Chapter 426 Who can bear this!


Beast Palace.

Zi Qi was holding a book in his hand, lying on Su Yan's favorite lazy lounge chair, but his eyes fell on the little cub taking a bath in the Lingquan Pool.

As a phoenix bird flying in the sky, Manman's favorite thing is to soak in the water... Even Xiao Eleven and Xiao Qi also like to take a bath, lying on the small swimming circle, kicking their calves comfortably, Wandering in circles.

Xiao Hao came over with a ball in his mouth and threw it into the Lingquan Pool.

Xiao Qi jumped up and caught the ball accurately, but the splash of water drowned Xiao Qi and Man Man again.

A group of children made a fuss again.

Putao, accompanied by Zong Sili, also came.

Putao first bowed respectfully to Zi Qi, "Hello, Uncle Zi. I'm here to play with my brothers, sisters, and brothers."

"Well, go ahead." Zi Qi smiled warmly.

Then he watched Putao take off his coat, wear the small swimming trunks underneath, and jump into the Lingquan Pool.

"It's still the rules you taught me. I've gone too far. She looked back and saw that she didn't know what to say." Zi Qi put the book aside and took another chair from the space for Zong Sili.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Zong Sili sat down and said, "Wen Jin and I met at the college two days ago. He opened a bookstore in the city, and he usually took Xiao Fengning to look after the store and also delivered books to students in the school. We had lunch and he said that Yan Yan went to the Shura Realm."

"Oh?" Zi Qi was surprised, "What trouble has she gotten into again?"

"Haha, Your Majesty really understands Yan Yan. She wandered around in the God Realm and became a sacrifice by herself. Wen Jin removed the sacrifice mark for her."

"...It's something she can do. Did she say how the mission went?"

"At that time, it was said that the mission might fail and that we would come back in a month. After all, there are less than five days left."

"She wants to upgrade her childbirth system, and this child must be a divine child." Zi Qi looked at the children in the Lingquan Pool, "What do you think it is?"

"Your Majesty, don't you want her to give you another child?" Zong Sili asked.

Zi Qi said: "My talents are limited, just let nature take its course. Besides, Xiaoba still refuses to come out. If there is another one, I will go crazy."

Zong Sili raised his head, stared into the deep sky, and said with faint expectation, "It's time to add a new member."

In their eyes, Su Yan's children are like blind box treasures. They may not be their own children, but they look forward to them all the same.

"It is best to leave the father and leave the son." Zi Qi suddenly said.

Zong Sili: "..."

Su Yan sneezed, used the dust-purifying talisman to clean up the entire Yuhua Palace, making it spotless, and lay down again.

I stayed in Yuhua Palace for almost a month, doing the work of a maid every day.

Yesterday I heard from Sun Fuxiang that Yuhao sent away all the noble concubines in the backyard, and even Feng Qi'er returned to Yaochi Mountain.

[Xiaomei, Yuhao’s body is really bad. All those women were sent away, not a single one was left. 】

【ah? ] Xiaomei was quite active a few days ago, but after discovering that Yuhao really had no actual intention to have an heir, she completely ignored her. [There are still three days left. If there is no substantial progress between the host and the mission goal, then Return to the beast world immediately. Xiao Mei has newly developed a game map and wants Xiao Shi and others to try it. 】

[I'm pretty sure they miss you too. 】 Su Yan smiled.

Sun Fuxiang entered the hall carrying a plate of fresh peaches and fruit. He was not surprised to see Su Yan lying down again. The hall was so clean that shadows could be poured out. There was nothing to say about the job.

"Now in the entire Shenjun Mansion, only Lao Chan and Xiaoyan are left."

"Xiaoyan?" Su Yan smiled and said, "When did you find out?"

"I saw it as soon as I arrived. It's just innocuous, so I didn't expose it."

"I just said to myself, her acting skills are not good, yet she still has to sing this scene where she is cheating."

"It's quite interesting. After staying in Shenjun's Mansion for a long time, I find it interesting to see some unsavory tricks."


"How does Xiaoyan feel about Shenjun?"

"Shenjun is quite good. He has good talent and good looks. Although his personality is a bit awkward, to borrow Uncle Xiang's words, it doesn't hurt."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Hao entered the hall. Looking at the shiny and clean main hall, his eyes fell on Su Yan who was lying motionless, "You won't get up even if you see me."

"They are all vain." Su Yan replied.

"Then let's be practical. I'll go to bed in three days." After Yuhao said that, he went to Tianhua Hall.

Su Yan looked at Sun Fuxiang, "In three days?"

"Yes." Sun Fuxiang smiled and left first.

Su Yan asked Xiaomei, "The time is stuck. Should we go or not?" 】

Xiaomei replied: [The host can do whatever he wants. The host must remember to take the pregnancy pill. 】

Su Yan entered Tianhua Hall and saw Yu Hao who was painting.

He stepped forward and took a look, astonished.

It turned out to be the scene where she was in Yunjiao Pavilion, holding the window open and looking at the peach trees with her eyes open...

"Uncle Xiang always gives me fresh peaches to eat, right?" Su Yan looked at him in surprise.

Yu Hao held the brush up to his wrist, dabbed a little ink, and sketched the eyelashes of the person in the painting. His expression was lively and natural. He must have observed it very carefully before he could draw it.

"Do you like me?" Su Yan looked into his eyes, not allowing him to dodge.

Yuhao's face blushed slightly, "No."

"Really?" Su Yan looked at him jokingly.

Yuhao turned away and stopped talking...

Su Yan took the ink pen from his hand and played with it on her fingertips with a flirtatious look. At the same time, she looked at him with a smile on her face and said, "Take off your clothes."

"..." Yu Hao's face was slightly cold, but his eyes were hotter.

"Qing Linghuan's pair of little sky foxes were born to me." Su Yan suddenly smiled.

Yuhao was shocked and seemed unable to believe it.

"Take it off or not!"

Immediately, Yuhao did not hesitate and immediately took off his clothes.

Su Yan stopped her again and said, "Tell me - I wish the goddess to come to me!"

Yuhao's eyes widened...

However, for the sake of his heir, he gritted his teeth hard and said, "May the goddess come... to be lucky~"

Su Yan stood on tiptoe, dropped the brush, and kissed his lips.

It's so wonderful to say that it's shy and sullen... who can resist this!

After three days of sleeping and three days of sleeping, Su Yan didn't know how many times she had taken Yuan Dan, her mental strength was exhausted, and a certain **** still didn't sow...

I really can’t hold it any longer!

He raised his hands to beg for mercy, but what he got in return was a certain **** who demanded more harshly.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yan woke up from her sleep and found that her hands, feet and neck were locked with thin golden chains!

【…Xiaomei? What's going on! 】

[Host, have you ever heard of banning? 】

【He will not! 】

[Yes, the mission target was worried that the host would go to Qing Linghuan again, so he locked the host with the God Chain. This god-locking chain is not affected by the beast's body. Even if the host is a mouse, it will be trapped. 】

[It means that I am his prisoner and I can’t escape? 】Su Yan was displeased and shook the gold chain on her wrist.

000 suddenly appeared with a briefcase in hand.

More updates are coming~

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Be careful and continue to update at zero o'clock! !

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