After Naruto and Sasuke temporarily left Gaara's sight, Naruto immediately said to Sasuke

"Sass, the shadow clones I arranged in the village have received information that the Sound and Sand Ninjas have broken through the walls of Konoha and have entered. They have also summoned a three-headed python that is wreaking havoc in Konoha Village."

"Are you asking me to help subdue those invaders?"

Naruto shook his head:"You don't need to do anything. Konoha's Anbu and many regular combat ninjas have already been dispatched. With them, those invaders can't really make any big waves. Besides, the lecherous sage is also in Konoha now. If he takes action, those invaders will only be defeated faster."

"What do you want me to do, or do you just want me to tell you about the current situation in the village?" Sasuke was puzzled. Naruto smiled mysteriously:"The Konoha Village is now in chaos. Even if those invaders cannot cause too much panic, the matter is done. Konoha is already in great chaos. In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been trapped by Orochimaru. The whole Konoha is temporarily leaderless."

"So, I want you to take advantage of the chaos to sneak into the secret file room of Konoha, steal the Book of Sealing and all the secret files that record S-level ninjutsu! Your Sharingan has a strong reconnaissance ability. You have an advantage over me in stealing the Book of Sealing and ninjutsu."

Sasuke was shocked when he heard it, but he calmed down in an instant. He had to admit that the chaotic Konoha at this time was definitely a rare turning point for their future growth. Naruto had repeatedly warned him to wait patiently before. It seems that this is the opportunity Naruto said.

Sasuke nodded immediately:"Okay, I'll go back to the village and steal ninjutsu from the secret file room!"

Naruto hurriedly reminded:"Leave a shadow clone to attract Gaara's attention to prevent him from chasing you, and remember to change into the appearance of those Sound Ninja and Sand Ninja when stealing ninjutsu, so as not to let the people of Konoha discover your true identity."

Sasuke naturally understood, and immediately cast a shadow clone, and then the real body escaped instantly, letting the shadow clone follow Naruto to continue to lead Gaara away.

After Sasuke disappeared, Naruto deliberately slowed down, but in a blink of an eye, the almost crazy Gaara caught up.

Seeing that this place was not out of Konoha's jurisdiction, Naruto had no intention of fighting, and just threw a few kunai at Gaara to arouse hatred and ran away from Konoha again.

As for the examination room, Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen simply exchanged a few waves, and neither side gained the upper hand.

So Orochimaru directly summoned the first and second generation Hokage through the Impure World Reincarnation, and as for wanting to use the Impure World Reincarnation to bring out the fourth generation Namikaze Minato, it was wishful thinking. After all, Namikaze Minato's soul is still in the belly of the Shikigami.

And the first and second generations who came out of the Impure World Reincarnation are very difficult to come out of, because of Orochimaru's Subsequent research and development of the Impure World Reincarnation is not yet mature.

In addition, they dare not activate the full power of the first and second generations to prevent the two from breaking free from the shackles of the Impure World Reincarnation, or like the earlier situation of his Impure World Third Kazekage, the Impure World Body will automatically collapse.

Therefore, the Impure World Body strengths of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju are too weak to bear to look at.

The two of them faced the old and ugly Sarutobi Hiruzen for a long time and could not defeat him. In the end, Hashirama Senju had to use Wood Release: Flower Tree World Advent to barely restrict Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions. Here, Naruto finally led Gaara out of the range of Konoha, so he no longer hid his strength. He raised his hand and fired a Rasengan directly at Gaara's face when he was transformed into a tailed beast.

Even though he was half-tailed beast, Gaara's sand protected his head in the first time, greatly reducing the power of the Rasengan.

However, the strong force is still Gaara was knocked flying. He had to fly. If he resisted this force without releasing it, Gaara's brain would be in danger.

Gaara was nearly crippled by Naruto's Rasengan. He flipped countless times in the air and fell heavily on the trunk of a huge tree. Then he came to his senses, filled with rage, and controlled the endless yellow sand to attack Naruto from all directions.

Looking at the yellow sand all around him, Naruto's expression was as calm as ever. He raised his hands, and two Rasengan took shape instantly, followed by the ice chakra being poured into them.

In an instant, the temperature here dropped sharply, and Naruto gently swung the ice chakra spiral ball in his hand to both sides in a rotating state.

In an instant, the yellow sand that was about to kill Naruto was completely frozen, forming a spiral funnel-shaped spectacle around Naruto.

When Gaara looked at the frozen The yellow sand was shocked, and suddenly saw a crack on the yellow sand ice wall. With a slight sound of electricity, a blue-white beam of light pierced through the yellow sand ice wall and shot straight at Gaara's face.

Gaara was immediately scared to death, and the yellow sand on his body desperately controlled Gaara's body to escape from the spot at the fastest speed.


The trunk of the giant tree behind Gaara was instantly broken, accompanied by a creaking and roaring sound, and the entire tree crown fell to the ground.

This move is a new bloodline ninjutsu developed by Naruto, and it also borrowed from Sasuke's Chidori Sharp Spear. This is called - Storm Release Light Sword.

Yes, it was Naruto who spent a lot of effort to combine the water release chakra and the lightning release chakra, and then developed a new bloodline. This storm release also has a very eye-catching performance in the original work, and its power is quite strong.

Under Naruto's Storm Release Light Sword, even though Gaara's passive escape had almost reached the limit of his body's speed, he was still hit on the head by the blue-white beam of the Storm Release Light Sword, and blood immediately flowed out of his half-tailed beast forehead.

Finally, under this attack, Gaara completely lost his mind and subconsciously activated the technique of feigning sleep, causing Shukaku in his body to fully wake up and take over his body.

Then, with the riot of chakra, Shukaku began to gather yellow sand and condense into���A huge body, almost fifty meters tall, quite bloated, with a body width similar to its height. It slapped its chest with both hands excitedly and shouted in a slightly shrill voice:

"Yohahahaha..., I finally got out!" Then he pointed at Naruto who had already jumped out of the spiral funnel and shouted again,"Since it was because of you that I had to come out, then—I'll kill you!"

After saying that, Shukaku slapped his belly and fired a super-large wind-style air training bullet at Naruto.

Naruto was not to be outdone, and immediately waved his hand to form a huge arc-shaped ice wall, which easily resisted the fierce wind.

Shukaku didn't care, thinking that Naruto's ice wall could not last long, and immediately fired ten consecutive air training bullets.

The strong wind raged, and the dense forest was destroyed into a white land.

Temari and the others who had finally arrived not far away saw Shukaku's huge figure and amazing destructive power, and were so scared that they stood there and dared not get close.

In addition to scraping Naruto's polished ice wall into a frosted ice wall, the ten consecutive air training bullets looked like there was almost no substantial damage to the entire ice wall.

Seeing this, Shukaku was furious, picked up his two giant palms and rolled his bloated body to pounce on Naruto.

Naruto was not sure whether his ice wall could withstand the power of Shukaku's physical body, and he didn't think of sitting and waiting to die. Instead, he rushed out of the ice wall and continued to activate chakra, condensing a ball with a radius of one inch in the palm of his hand.

The large ball spiral shuriken was thrown by Naruto towards Shukaku, which contained endless killing intent and terrifying power. Facing this ninjutsu with indescribable destructive power, Shukaku had no time to dodge and could only subconsciously block it with his arms.

When the large ball spiral shuriken touched Shukaku's body, Shukaku screamed miserably, and his arms were immediately beaten into yellow sand, because it jumped into the air and rushed towards Naruto. The large ball spiral shuriken only hit its abdomen, and in an instant, it stirred up yellow sand all over the sky. Shukaku also desperately urged the yellow sand to resist the damage of the spiral shuriken.

The screams were endless, and it lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually disappearing.

Finally, the yellow sand in the sky gradually settled. At this time, Naruto saw Shukaku's completely half-crippled body, with both arms lost and most of his abdomen destroyed. The gravel inside was still flowing underground.

"You bastard, you almost killed me, but, it ends here!" Shukaku, whose body was mutilated, howled and shouted. To be honest, although Shukaku has the fewest tails among the nine tailed beasts, its strength is not the weakest, and its ability to protect its life is also extremely strong. The gravel all over its body ensures that it can hardly suffer any real fatal damage, but of course pain is inevitable.

Shukaku was even more angry at this time. The next moment, the white ground began to shake inexplicably, as if an earthquake had occurred. The surrounding yellow sand and rocks began to float upwards, and then slowly gathered on Shukaku again.

After a few breaths, Shukaku's body was completely repaired, and it looked as if it had never been hurt.

""Kumoyaru! Go to hell!"

As Shukaku roared, it opened its huge mouth towards Naruto, and the rich tailed beast chakra began to gather rapidly in front of the huge mouth.

Seeing this, Naruto secretly thought it was not good, knowing that Shukaku actually began to condense the tailed beast jade to attack him regardless of everything. This move was very powerful, and he had no strength to resist it.

So, Naruto rushed to Shukaku as fast as possible, and at the same time, he once again raised a spiral shuriken, hoping to make enough interference with Shukaku's tailed beast jade.

Shukaku couldn't let Naruto get what he wanted, and directly blasted the tailed beast jade that had just condensed with a diameter of more than one meter at Naruto.

Fortunately, Naruto's speed was amazing, and he avoided the attack of the tailed beast jade by teleporting.


Shukaku's tailed beast jade directly hit the ground behind Naruto, and it seemed like a landslide in an instant, and the tailed beast jade destroyed everything wherever it passed. , and it blasted out a rift that was tens of meters wide and more than 500 meters long.

Temari and others who were not far away were also affected by the power of the Tailed Beast Ball. They were directly blown away by the strong air wave and immediately fell into shock.

Naruto relied on his speed advantage to avoid being affected by the air wave, and took advantage of the window period when Shukaku fired the Tailed Beast Ball to attack directly.

Naruto jumped onto Shukaku's body with all his strength, stepped on its huge and bloated body, and ran to Shukaku's head in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the insect in front of him dared to take advantage of him, Shukaku was about to swing his giant palm to take Naruto down.

But in the next moment, Naruto pressed his hands directly on Shukaku's forehead, and a circle of spiral patterns and inexplicable runes appeared instantly.

Four Symbols Seal!

Just when Shukaku's giant palm was about to touch Naruto's hair, it suddenly stopped and could not move forward at all.

"You - how could it be possible, no——"

Shukaku screamed miserably again, and then his huge body seemed to lose its support and began to dissipate rapidly like foam.

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