Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 798

It's cool to think of it~~

Of course, if they have the determination of Raiking to "cut off the arm directly touched by Amaterasu", or if they can still have that kind of thinking ability, it will be a little troublesome.

Kuroyu Thief and Clone Gin only had the last trace of reason left. Qiye's sudden change and dark, gloomy and evil eyes made them feel dangerous.


As soon as the black feather thief uttered a loud roar, he probably couldn't speak now.


Cloned Ginjiu also roared and rushed towards Qiye, while Kuroba Thief rushed in another direction.

This renewed interest in Qiye's eyes, and wanted to see what Kuroba Pirate I was doing.

After another playful Qiye, she withdrew the idea of ​​releasing Amaterasu immediately, while avoiding the crazy attack of Clone Gin, while watching what Kuroba Pirate would do.

In between, the black feather thief rushed straight to the wall, and then banged up with his fist.

A big hole was exposed in the poor concrete wall in an instant, and inside was a safe. The current Black Feather Thief obviously couldn't open the safe with a password, so he could only grab it with his claws.


At the cost of two broken nails, the black feather thief forcibly opened the safe and took out a metal box about the size of a brick.

As soon as the black feather thief opened the box, there were a few syringes inside, which were already filled with purple liquid medicine.

If you look at it this way, Qiye doesn't know what's in it, after all, she can't see the molecules with her white eyes and the writing wheel eyes.

The black feather thief took two syringes, relaxed his muscles, and directly stuck it on his arm, injected the purple liquid medicine into his body, and then threw the rest to Clone Gin.

Qiye didn't stop it when they were curious about what they were going to do, but watched their movements in time.

However, what surprises Qiye is that after the injection of the purple liquid medicine, the bodies of Kuroba Thief and Cloned Gin actually shriveled and restored to their original level. The heads of the original cloned Gin had black The wound on Yu Pioneer's chest that hadn't fully healed had already healed.

But what is even more strange is that after the wound healed, Qiye actually felt that the vitality that was originally in Kuroba Thief and Clone Ginjiu was fading fast.

Approximately ten years of life elapsed in one second, calculated based on the 120-year-old limit of human life, even a newborn baby, at this rate, there will be no twelve ticks.

With the passing of vitality, the appearance of the two who had just returned to normal began to become abnormal again.

His complexion began to turn pale, even scarier than the paleness without blood, just like after countless years of baptism, the gray concrete wall, cold and dry, without any trace of life.

The eyeballs of the two of them also began to change, and their pupils seemed to have dissolved. The two pairs of eyes were left with only a lifeless grayish white, which was really scarier than white eyes.

The hair also turned into a gray color, and there was no trace of living things.

The vitality of Kuroba Thief I and Clone Gin flew quickly, and within a few seconds, the two experienced a change that I don't know whether to use evolution or metamorphosis to describe them.

Both eyes turned completely off-white. Unlike white eyes, the traces of pupils can be slightly seen when used. In those two pairs of white eyes, no emotion can be seen, and it seems that they have completely lost their humanity. Conscious.

The injury on his body had healed, but he stood there in a weird posture, with his mouth wide open, making an unconscious roar.

The cheeks seemed to be sunken after a long time without eating, and the exposed skin also began to crack, exuding a rancid smell.

"Damn, you two became zombies." Qiye looked at Kuroyu Thiefichi and Ginjiu silently. Although they can still see the original appearance, they are the same as the zombies in the movie and the dead bodies in the academy's apocalypse. It's basically the same.

Heiyu Thief I and Clone Gin made a weird cry, like the zombies in movies and TV, rushing towards Qiye in a very strange posture, although the posture is strange, but the speed is abnormally fast, faster than the monster just now.

"I really want to stir-fry the leeks." Qiye said nonsensically, while quickly dodge the attack of the two zombies. Then, using the left leg as the axis, the whole body rotated, and the right leg kicked with the force of a siege hammer. Kuroba Thiefichi's chest was touched.


The black feather thief's chest sank immediately, his whole body arched backward, shrank like a shrimp, and then flew out.

Qiye looked sharp, took out a grenade from her arms, and after pulling off the tab, she immediately put it into the mouth of the yelling Clone Gin, and then kicked him in the stomach, leaving him alone. Go.

Then, Qiye squatted down and stuffed her ears with her fingers, as if she was waiting for fireworks.


The grenade exploded directly in Clone Gin's mouth, and when the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Qiye was a little surprised to see the cloned Gin after the zombieization.

The cloned gin with a grenade was stuffed directly in the mouth. The whole head did not explode like a watermelon, but only the chin was blown off. There were some small holes in the head that were exploded by the steel balls and shell fragments from the grenade explosion. Those injuries are recovering quickly.

After the zombieization, the power and speed have been improved, and even the recovery ability has become stronger, but it will lose all the reason and humanity, and completely become an immortal zombie.

Pursuing immortality, and even resurrecting from the dead, ended up becoming something that is immortal?It's ironic.

After trying to understand all of this, he officially no longer had any thoughts to play, so he avoided the attack of Kuroba Thiefichi, and then rushed to the console and pressed the detonation button.

As I said before, there are a lot of explosives buried in this base, and now Qiye calls them to detonate them completely.


The huge explosion, the amount of explosives calculated in tons, and the huge power that exploded in one breath, caused an ultra-violent vibration within a radius of ten miles, like a magnitude nine earthquake.

Countless soil, crushed stones, and metal fragments were blown up in the air, and then all crushed by the blast wave to a degree of indistinguishable detail by the naked eye.

Standing in the sky, Qiye smiled and looked at the "beautiful fireworks", and said: "Let's make these fireworks more beautiful, just as a gorgeous funeral for you."

Thinking of this, ten chakra tails floated behind Qiye, and then all those long tails bent forward and gathered in front of Qiye.

Qiye raised her hands, and together with the ten tails, gathered a black sphere in front of her.

"Go, Tail Beast Jade!"

The black tail beast jade flew to the center of the explosion. After the explosion waves ignited, the extremely compressed energy in the tail beast jade burst out directly.

In the bright white light of the explosion, a black light flashed, and immediately, a huge black energy ball spread, swallowing the explosion wave that was still spreading before, and gained even more powerful power.

Because of the positive pressure wave of the explosion, everything around was pushed out by the powerful tail beast jade, and then the center of the explosion became a vacuum. Then, the negative pressure wave absorbed all the things that were pushed out to the center of the explosion. , Like a black hole.

Qiye looked at the original base site of a huge tiankeng that had been transformed into a huge tiankeng due to two explosions, and the small black ball in the center that had gathered a lot of energy. He irresponsibly threw a spiral shuriken in the past, and then turned around people.

But what Qiye didn't know was that a few hours after he left, the dusty ground loosened slightly.

Chapter 787-Looking forward to the end!

After Qiye destroyed the most important base of the Black Organization, under the joint attack of the FBI, the CIA and the Japanese police, the dens of the organization were all swept away within half a month with the fall of autumn leaves.

A large number of members of the organization were arrested, and only two or three kittens and puppies escaped, which is nothing to worry about.

Suddenly, such a large organization was dropped. Both the Japanese police and the United States were excited. After all, an organization that had existed for more than half a century was finally wiped out. This made everyone very happy.

James, Judy, Shuichi Akai, and Emi of the main hall, who were mainly responsible for this mission, were given a long period of paid leave after submitting the report.

Although the organization has been wiped out, the FBI clearly has no plans to deal with the existence of the Demon King Qiye. Could they have nothing to do when they were full.

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