, expressing the purpose of his existence now.

Qiye sighed helplessly in her heart, surpassing the original version. This is probably the goal of many replicas. This is the case in front of us. The super dream in the Pokemon world is also the same, and the replica Lei in the show The same is true for Zang, which is surprisingly the same.

"Kill me?" Qiye raised her head proudly, and said, "If you have the ability, come and have a try."


Heiyu Thief One and Clone Gin roar at the same time, eyes filled with crazy red light, and they rushed towards Qiye.

After the mutation of the black feather thief, it is no longer something that can be called a hand... the nails grow longer and directly form claws. The blue veins on the back of the hand are like a horned dragon. The joints also transmit immense power, all grabbing towards Qiye’s head Come here.

Qiye turned sideways, letting Kuroyu Thiefichi's quick attack pass.


The black feather thief grabbed one of his claws on the wall behind. The wall made of reinforced concrete and mixed with broken steel was actually caught by the black feather thief one by one with a big hole. It was replaced by an ordinary person. If you catch it, you must be pierced.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's amazing." Qiye exclaimed. In this world, it is really amazing to have such power. This is ten times or more power of a mature man.

With the idea that "killing the devil can surpass the gin", the cloned gin roared, with a dark light shining from its claws, taking Qiye's heart straight.

Qiye also wanted to see where the strengths of cloned gin and black feather thief who had become biochemicals were, so they didn't immediately kill the killer, but deal with them.

Qiye drew a dagger from her arms and placed it across her chest, blocking the claw of Clone Gin.


After Clone Gin’s claws collided with Qiye’s titanium alloy dagger, they made a metal scream. Facing the sharp blade, Gin’s claws were not cut off, which compromised Qiye’s treatment of these two guys. The strength is higher.


Clone Gin's sanity was gradually swallowed, and his power became stronger and stronger, his claws exerted force, his black claws actually cut open the dagger in Qiye's hand bit by bit.

Qiye's eyes flashed, and a gust of wind came in the back of his head, and he immediately lowered his body. The cloned gin and the black feather thief who attacked from behind could not dodge, and his claws caught on the opponent's body.


The claws of Clone Jinjiu and Black Feather Thief caught each other's body, but there was no bloody scene, but a lot of sparks were shot out.

"It's really incredible strength." Qiye looked at her hand, was caught four holes, and almost broke the titanium alloy dagger, said with some surprise, "And the defense is also very strong, this Now... it's time to play."

Qiye showed a playful and interested smile...

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