Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 800

Now, Yuanzi, where to go for lunch at noon.

You don’t have to go to the cafeteria to have lunch at school. You can bring your own lunch. You can also go out of school at noon and eat elsewhere, as long as you come back before class in the afternoon.

Yuanzi leaned on the table, moved his head forward, lowered his voice, and let Heye hear him again, saying, "It seems that something is going to happen."

He Ye was stunned. The small face that was lacking in interest because of the history class suddenly became a little excited. He leaned back and said, "What happened?"

Yuanzi secretly took a telescope and handed it to Heye, and said, "Look at the gate."

He Ye took the binoculars, ignored the old Mediterranean man, and looked at the school gate.

—————————— The dividing line of the gate————————

Seeing that the man "never listened to advice", the strong and impulsive physical education teacher Teshima immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked to the door, saying, "Forget it, Mr. Kobayashi, let me take care of it."

At this time, the camera cut to the back of the man, and saw that there was a terrifying blood hole at the position of his left back waist. If you saw this, Mr. Teshima would probably know that things were not easy.

Teshima's hand passed through the iron door, and directly grabbed the man's collar, and pulled hard, the man directly hit the iron door.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Teshima, please don't use violence."


When Teacher Xiao Lin spoke out to persuade Tejima, the man who was caught by Tejima suddenly grabbed Tejima's arm and bit it down in one bite.

He bit off Teshima’s ulnar artery, and a large amount of blood spewed out. Because of the severe pain, Teshima fell to the ground, like a fish out of the water, constantly jumping, but within a few seconds , Just rolled his eyes and died.

"Dead, how come, such a small wound?!" Teacher Xiao Lin looked at Tejima and said incredulously. In just a few seconds, just by being bitten, one person died in front of him. This is in a peaceful age. , It is really amazing.

Just when Teacher Xiaolin, the security guard at the gate, and two school workers hadn't recovered from the surprise of the dead, Tejima's fingers jumped slightly, his eyes opened again, and he stood up again dangling.

"Huh~~" The security guard at the gate breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to have a good relationship with Tejima. He kicked Tejima in the past and said, "Teshima, pretending to be scary but you will be struck by lightning!"

With his eyes turned up, Teshima suddenly grabbed the guard's hand, and then bit his neck in one bite, just like when an African lion was hunting, bite off the throat of the prey.


He and Ye put down the monoculars and glanced at the garden behind her. The colors of both of them were a little whitish, and they had the same thought in their hearts.

This time something really happened!!

Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine-Going to Go

Yuanzi and Heye’s small faces were scared white by the scene at the school’s gate. They instinctively felt a huge crisis. Thinking about it this way, they didn’t care about the long-winded old man on the podium. Rushed out of the classroom.

Yuanzi and Heye went directly to the second-year Class A next door, and called out all three of their sisters, including Saya, who was originally studying in this class, and Qingzi and Hongzi who had transferred here.

Everyone will have their own small group when they are in school, and these are the most beautiful girls with the most status in Didan High School, because of the connection of Qiye, of course they all come together.

"Yuanzi, suddenly called us out, what happened?"

Hongzi looked strangely at Yuanzi and Heye, whose expressions were obviously wrong, and suddenly called the three of them out during class. This was the first time.

Yuanzi hasn’t recovered from the scene I saw just now. Hearing Hongzi’s question, he took a few deep breaths and looked around. Because it was class time, there were only five of them in the corridor. That's it.

Yuanzi suppressed her chaotic heartbeat and told the scene that he and Ye had just seen. After listening to Yuanzi's description, Qingzi, Hongzi and Saya's first reaction was not to believe it.

A person hit the door of Emperor Dan for no reason, and then bit a teacher, just bit his arm, and died a few seconds later, and after a few seconds, the dead teacher got up again. Biting someone else, this is almost like a scene in a zombie movie, it is really hard for the three to believe.

This is not to blame for them, after all, this kind of thing is not a normal reaction if you don't see it with your own eyes.

In addition, Yuanzi and Heye are naughty girls, who often play pranks, which makes their words less credible.

"What I said is true!"

Yuanzi emphasized loudly that there were tears in the corner of her eyes. What she said was true, but she didn't know how to convince her sisters that she felt that something big would happen today, and she couldn't let her sisters have trouble.

Her expression made Saya, Qingzi and Hongzi believe some, after all, the tears were real.

Hongzi pondered for a while, looked at Yuanzi, and said, "Yuanzi, let me see your memory."

Yuanzi nodded immediately, closed his eyes, and waited for Hongzi's actions.

Hongzi took out one from her arms, and drew the charms she carried on her body. The red magic power emerged from her body and gathered on her fingers.

Hongzi put the spell on Yuanzi's forehead, and did not leave the spell with his fingers. This looks like a scene in the movie where a Taoist sticks a talisman to suppress zombies, but it is a spell Hongzi used to spy on others' hearts.

Of course, prying into the hearts of others is a very profound knowledge, and Hongzi is also risky. If you encounter someone with strong mental power, Hongzi may be backlashed and become an idiot.

And this also requires a quiet environment. Everyone is in class now. If get out of class is over, it will not work when it is messy.

With Yuanzi relaxed, Hongzi easily entered her consciousness and saw the memories of Yuanzi, which was like a zombie movie, but it was a real scene that made Hongzi immediately open his eyes, Horrified.

"Believe it now." Yuanzi tore off the charm on his head, some of which lost his sense, looked at Hongzi, and said, "What should we do now?"

Although they are both family ladies, Yuanzi and Hongzi have different education. As the only heir to the red magic, if there is a future, Hongzi will definitely inherit the Koizumi clan, which is totally indistinguishable from the wealthy family. Miss's garden is different.

Hongzi was more calm and composed than Yuanzi, although he saw the scene "with his own eyes" from Yuanzi's memory, he did not panic, but thought calmly.

At this moment, Didan's campus radio rang.

"Teachers and classmates, there has been a madman attack in the school, please go to the gymnasium immediately and repeat...Ah! No! Don’t do anything, don’t bite me!!!"

Halfway through the broadcast, it turned into a screaming scream and howling of unknown meaning. When I looked at the radio station, bright red blood sprayed on the white wall.

The entire emperor pill seemed to be stuck in time, and time stopped flowing.

As the saying goes, if you don't erupt in silence, you die in silence.

After ten seconds of silence, all the students panicked and screamed. The originally quiet and peaceful campus suddenly became a place where riots occurred.

The number of two to three thousand students in Didan High School all rushed to the corridors and stairs. It was a very terrible thing. Even if some teachers were organizing the students' order, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket and could not control the riots in the entire school.

Two to three thousand people, all squeezed up the stairs, without being bitten by zombies, just trampled on them, and many people died.

"Let’s go find Kengzi first, Li and Mira and the three of them!"

Hongzi made a judgment, no matter what, first gather all the sisters in Emperor Dan to avoid any danger. Moreover, with the support of Kiko and Rei, their combat power will become very powerful, and Although Ye had practiced Aikido, Hongzi didn't expect her to exert any strength in this situation.

Hongzi asked a few people to hold hands, and then took Qingzi's hand to operate the magic power silently. The red magic power wrapped around the five people, and then flew directly out of the corridor window, flying up two floors.

Qingzi, Hongzi, Heye, Yuanzi and Saya are in the second grade, while Kongzi, Rei and Mila are in the third grade. The senior sisters of the higher grades have higher floors.

I flew directly upstairs from the window. The classroom of Class A of the third year. Because of the chaos, all the students rushed out. The desks and books were all in a mess. It was as if it had been bombed here. , Still holding her love sword Village Amamaru and staying here quietly, she knew that it would be useless to rush out at this time.

"Sister Kong!"

"You are here."

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