Finally, the Chunin Tournament is about to usher in the most anticipated battle, Konoha Uchiha Sasuke vs. Sunagakure Gaara.

Seeing Shikamaru and Temari leaving the field, Sasuke glanced at Gaara lightly and leaped to the sidelines.

On the preparation stage, Gaara watched Sasuke's expression gradually become ferocious, and a strong murderous aura suddenly filled his surroundings.

Temari and Kankuro who came over thought that it was not good, and Kankuro reminded him:"Gaara, do you still know our battle plan?……"

Before he could finish his words, Temari covered his mouth. Then, Gaara turned around and walked slowly towards the stairs, apparently intending to walk downstairs.

After Gaara left the preparation platform, Temari let go of his hand and said,"If you had said one more word just now, you might have been killed by Gaara."

Then, the daimyo and nobles in the VIP seats, including the daimyo of the Land of Grass, winked at two subordinates not far away.

The two Grass Ninjas nodded slightly, and then went to block Gaara. Soon, Naruto vaguely heard a few screams coming from the stairs, but he didn't care much. He continued to watch the game patiently, wanting to wait and see what tricks Orochimaru's subordinates and the people of the Sand Village would do.

Just as Gaara walked into the arena, three uninvited guests came up the aisle of the audience seats on Naruto's side.

"Oh, sorry, I met an old man who needed help on the road of life, so I came late. How was the game?"

Naruto turned his head and gave Baimao Xianyu a look, and saw two people in green tights next to Xianyu, and smiled:"Senior Kai, Xiao Li, you are here."

Might Guy gave Naruto a thumbs up and said with two rows of shiny teeth:"If you miss such a wonderful game, it will be the biggest regret of your youth!"

Xiao Li next to him didn't say much, but he already knew the results of the previous games. Although he was a little surprised that Hinata defeated Neji, it was reasonable. After all, it was a civil war of the Hyuga clan, and Hinata was the eldest daughter of the main family. It was understandable that she was so strong.

But Xiao Li wanted to see if Uchiha Sasuke, whom he wanted to defeat, could defeat Gaara who almost crippled him. After a while, Gaara entered slowly, and then Shiranui Genma announced the start of the game, and the entire audience suddenly boiled.

Especially Sakura and Ino who were sitting in front of Naruto , cheering for Sasuke at the top of his lungs. Feeling the enthusiasm of the audience, Sasuke looked indifferent. After all, the feeling Gaara gave him a month ago was only so-so, not as strong as the oppression given to him by Orochimaru.

However, Naruto had explained to him before that he should fight with a normal heart. There is a tailed beast in Gaara's body. If he hits too hard and forces out his tailed beast, he will have to find a way to lure it away.

Looking at Sasuke with a calm face, Gaara said cruelly:"I finally got to fight you. Although I want to kill that yellow-haired guy more, it's not bad to have you as my appetizer."

Sasuke felt a little disgusted when he heard Gaara's words. Since he heard the referee announce the start of the game, he took the initiative.

His body suddenly disappeared, and he kicked Gaara in the face. Gaara almost couldn't react in time, and he controlled the sand extremely thrillingly to block Sasuke's kick.

But the next moment, Sasuke disappeared and kicked again.


Sasuke kicked Gaara directly in the back of the head, and Gaara was also kicked away by Sasuke.

Fortunately, there was a layer of sand armor on his body, which perfectly removed Sasuke's force and avoided the damage caused by the kick.

At this time, Might Guy, who is a master of physical skills, couldn't help but sigh after seeing Sasuke's speed. Sasuke's speed was a bit outrageous, and it was definitely as fast as Lee's speed of opening the five gates. Might Guy couldn't help but turn his head to look at Kakashi, and Kakashi scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Don't look at me, I didn't teach him much, he has been training with Naruto all the time, I don't know how he got so good at physical skills."

Off the field, Gaara realized how powerful Sasuke's physical skills were, and knew that if he continued like this, he would end up like Lee beat him a month ago, so he immediately controlled the sand to wrap around himself into a huge sand ball.

Then he condensed a sand eye outside the sand ball to observe Sasuke's movements.

At the same time, in the audience, Kabuto Yakushi, who was standing behind many spectators and disguised as a member of the Konoha Anbu, put one hand on the shoulder of a spectator, and the spectator was immediately overwhelmed by sleepiness, and fell asleep involuntarily in just three seconds.

It was Kabuto Yakushi who sent It was a large-scale illusion, but it was not very powerful and could only be used to force the opponent into coma. If the opponent was strong enough, he could remove the control of the illusion in the first place.

Obviously, Naruto and Hinata also noticed the illusion in the first place and directly made a hand seal to remove the influence of the illusion.

Sakura next to her also reacted very quickly. Of course, Might Guy and Kakashi didn't need to be said much, but Lee, who was seriously injured, couldn't get rid of the control of the illusion and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Below, Sasuke looked at the sand ball condensed by Gaara with a little confusion.

"Isn't he making himself a dead target? Doesn't he know my Chidori Sharp Spear? Why is he so eager to die?"

Just as Sasuke was puzzled, his Sharingan vaguely saw that the chakra in the sand ball seemed to have begun a violent riot. He thought that Gaara must be holding back some powerful ninjutsu, so he did not hesitate and raised his left hand. A dazzling blue electric light was accompanied by a shrill bird cry.

Chidori Sharp Spear!

The dazzling lightning beam instantly pierced Gaara's sand ball.


A shocking and painful scream suddenly came from inside the sand ball. After Sasuke stopped the Chidori Sharp Spear in his hand, the sand ball condensed by Gaara was forced to slowly dissipate due to Gaara's injury.

As the sand ball gradually faded, a shocking scene appeared. A creature shaped like a Japanese raccoon came into everyone's sight. The pupils of its eyes were like a four-pointed star, its arms were like bear paws condensed from yellow sand, and a thick long tail grew from its back.

Upon seeing this scene, Naruto on the stage immediately sat up straight and thought to himself,"Is this the turn on the Tailed Beast Coat Mode? But this Shukaku's Tailed Beast Coat Mode is really a bit weak!"

At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting in the highest viewing seat, and Orochimaru, who was disguised as the Fourth Kazekage, saw Gaara's Tailed Beast Outerwear Mode. Orochimaru turned to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen, then raised his hand to signal the two men beside him. The two men of Orochimaru immediately flashed forward and threw out two enhanced smoke bombs. At the same time, Orochimaru jumped up, grabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen and rushed directly to the highest roof. The

Konoha Anbu in the ordinary audience seat saw that something unexpected had happened at the Hokage's position, and immediately ran to the roof over there. But Orochimaru's men were faster.

They occupied the four corners of the roof, and took off their camouflage coats, revealing three men and one woman. Two of the men looked very strange. One seemed to have a person growing out of his back, but only had a head and arms.

The other had three pairs of arms, and his hairstyle was a bit like Shikamaru's pineapple head.

The other two looked like human beings, but their expressions were extremely arrogant.

These four people were Orochimaru's very loyal subordinates, the Sound Four. At Orochimaru's signal, the four of them performed ninjutsu together and shouted in unison.

""Ninjutsu: Four Purple Flame Formation!"

In the blink of an eye, a huge dark purple barrier enveloped Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen. Since Orochimaru had no equipment to set up formations and chakra circuits here in advance, the four of them could only temporarily set up the Four Purple Flame Formation. Although the strength was sufficient, once one of the four of them was knocked down, the Four Purple Flame Formation would quickly dissipate in a short time.

However, the four of them also had a response. They placed a miniature external version of the Four Purple Flame Formation next to them, which could perfectly resist the attacks of external ninjutsu, just enough time for Orochimaru to fight Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When Naruto saw the Four Purple Flame Formation standing up, a smile on his face He almost couldn't help himself. Considering that the lazy Kakashi was still around, Naruto had a hard time controlling his emotions.

Then the Sound Ninja and Sand Ninja led by Kabuto Yakushi started to attack directly. The primary target was the Konoha ninja in the audience.

Many rats hiding in the dark appeared one after another and killed those unconscious people, but Kakashi and Might Guy easily blocked the attack of more than a dozen people.

The fight was in full swing on the stage. In the audience, Gaara, who had transformed into a half-tailed beast, almost lost his mind and screamed that he would kill Sasuke at all costs. Naruto was also paying attention to the situation of Gaara and Sasuke. Seeing Gaara picked up two giant palms and killed Sasuke, Naruto immediately���He said to Hinata beside him,"Hinata, you help Kakashi and Might Guy here, I will go to pick up Sasuke."

"Well, don't worry, Naruto-kun, I will take good care of my companions."

Naruto exchanged a glance with Kakashi again, and Kakashi also understood that Gaara's condition off the stage was very dangerous, and it was right for Naruto to go to help Sasuke, anyway, he and Gai could handle it here.

With Kakashi's nod of approval, Naruto came to the stage in an instant, and at the same time, Temari Kankuro and their team leader, Maki, rushed to Gaara's side.

At this time, Gaara was beastly, and everyone around him became his target of attack, even his relatives Temari and Kankuro.

Seeing this, Naruto said directly to Sasuke:"He is almost completely out of his mind now. If he delays any longer, the Shukaku in his body will be completely released, which will cause immeasurable losses to Konoha, and may even hurt more people."

As for the matter of the tailed beasts, Naruto had mentioned it to Sasuke a long time ago. From the One-Tail to the Nine-Tail, Konoha's history books also mentioned that Hashirama Senju shared the tailed beasts with other ninja villages, so Sasuke was not too surprised by what Naruto said about the tailed beasts.

Then Sasuke asked a question:"Then what should we do, beat him out?"

Naruto shook his head:"No, the more we attack it now, the faster it will release the tailed beast in its body. We can only lure him away."

Just as the two were whispering and conspiring, Gaara, who had transformed into a half-tailed beast, let out a tearing roar:"Uzumaki Naruto? The one I want to kill the most is you, die!"

Gaara's tailed beast state suddenly rose to a higher level, and he waved a big hand with shurikens made of sand all over the sky, killing Naruto and Sasuke.

The two immediately moved out of the way to avoid the sand shuriken, and then at Naruto's signal, they ran out of the arena.

Gaara's killing intent was all locked on Naruto and Sasuke, ignoring Temari and Kankuro's shouts, and chased after Naruto and Sasuke.

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