Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 799

First, Japan is not the territory of their FBI, so if they want to take any major actions, they must first obtain permission from the Japanese side, but Japan is the territory of Seven Nights.

Gaocheng, Toxic Island, and Suzuki, the strength of these three companies in Japan can allow the FBI to carefully weigh it. After all, there is a Pacific Ocean far away, and no matter how powerful the United States is, the radiation will also have a range.

The second point is that although Qiye committed many crimes in the United States, except for Yusaku Kudo, the other killers were basically politicians. Politicians. Basically, even if Qiye didn’t kill him, he might still be killed the next day. Who killed it.

And Qiye didn't kill the American president, and the current Mr. President has not given an order to capture the killer demon, so the FBI can't commit a thousand mountains and rivers, and ran to the demon king.

Another point is that Qiye kills all politicians, and the presidential candidates are also politicians.

The closer you are to the peak of power, the more you will be assassinated. This is a normal thing. In those days, on the mountain that reached the peak of power in the world, several people fell from the top and broke their bones. .

It's not an idiot of the FBI, and even thinking about whether the current Mr. President had hired this demon at that time, and now he can become their biggest boss.

Of course, they just think about this kind of thinking and say it...hehe, they haven't lived enough yet.

Therefore, to sum up, Nanya, the devil, can still live his happy life in Japan, completely ignoring the unwilling idea of ​​Kudo Shinichi, a rookie who just joined the FBI.

Kudo Shinichi is the original master of this world, but when the world has been messed up by Qiye, without everything to rely on, Kudo Shinichi, who can only seek FBI protection in the end, is just a kid.

Even if he has good abilities and passed the FBI test and became an FBI agent, but a little rookie with no connections and no background, in the FBI, who cares about his opinion?

After all, the right to speak is in the hands of a small number of people. Under the idea that there is no benefit to chasing the devil, but if you please the devil, you may still be able to cooperate." Shinichi Kudo’s sense of justice has directly turned into fart. .

While Qiye was enjoying the wine, food and beauties at ease, she did not forget the world that was riddled with by him.

This world itself is Qiye used his power to merge the two worlds of "Detective Conan" and "School Apocalypse" into a mutant world.

Originally, even if the academy’s apocalypse was a recently popular anime, compared to Conan, who has ten thousand years of elementary school students, he has checked a lot in terms of length and popularity, so the luck of the famous detective Conan’s world has been stable. The academy’s apocalypse has been written, which also makes the end of the academy’s apocalypse have been delayed.

However, when the organization collapsed and the ten thousand years of elementary school students returned to their original state, the luck of Conan's world may have come to an end, and the Apocalypse of the Academy finally gained the upper hand, and the end was about to come.

Knowing this very well, Qiye, who can probably guess the cause of the doomsday outbreak, did not forget to prepare for the doomsday when he was nostalgic in the flowers and was covered with petals flying every day.

In terms of force, there is nothing to prepare, but Qiye has been secretly buying a lot of food and living supplies recently and storing them in the divine space.

When the doomsday comes, Qiye does not expect the electricity in this world to remain the same. In that case, other things are fine, but the vegetables and meat in the supermarket will quickly decay due to lack of refrigeration. You can’t eat, and Qiye can’t commit to using a kaleidoscope to write round eyes to reverse time and space for those things, so simply buy all the things you need in advance and throw them into the divine space.

Anyway, Shenwei has become a self-contained space of Qiye, and the laws inside are determined by him. As long as the time in the Shenwei space does not flow, he can store a large amount of food and daily necessities before the end.

Even when the doomsday comes, you still have to live well and enjoy the rare doomsday scenery~~

This is Qiye's very speechless thoughts. What he thinks is definitely not how to stop the end, but how to live his comfortable life when the end comes.

Relatively speaking, the doomsday is still good for Qiye.

First, the doomsday comes, the world collapses, and without the restraint of laws and morals, the sins in human hearts will burst out.

Whether it’s movies, TV, or in the apocalypse of the academy, when the doomsday comes and zombies are rampant, except for the protagonist and a group of people, the remaining survivors become violent and brutal, ignoring the previous laws and doing It's all normal to behave like a beast.

So by that time, although the number of surviving humans will be much smaller than it is now, the intoxicating sins hovering in the sky of this world, I'm afraid it will increase unabated.

For Qiye, who lives by sin, this is really good news.

Second, it's for the woman from Dudao Kongzi.

At home, a group of younger women have always thought of the existence as the eldest sister, even Belmode had to marvel at the innate leadership ability of the drug island and the share of the Yamato Nadeko. Gentle temperament.

However, in the entire family, apart from Qiye and Dudao Tongzi himself, I am afraid that no one knows the evil hidden under the gentle appearance.

The violent factor hidden under the beautiful and gentle appearance of Dudao Suizi, she has great joy and pleasure in killing ~ Slaughter, this is the secret of Qiye and Dudao Suizi.

Desire ~ Hope is like a flood, it can be sparse but not blocked. This is the principle Qiye has always believed in, so he has not changed the tyrannical factor in Dudao Kongzi's mind, but from time to time, he secretly took Dudao Kongzi out to kill people. , So that in Japan, except Tokyo, headless public cases have blown out everywhere.

However, if the doomsday comes, the poison island can completely vent the desire to kill in his heart.

From the perspective that psychology affects physiology, when the doomsday comes, the streets are full of zombies, and the poison island can take good care of the desires that are not vented in the week~ I hope to vent cleanly, so whether it is psychological or physical All of them are very good.

Therefore, while living a happy (sexual blessing) life, Qiye, a brain pumped fellow, is looking forward to the end of the day.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty-eight-the end is coming!

The wind is beautiful, the flowers are scented, and now in Tokyo, Japan at the end of March and early April, Japan’s national flower, the cherry blossoms, is blooming at this season. The warm breeze is blowing the pink cherry blossoms, and the cherry blossoms are everywhere, and the petals are flying all over the sky. Peaceful and beautiful scenes.

In the classroom of Class B of the second year of Didan High School, he was more than 50 years old, his hair was already Mediterranean, and he looked like a poached egg-like history teacher, talking endlessly about the boring content of this class.

History has always been a course that most students don't like, this stuff is really boring to a state.

The second lady of the Suzuki chaebol, Suzuki Sonoko, was sitting in the window seat, staring out the window blankly. Obviously, the old fellow Rory on the podium didn't get a word into her ear.

Looking at the cherry blossom petals flying in the sky outside the window, the boring right hand in the garden was playing a flower job that ninety percent of the students would play, turning pens.

This is probably a stunt of the garden. Her skill in turning the pen is very high. The pen is like a stylus, and her fingers are strong magnets. No matter how she shakes it or turns the pen, it won’t Will be out of her control, and this is done unconsciously.

I have to say, this nymphomaniac eldest lady, it's pretty good to play some of these and none.


Yuanzi hummed, her eyes found the focus, as if she had discovered something, and made her let out an unconscious whisper.

The teaching building is not far from the school gate, so from the perspective of the garden, you can clearly see the gate.


A middle-aged man with a pale face, a weird posture, a wide open mouth, and a lack of expression in his eyes, was using his body to constantly hit the iron gate that had been closed during school.(School=Prison)

Feeling the strange garden, I took a peek at the long-winded old man on the podium, and then from the drawer, she took out a mini single-scope telescope she brought for fun, probably like a dozen coins stacked up Height and diameter.

Closed his right eye, placed the telescope in front of his left eye, and then skillfully adjusted the focus with one hand, the picture at the gate gradually became clear in Yuanzi's eyes.

At the gate, the movement of the man crashing was of course let the security guard at the gate know. After several persuasion was invalid, the security notified several teachers to come over.

A mature woman with red hair and glasses, looking very serious, with a strong man, who should be a physical education teacher, and two uniforms, who are school workers from Didan High School.

Both of those teachers knew each other. One was Teshima, which was responsible for teaching physical education. Not long after he came to Didan High School, his personality was a bit impulsive, but he was quite popular among students.

As for the other one, Kobayashi, the grade director, is very strict, and they heard that she has no husband in her thirties, so they secretly called her to exterminate Shitai.

Teacher Xiao Lin is probably used to training students. He walked to the door, pushed his glasses, and said, "Who are you? Do you know that such a collision is wrong? Don't mess around!"

The man who was hitting the door obviously didn't, and couldn't listen to Teacher Xiaolin's words.


The girl sitting in the front of the garden leaned back on the back of the chair and made a small crash, seeming to attract the garden’s attention, and then threw a paper ball from the front onto the garden’s table. Obviously she felt Very boring.

History class is so boring, and ten students don’t like it. It’s really a torture to let the lively and active and Ye An sit here quietly for a class.

Yuanzi's attention shifted from what happened at the gate, looking at the paper ball thrown by Ye and after it was opened.

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