Chapter 575 Demon

 The Dark World Continent.

Su Yan woke up from a player hotel.

[Xiaomei, can you resurrect Little Belle? 】

【Can. 】

[Then let’s get started. 】

Su Yan watched as the system removed the demonic nature of Little Belle's body piece by piece, restored it to its original appearance, and then put it back together completely...

After a thousand years, Little Belle appeared in front of her again.

[Host, Xiaomei has overwritten the memory of Little Belle being sacrificed. 】

【that is it. 】Su Yan held the little black mouse in her hands and kissed it again and again, "Mom's little baby."

Little Belle opened her **** eyes and looked around, "Mom, where are we? Where are my brothers and sisters?"

"They are here." Su Yan moved two Jiutian Kunpeng eggs out of the space.

When Little Beier saw them, she immediately jumped up happily, hugging Yangyang and Xiaoxiao and rubbing them together.

"Brother and sister, it's great that you are okay."

With one sentence, Su Yan, who was originally smiling, was stunned, [Xiaomei, didn't you say you overwritten her memory? 】

[Yes, the host, but although Little Belle's body is still the same as before, it is a little different. The main system discovered it when it was reshaping her body. Each of her body fragments contains a regular aura, 109 in total. The system cannot be erased, and the memory may be overwritten and affected by it. 】

[Then she...] Su Yan observed Little Belle.

I saw her happily walking around Yangyang and Xiaoxiao, extremely happy, [How is her health? 】

[100% healthy, and the rule data is very stable in his body. When the talent system is developed in the future, it can be integrated. 】

[Those are secondary, she is doing well is the most important. 】Su Yan took out a bunch of small storage bags from the system space.

"Little Belle, this is the little storage bag that mom saved for you when you were away. Play with it and see if there is anything you like." Su Yan touched Little Belle.

Little Belle lay on a Nine-Tian Kunpeng egg, "Mom, Little Belle thought I would never see you again."

"How could it be possible?" Su Yan sighed softly, "It's my mother who is blind and has made our little Belle suffer so much. Mom is sorry for our little Belle."

"It's all over. Little Belle is back now, and there are so many gifts." Little Belle put away the small storage bag, "Thank you, mother."

"Our little Belle is so good." The better she is, the more distressed Su Yan feels.

‘Dong~dongdong~’ There was a knock on the door.

Su Yan went over to open the door.

Wen Jin stood outside the door, "Yan Yan, I want to talk to you."

His eyes suddenly looked behind Su Yan... Little Belle, exuding surging hatred and extremely strong demonic aura, stared at him and protected the two Nine Heavens Kunpeng eggs behind her.

Su Yan's back was turned to Little Belle, and there was no open system map, so she didn't know about Little Belle's abnormality.

Wen Jin kept staring behind her.

Su Yan turned around and saw Little Bei'er timidly hiding behind the Jiutian Kunpeng Egg, and her expression suddenly turned ugly, "There's nothing to talk about."

‘Bang! ’ Close the door.

"Don't be afraid, little Belle. With mother here, no one can hurt you." Su Yan held up little Belle and comforted her.

Little Belle was trembling, but she didn't say a word.

But this reaction was enough to make Su Yan think of all kinds of emotions of fear and horror... and she felt even more sorry for her little daughter.

Jian stood outside the door, and after a while he sneered coldly, "He turned into a demon!"

A wisp of evil energy passed through the crack in the door and turned into the appearance of little Belle outside. She stared at Jian with her red eyes resentfully, "As long as I'm here, don't even think about getting close to my mother! And your son, I will also let him Taste my pain!"

Jian's eyes instantly condensed into a black dot, and he raised his hand to disperse the evil energy!

Little Belle’s eerie laughter ‘Jie Jie~’ sounded.

Jian's face looked extremely ugly.

Su Yan took Little Belle to play in the game for a few days.

The little guy is happy every day, but sometimes Little Belle will leave Su Yan and come back burping.

Jian Ye never came to see Su Yan again. Su Yan took Little Beier back to the beast world.

She first went to the Rat Tribe in the Western District.

The current Beast King of the West District is a descendant of Xiao Luo and a member of the Rat Clan.

In front of the huge rat royal mausoleum, a golden-haired rat orc, who was gifted at the heaven level and was about to enter the spiritual level, knelt down to greet him with many of his descendants -

"Greetings to my aunt." The golden-haired rat orc at the front said respectfully.

Others shouted after him.

"It's Atai." Su Yan helped him up with her own hands, "Get up quickly. I didn't expect you to have so many children."

"My aunt's youth will last forever with heaven and earth. He is exactly the same as when Atai first met his aunt."

"Okay, let me lend you some good advice." Su Yan introduced Little Belle to Atai, "My little daughter, Little Belle."

Little Belle looked at Artest and the many descendants behind him, and finally took out a pile of small storage bags, "Although I don't look very big, I am older. These are your meeting gifts."

Su Yan laughed out loud after hearing this.

Artai said hurriedly: "Thank you, cousin."

Little Belle said: "You're welcome."

"Artai, just stay with us and let the children go back." Su Yan said to Artai.

"It's my great-aunt." Artai responded.

When Su Yan entered the imperial mausoleum, the first thing she saw was the tombstone of Auro Milut, which was also engraved with a portrait of Auro's long-browed charity in his later years.

He took little Belle to salute Auro respectfully.

"Mom, I still remember the jerky made by my grandpa. It was very delicious." Little Belle said.

Su Yan's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, and she said for a long time: "Yes, the jerky made by grandpa is delicious, but I can't eat it anymore."

After returning from the West District, Su Yan went to the Zongfu in the East District.

Mr. Zong is already so old that his hair is gray, but he is in great spirits and looks like he will have no problem living for another few hundred years.

When he saw Su Yan, Mr. Zong was very surprised and immediately made preparations for her.

Su Yan showed some daily videos of Putao to Mr. Zong, other children, and Zong Sili...

"Next time I will bring grapes to see you."

"Okay, little Belle looks so much like you. She will definitely be a very good female in the future."

"Thank you, Grandpa Zong. I will be filial to you just like Brother Putao."

"Hahahaha, good boy~"

Su Yan took Little Beier to stay with Mr. Zong for three days before returning to the fairy world.

All the children were still there, and they were very surprised to see Xiaobei as a child, and they were so close. It's just that Xiao Qi is not as close to Xiao Bei'er as before.

Su Yan discovered something strange about Xiao Qi and carried her to the garden.

"What's wrong, Xiaoqi, I saw you were looking at Xiaobei just now, and you didn't play with her."

"Mom, little sister Little Belle," Xiao Qi was about to say, when Little Belle ran out and said to Su Yan, "Mom, where is my little brother?"

"Did you say it should be smaller?" Su Yan smiled and said, "It should be at your Uncle Zi's place."

"Sister Xiaoqi, can you take me to see Xiaodian? I have a gift for him." Xiaobei'er said to Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi looked at Su Yan, saw her nodding to him, and then said, "Okay."

Two mice, one black and one white, running back and forth, which is particularly interesting.

[Host, Little Belle has a problem. 】Xiaomei said to Su Yan.

Su Yan was surprised, and then thought about Xiao Qi's reaction, [What's wrong with Xiao Bei'er? 】

(End of chapter)

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