Chapter 427 The World of Ice and Fire

Tianhu Mountain, the entrance of Fox Cave.

Double defensive formations, both with killing formations. Yu Hao did not trigger the defensive array rashly, but called Qing Linghuan's name.

There was no response. It seemed that Qing Linghuan was asleep. That time when he was rescued in God King City, he came with an injured body. It was estimated that he would not be able to get out of seclusion for several thousand years after the treatment.

He put an invitation into the fox's hole. It was a wedding invitation for his wedding!

"This is the first wedding invitation for you. Thank you for bringing your child back. Without you, I would not have the idea of ​​having children, let alone meet her again.

From now on, what happens in your fox hole is my business, and your children are also my children. "

No one responded.

Yuhao stood for a while longer before leaving the fox hole.

And as soon as he left the scope of Tianhu Mountain, the wedding invitation at the entrance of Fox Cave suddenly turned into ashes!

The defensive formation is completely sealed!

"Is the pregnancy pill useful?" 000 asked Su Yan.

How did Su Yan know, "Xiao Mei?"

Xiaomei replied: [Congratulations to the host, you used Xiaomei's Pregnancy Pill to conceive a divine fetus. 】

【Pregnant? ! 】Immediately, Su Yan felt a sense of dizziness coming over her, as well as a long-lost intense hunger! It really made her uncomfortable, especially being locked up like a 'prisoner'.

"Open it for me and I'll tell you." Su Yan said to 000.

‘Kacha~Kacha~Kacha~Kacha~Kacha~’ The golden chains locked on Su Yan’s hands, feet and neck were all broken!

"Pregnant." Su Yan replied.

000 nodded with satisfaction, "As expected of 002, come with me."

"Follow you?" Su Yan asked Xiaomei hurriedly, "What does he want to do?" 】

[To trigger the host’s strongest defense. 】

If Xiaomei didn't say anything, Su Yan would almost forget about it.

As Xiaomei's childbirth system, if she encounters danger while pregnant, her strongest defense and ultimate weapon will be triggered.

The world she encountered during her ten thousand years of wandering was not all peaceful. There were many harsh environments, thugs, robbers, beasts, ghosts...

They all survived because of Xiaomei's stronger defense and attack power as she fought.

[The fetus of the host is a divine fetus, and the pregnancy period alone is fifteen thousand years. 】

【Fifteen thousand years! I'm at the Saint level now, but I haven't reached the God level yet. Why have I been pregnant for so long? 】

Xiao Qi was conceived when she was a god. At that time, Zi Qi was a saint, but she was a god, and the road was bumpy. She also hinted that the child in her belly should stay well in her belly and leave it alone if the environment is not good. It took ten thousand years to come out.

But this time, nothing happened, and it lasted fifteen thousand years.

[What talent is so good? 】

[I don’t know, the data I can read has the Hongmeng aura, which even Little Sky Fox doesn’t have. The host can eat more Tiancai Dibao, which may shorten the pregnancy period. 】


000 seemed to have noticed something, and immediately opened the space tunnel, put away the black briefcase, picked up Su Yan and entered the space tunnel.

Yu Hao, who sensed that the chain of gods was broken, came back in a hurry. Kankan only saw a man with short silver-gray hair and wearing strange black clothes, holding Su Yan and leaving!

He followed immediately, but after he entered the space crack, there was no tunnel, only space turbulence and space cracking blades. They wanted to cut his body, but they couldn't do anything to him.

"Yan Yan—" Yu Hao screamed in panic, his eyes full of horror!

Su Yan got down from 000's arms, stretched her arms and kicked her legs, and finally took a Huiyuan Pill before she felt completely alive.

This guy Yuhao is also quite crazy.

If you are not prepared in the future, you must not come to him for excitement...your body cannot bear it.

"My mission this time is considered a success, right?" "Obviously."

"Yeah." If the mission fails, there are only so many points. If the mission is successful, it will be calculated separately. Coupled with the talent of this child, the number of points must be very impressive.

"Tell me, what mission do you need me for?"

"There is a world that you and 002 have been to."

"We have been to many worlds. But even if I don't remember it, Xiaomei will remember it."

"002 is very good. This time, I need you and 002 to perform a latent mission, just to find the target."

"Latent? Looking for a target?" Su Yan didn't understand.

"The specific 002 will tell you, 002 host, I wish you good luck."

000 opened the space tunnel and let Su Yan out.

In the freezing and snowy environment, at minus 39 degrees Celsius, Su Yan touched her abdomen and sighed.

[This is nothing, you still have to work for the main system while you are pregnant with a child. Xiaomei, do you think anyone exploits pregnant women like this? 】

[Xiaomei also complained on behalf of the host. Let’s quit and go back to the beast world. Xiaomei remembers how to go back, which means it will cost more than 100 million childbirth points. 】

[… Spend more than 100 million and earn 2 billion points for having children! Otherwise, let’s do the mission first. 000 said the information has been given to you. 】

[Yes host. We have indeed been to this world of ice and fire. But when we arrived, it was the fire season, and the host felt that the weather was too hot, so he left again. Unexpectedly, when I came back here, it would be Bing Ji. 】

[Remember, it’s that world. At that time, I also rescued a child who was very good-looking. 】

Yangcheng Branch of the Special Supervision Bureau.

Su Yan stood at the door and read the information Xiaomei gave her again.

Zhuang Yan, female, 26 years old, from Yanzhou, an overseas special agent of the General Bureau of Special Supervision, was killed in a bomb during an overseas mission to an island. Her body fell into the sea and no one was able to recover it...

Pushing open the door and stepping into the door of the Special Inspection Bureau.

The dead man whose memorial service has been held!

Suddenly standing in front of myself!

Zhou Cheng, deputy director of the Yangcheng branch, was pouring coffee, and the coffee overflowed...

"Sister Yan, Yan?"

Su Yan stepped forward, took the coffee pot from his hand, and took out a bunch of paper towels to wipe the coffee, "Don't you recognize me?"

"No... We searched the island all over and didn't even miss the hermit crabs in the cracks of the rocks. Where did you hide them?" Zhou Cheng looked at her up and down. Not only was she intact, but she was even more beautiful than before.

"Under that building, there was a sewer leading to the sea. I hid in the sewer. I was lucky enough to meet a smooth sailing boat and help me come back." Su Yan dismissed it in a few words.

"As long as you're alive, I'll call the headquarters first."

"Just tell them over there that I want to work with you and don't want to go back." Su Yan picked up the coffee pot, took an empty cup and poured herself a cup. She took half a sip and put it down again after the taste was bad.

Zhou Cheng was puzzled, "You have made great contributions to the Mesea Island incident. You will definitely be promoted at the headquarters. If you come here, you can be regarded as downgraded."

"You just say whether you want to accept it or not?"

"Take it in, take it in, we must take it in. I can't ask for more than one general."

Su Yan saw several boxes of instant noodles on the shelf in the corner of the room. She walked over and chose a spicy one and a braised egg.

When she finished eating, Zhou Cheng also hung up the phone.

"I want you to come over there."

"Not going."

Su Yan took a sip of the instant noodle soup, which was a bit salty, and poured some water.

Good night, darlings~ Are you more sincere~

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