While Neji and Hinata were fighting, the secret agents of Sand Village and Sound Village also began to act. Kabuto Yakushi led a dozen Sound Ninja subordinates early in the morning to secretly eliminate many of Konoha's Anbu ninjas, and then put on their costumes and masks and swaggered in the audience seats.

Outside Konoha Village, more than 500 meters away from the high wall of Konoha Village, several Konoha Anbu personnel passed by here for inspection.

One of the Anbu always felt that there was something around, but under the urging of the other companions, he had no choice but to dispel his doubts and continue to inspect elsewhere.

After several Anbu left, the forest here gathered, and many ninjas suddenly appeared.

There were more than a hundred of them, wearing the ninja costumes of Sand Village and Sound Ninja.

A Sand Village senior ninja commanded six Sand Village ninjas to set up a huge psychic summoning array, waiting for orders at any time, ready to summon some kind of psychic beast, and the rest of the ninjas ran quickly towards the wall of Konoha.

In the Chunin Examination Hall in Konoha Village, the second match is about to begin. Kankuro and Aburame Shino are about to fight. The referee also urged them to come down quickly to compete.

Kankuro on the stage was quite distressed. After all, according to their plan, it was imperative to destroy Konoha, and the three of them were also within the plan. They needed to work with their companions to completely disrupt the entire Konoha and cause as much damage as possible, so Kankuro just wanted to preserve his strength.

He didn't know much about the parasitic insects of the Konoha Aburame clan, but he also knew that the so-called insects almost all had a common characteristic, that is, most of them liked to eat plants.

Kankuro's puppets were mainly made of fine wood, plus a small number of metal parts, so he was worried that Aburame Shino's parasitic insects would eat and damage his puppets, then his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced, and he might not even be able to protect himself at that time.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Kankuro, who was standing on the preparation platform, shouted to Shiranui Genma:"Sorry, I give up and don't want to fight anymore!"

The audience was in an uproar when they heard Kankuro's shout, and many people who bet on Kankuro to win shouted that there was a shady deal.

Shiranui Genma was also a little surprised, and asked Kankuro again whether he really gave up. After getting an affirmative answer, he reluctantly announced the winner of this game - Aburame Shino.

Hinata left the stage intact and did not go to the preparation seat, but came to the audience to find Naruto, and Naruto hurriedly asked his wife to sit next to him. Hinata had just sat down here, and the father-in-law Hyuga Hiashi on the other side hurriedly left the stage. It seemed that he went to comfort Neci. In short, he should apologize to Neci and then talk about the true intention of Neci's father back then.

Then, Shiranui Genma announced that Temari and Nara Shikamaru would play in the third match. Shikamaru, who had no fighting spirit to begin with, wanted to give up after seeing Kankuro admit defeat. He looked at Sasuke and muttered,"Why don't I admit defeat too?" Temari on the other side glanced at Shikamaru with disdain, opened her ninja folding fan, fanned a turbulent flow, and then stepped on the folding fan and slowly glided to the side of the field with this turbulent flow.

Looking at Temari with high fighting spirit, Nara Shikamaru suddenly felt a headache. Seeing that

Shikamaru was slow to come down to fight, the audience was also afraid that Shikamaru would surrender without a fight, and they shouted for Shikamaru to go down quickly.

Sasuke on the side saw Shikamaru's hesitation, and directly reached out and grabbed Shikamaru and threw him into the field.

Then Shikamaru relied on his fairly agile body to barely twist his body and land safely intact.

As soon as Shikamaru landed, the audience who had been waiting anxiously for a long time threw all kinds of objects at Shikamaru, such as leftover fruit peels, snack bags, cheering sticks, magazines and comics, and almost buried Shikamaru alive.

Shikamaru's teammate Yamanaka Ino on the stage cheered loudly for Shikamaru, but Choji next to him chewed potato chips and joked disapprovingly:"I thought Shikamaru had given up directly, but even so, Shikamaru should not be able to beat him later.""

"Humph, don't look down on me like that, maybe Shikamaru has some tricks up his sleeve. Shikamaru is so smart, he can always come up with a strategy that allows him to win by surprise."

"Maybe." Choji poured the potato chip crumbs in the bag into his mouth, then blew up the snack bag, pinched the seal and slapped it hard.


A small amount of crumbs flew onto Ino's neck and hair. Ino was furious:"Just eat your food and enjoy it. If you dare to get it on me again, I will throw all your snacks away!"

Choci knew he had made a mistake and apologized repeatedly.

Naruto next to him quietly watched Shikamaru off the field.

He wanted to see how Shikamaru could use his shadow to successfully restrain Temari without the hole he had dug underground in the original work.

Shikamaru at this moment had a pair of dead fish eyes drooping off the field, and he didn't seem to have any motivation at all.

Temari, who was not far away, was very confident in herself and wanted to make a quick decision.

Without waiting for Genma Shiranui to announce the start of the game, she directly picked up the folding fan in her hand and smashed it towards Shikamaru with the fan bone.

Looking at such a fierce momentum, Shikamaru dared not fight back. He took out two kunai and jumped up with all his strength.


Temari violently swept the garbage pile thrown by the audience. When the dust cleared, Temari saw Shikamaru standing with his back against the wall at a height of two meters from the ground.

"Being a Chunin or not doesn't matter to me, but for a man, losing to a woman is absolutely unacceptable."

Temari below was disdainful and opened her folding fan in an instant, fanning a gust of wind to kill Shikamaru.

Suddenly, the gust of wind raged, bringing up dust all over the sky. Shikamaru on the wall was directly destroyed by the strong gust of wind and could not move.


Shikamaru's body turned into a ball of white smoke.

"Hmm, where is the shadow clone?"When Temari saw Shikamaru's shadow clone disappear, she immediately looked around.

In just half a second, she found���Shikamaru's trace was behind the big tree in the shadow area under the wall on the other side.

When Naruto saw that Shikamaru's shadow clone had completely disappeared, a smile appeared on his face. Hinata beside him also saw a clue and wanted to tell Naruto, but Naruto had already understood and shushed Hinata and continued to concentrate on watching the game.

Temari immediately turned around and recalled the information about Shikamaru in her mind. She knew that Shikamaru used the shadow imitation technique. Shikamaru's shadow position was quite unfavorable to her. If she was lured by Shikamaru, she would definitely be controlled by Shikamaru's shadow.

So Temari wanted to wait and see how far the limit of Shikamaru's next shadow imitation technique was.

However, Shikamaru smiled provocatively at Temari, and Temari was a little annoyed, so she took the initiative.

Ninja technique: Kamaitachi!

The wind was even stronger this time, and Shikamaru quickly hid behind the tree. In the wind, countless wind blades swept up, cutting off the branches of many trees, and even the main trunk of the tree was immediately scarred.

Then, taking advantage of the dust raised by the sickle weasel, a black shadow rushed out of the sand and stabbed at Temari. Temari was startled and immediately turned backwards and jumped with her superior reaction.

Seeing the limit distance of the shadow, Temari smiled disdainfully and picked up the fan to draw a mark on the ground. This represented her safe distance, and Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique would not be able to reach her.

Seeing that his shadow imitation technique did not succeed, Shikamaru hid behind the tree and refused to come out.

At the same time, he looked up at the sky. It was just past noon now, and the sun was only slightly west.

So under the clamor of the audience and Temari's provocation, Shikamaru dragged it for more than ten minutes.

Then Shikamaru also provoked Temari, asking Temari not to be too proud, and it was time to use real tricks next.

Temari did not indulge him, and stood on the safety line to perform the sickle weasel again. Shikamaru hurriedly hid behind the tree, waiting for the sickle weasel's time to pass, while starting to take off his coat.

When the force of the kamaitachi's wind weakened and the dust had not yet dispersed, Shikamaru threw two kunai at Temari to attract her attention. While Temari blocked the kunai, Shikamaru took the opportunity to perform the shadow imitation technique. Temari couldn't help but sneer. Knowing that she was stuck at a safe distance, this pineapple-headed guy was so stupid to use his shadow on her.

Unexpectedly, Shikamaru's shadow directly crossed the safety line drawn by Temari, but fortunately Temari's reaction was sensitive enough. She jumped back extremely dangerously and avoided Shikamaru's shadow.

At this time, Temari also understood why Shikamaru was stalling for time just now. The reason was that the sun in the sky gradually moved to the west, and the shadow of the wall cast on the ground would gradually lengthen, so that Shikamaru could increase the length of his own shadow.

Just when Temari had just figured out Shikamaru's intention, Kankuro on the stage immediately shouted

"Temari, be careful, look up!"

Temari looked up immediately after hearing Kankuro's reminder.

A simple parachute made of clothes tied to a kunai was slowly falling down in the air.

""What the hell? It's bad at my feet!"

Temari was so frightened that she almost lost her soul. At this time, the parachute made of clothes by Shikamaru finally appeared as a shadow in the sun. With the help of the shadow within the shadow, the length of Shikamaru's shadow increased again.

""Don't even think about running away!" Shikamaru yelled.

However, Temari still reacted and kept retreating to the right rear.

Finally, the length of Shikamaru's shadow reached the limit again. After many moves, Temari squatted on the spot with the folding fan.

Seeing the shadow that was five centimeters away from her was forced to shrink back, her face was filled with a cruel sneer.

Then she stood up, opened the fan and waved it gently. Just when she thought that Shikamaru should be exhausted this time and could only passively take the beating.

Suddenly, Temari found that she could not move.

Temari: (;゚Д゚)yAt this time, Shikamaru chuckled:"Shadow imitation technique, success!" Temari was terrified,"Nani, why, I am clearly outside the length of his shadow, why, why is this?"

The audience on the stage were also very confused, but Naruto laughed with relief and gave Shikamaru a thumbs up.

At this time, Shikamaru stood up and said confidently:"You are wondering why I can still control you, come, let me show you what is above and behind you."

As he said, Shikamaru turned back slightly, then looked up.

Temari was also forced to imitate Shikamaru's actions, and then a strong light pierced Temari's left eye. Temari subconsciously closed her left eye, and then used her right eye to see the real situation clearly.

It turned out that a mirror half the size of a palm was stuck into the wall.

"Mirror, when?" While Temari was puzzled, she also saw that under the mirror were the two kunai where Shikamaru's shadow clone had stood before.

Needless to say, Shikamaru's shadow clone inserted a mirror on the wall, and then through a series of manipulations by Shikamaru, he induced Temari to stand in the position illuminated by the sunlight reflected from the mirror.

As a result, Temari extended her shadow in the direction of Shikamaru. Even if the shadow was quite dim, as long as it was a shadow, it would be controlled by the Nara family's shadow secret technique.

At this time, Shikamaru looked indifferent:"Don't think too much. The mirror is not mine. I don't know which audience member dropped it. I just happened to pick it up by luck."

The audience on the stage cheered for Shikamaru when they saw this scene. A woman with heavy makeup on her face and a plump figure also shouted loudly;"That mirror is mine, it's mine! Honey, I will never be mean to you again. You threw the mirror so well!"

Several jonins such as Asuma and Kurenai Yuhi could not help but be impressed by Shikamaru's performance. Such calculations and control made people look sideways. Although there was a bit of luck, it must be said that Shikamaru's performance was worthy of being a chunin.

Then Shikamaru walked slowly towards Temari, and of course Temari, who was controlled by the shadow, also walked towards Shikamaru.

Then, just when almost all the audience thought that Shikamaru was going to make a move to eliminate Temari, Shikamaru raised his right hand and shouted to the referee:"I admit defeat and give up."

Wow - the audience was stunned, and immediately shouted words like shady and shameless, and accused Shikamaru of playing a fake game.

As the referee, Genma Shiranui was also dumbfounded. What a good opportunity, victory was clearly in front of them, and he just gave up?

Shikamaru untied the shadow imitation technique with a helpless look on his face:"Continuous use of the shadow imitation technique has caused my chakra consumption to be extremely serious. In my current state, I can't even last ten seconds. I have thought of more than 200 strategies to beat you, but time does not allow it."

Then Shikamaru shrugged and spread his hands:"So, it's too troublesome. Anyway, as long as the game is good, who cares who wins or loses!"

Ino collapsed when she saw Shikamaru surrender on the stage. She could n't understand why Shikamaru gave up. Choji changed his highly nervous expression just now and continued to eat potato chips with a calm face:"I told you, you don't understand Shikamaru at all. I knew from the beginning that Shikamaru would definitely surrender because of the trouble."

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