Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 1011 The soldiers and civilians in the cafeteria

Not long after Delia's order was issued, the tide of chaos flowing out of the gap became solid. Some demons have no clear master and are eager to devour the souls of the living. Others are minions of Tzeentch, sealed within the Iron Men and vowing to cause havoc.

The Void Fortress in the Big Canteen Galaxy opened fire on the crowded demons. The stripping arc and black stone torpedoes were very effective in killing the demons. As long as these spiers filled with violent energy were aimed at an area and fired, the demons there would be in the green. Leaving reality in an electric explosion.

The curtain continued to melt and disintegrate, the gap in the void became larger and larger, and gaps of different sizes appeared in the sky and ground of the planet.

Demons poured out and they stood in the streets. According to past experience, the imperial world will fall into turmoil the moment the subspace rift opens. The mutants and poor people in the lower levels of the hive who suffer from discrimination and hardship will calmly accept the blessings of the Voice of Chaos, and then be filled with anger. upward revenge.

Bite with your teeth! Pinch with your hands! Even if you die, you must never let them go!

And those cultists hiding in every corner of the world will also interfere with the reaction speed of the imperial departments, intercepting information about serious riots at the bottom, making the flames of chaos intensify.

But this street.

A demon with a round body and heads of various creatures sniffed the air with his many noses.

surprise! curious! Confuse! fear! perturbed.

These flavors make the devil intoxicated and his appetite whet his appetite.

Sniffing and sniffing, the devil felt a strange emotion in his heart.

Why not madness? The taste of emotions such as admiration?

He opened his eyes all over his body and cast his gaze at every fort that contained a living person.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor. That thing is looking at us." A short old man swallowed, and his nervousness prompted him to squeeze the explosive rifle in his hand tighter. Although he is short, his body is not bad, and his well-proportioned muscles are quite powerful, allowing him to even carry a deflagration machine gun and two boxes of heavy-duty batteries.

"It's just a group of demons, nothing to be afraid of." Another middle-aged man comforted everyone. There was a golden shield-faced Eagle Medal on his chest, which meant that he had been to the simulation training ground on Shisanxiang and Achieved good results.

Every person in the Great Dining Hall knows that one day they will be involved in the war. After all, there are many Kriegs and their descendants in the Great Dining Hall. It can be seen just from the unchanging living habits of these Kriegs. See how much other places have been ravaged by war. But not everyone in the cafeteria has the opportunity to go to the Shisanxiang simulation training ground to experience the most realistic and desperate war. After all, there are too few simulation fields and too many people in the cafeteria.

As a last resort, Odemeyer could only temporarily adopt the old-to-new training method. First train a group of sufficiently elite cadres, and then let them firmly unite the under-trained militiamen.

Citizens who meet the service standards will first undergo preliminary training in their fortified neighborhoods, and then the top 1% of soldiers will be selected and trained as garrison officers.

When considering an army, no matter how civilized and polite it is, strength comes first. Without strength, how can you convince your subordinates? Without a firm will to fight, how can we form a team that dares to fight and fight?

Therefore, these garrison officers will be issued a medal made from the branches of the tree of life. These wooden medals are durable and strong, and they also have the effect of recuperating the body and strengthening the spirit, making the garrison officers slightly stronger in physical strength and willpower. Other militias.

In follow-up research, Odemeyer also found that garrison officers who wore these medals would become more dignified when admonishing soldiers, could also more delicately understand the mood changes of their soldiers, and soothe the soldiers' emotions in a timely manner.

Therefore, Odemeyer expanded the selection scope of garrison officers and adjusted the ratio to 2%. One half is mainly responsible for combat command, and the other half is responsible for ideological and political work.

After receiving this wooden medal, these garrison officers are eligible to enter the simulation training ground with the regular army to further strengthen their combat capabilities and level.

An hour after the simulation training ground is activated, it means that the personnel there have experienced a year of hard war. Personnel who die in the simulated war will have their memories temporarily erased, and then re-enter the simulated war as a new recruit.

Sometimes, because the effects displayed in the simulated training venue are so real, trainers think that the simulated training is still continuing after they leave the training venue.

When a garrison officer enters the training ground 10 times and survives to the end, he is eligible to upgrade the wooden medal on his chest and plate it with a layer of sacred and flawless gold.

This touch of gold is very conspicuous in the room designed like a fortress. Men, women and children are full of awe of this gold, and full of trust in the middle-aged people who have the ability to obtain golden paint.

He is a veteran who has been fighting for 10 years. If you don't listen to him, who will you listen to? Do you listen to us workers and farmers?

With this thought, everyone was waiting for the middle-aged man's next instruction. The middle-aged man looked at the demons pouring out of the gap through the observation window. He frowned, feeling that these things were not even as good as those in the simulation training ground. Evil things are even more terrifying.

How did he know that those strange and terrifying demons were created by Odemeyer based on the video tapes sent by Slaanesh? The main theme was to shock people. Odemair did not want the troops he had so painstakingly trained to be frightened by unspeakable horrors and give up resistance.

"Remember your training, overcome the fear in your heart, and obey the orders of your superiors. If you do these things, you will survive safely."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, a person shouted behind him to be careful.

He whipped out the explosive pistol from his waist and turned around to take aim, and found a demon formed from the eyeballs flickering in front of his eyes.

Those moist eyeballs spread endless malice. Just by looking at the contraction of the pupils, you can hear the voice of depravity ringing in your ears.

This eye demon has caused disasters on several imperial worlds through his elusive nature and extremely exaggerated pollution ability. Any mortal who meets his gaze will mutate into a cruel and mindless Chaos Spawn in his addiction.

"Fuck!" The middle-aged man was stared at and his whole body was numb, but that was all. The physical distortion and mental disintegration did not occur. This was thanks to the life vaccine flowing in his body, as long as the devil did not destroy his body. By opening the wound, he will not be corrupted by chaos. He shot into the eye without hesitation. The blazing beam of light shone on his eyeballs, burning and melting several of his eyes.

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