The Eye Demon was very surprised that the middle-aged man was able to resist. This was the first time he was attacked by a mortal.

After quickly experiencing the burning pain and surprise, the Eye Demon stared at the muzzle of the deflagration pistol. The inexplicable force made it impossible to continue using the deflagration pistol. But the middle-aged man is not a rookie. Ten years of brutal war experience have allowed him to become a killing machine in an unconscious state.

Almost as soon as the Eye Demon moved his gaze towards his pistol, the dagger from his waist was pulled out. This dagger mixed with some black stone powder looks as beautiful as polished obsidian, and its shiny surface reflects the terror of the eyed demon.


The valor contained in the melee weapons was blessed by Khorne, and eyeballs were pierced with ease. The black stone powder mixed in the dagger acted like poison. The eyeball demon twitched and twisted in pain, spraying out a large amount of glass.

The gun in his hand returned to normal. The middle-aged man stabbed his eyes with a dagger while the demon also raised the gun. Under the double blow of the two weapons, the Eye Demon dissipated like a flame without support, and only the flesh and blood of the former victim fell at the middle-aged man's feet.

"Look at these things, they are not as powerful as you think." The middle-aged man used his boots to crush the flesh and blood, and his voice made people subconsciously choose to obey under the blessing of this action. He looked at the shining eyes of these militiamen and nodded with satisfaction. He wiped off the blood on the medals with his hands and launched a counterattack against the demons with other militia units in the canteen.

The demons encountered unprecedented resistance. The planet had no rebels, no cultists, and was filled with Blackstone devices and Geller stance generators that suppressed the power of the warp. Some demons tried to attack the factory, assimilating weapons and equipment into twisted and unspeakable demonic machines. But just as they entered the factory gate, the piercing alarm sounded. The assembly line stopped working, and workers who had experienced thousands of drills quickly and smoothly went to the weapons depot to pick up equipment. The Geller position generator was also adjusted to 60% power just right.

The workers, accustomed to the feeling of stripping away, opened fire on the weakened demons. And those battle nuns who have devout faith and can act in the 100% power Geller position are even more energetic. They chant the slogan "Long live the Emperor" and launch a counterattack against the demons. The roar of the chain sword scares some demons. His face turned pale.

This is how the same thing! Aren’t all mortals just weak chickens and lambs waiting to be slaughtered?

Many demons did not think about this problem until they were expelled. They could only wait a hundred years or more before returning to reality to find out.

Delia manages the operation of all automatic artillery on the planet. She provides accurate and deadly fire support to every corner, and mobilizes troops to fight fires everywhere.

Some lines of defense are still resisting, but they can no longer sustain themselves under the demon's nearly endless onslaught. As militiamen, they have done their best. Even some of the Cadian regiments that claim to be the elite of the empire dare not say that they will be more tenacious and tenacious than these militiamen.

"This is the 1119th Company of the Weeper Chapter. Please give us orders."

"Go to Block 14 and destroy the big demon I marked. Titanium-67 combat suit company, hold on to the defense line. Experts from the New Soul Department are on their way to support you."

A dark cloud obscured part of Delia's vision, a spell cast by the Eldar and human psykers from New Spirit Headquarters to attack the demon. Although human psykers are not very powerful individually, their strength lies in their large numbers. With their support, the Eldar can outline more and larger magic circles with more psionic nodes.

Thunder baptizes an area with a radius of thousands of kilometers. The brilliant lightning weaved by these psychic powers has no effect on the people in the cafeteria. It will only perfectly search for the foul smell of demons.

Demons were expelled one after another, and no matter how hard they tried, they could not shake the heavy defense lines in the Great Dining Hall jointly designed by Dorn, Perturabo, and Odemair. The only thing that gave Delia a headache was the iron men possessed by demons. These iron men have been silent in the subspace for a long time, but the equipment on them shows no signs of damage. A volley of heavy energy weapons can overload the United Aegis in an instant. The alloy shells produced at no cost in the past are so strong that the Weeper warriors find it difficult. Even if they are forced in front of the Iron Man, these crazy machines can be severely damaged before shutting down. Lamenter Warrior.

If it weren't for the new power armor with a healing layer, the Weeper would have been unable to survive the battle against Iron Man.

Delia is in control and she is worried now. Although there is victory in every corner of the large mess hall, and the exchange ratio is so high that even the calmest officer can smile as brightly as a blooming chrysanthemum, what's the point?

The subspace is endless, and victory in the short term is meaningless. Once the war is extended to 50 years or more, the Great Canteen will exhaust most of its material reserves and can only shrink its defense lines and wait for reinforcements.


Delia sighed, and then heard Rebecca's comfort to her, "Oh, don't be so pessimistic. Although we will definitely lose if we fight for a long time, how can we fight for so long? It will be difficult to fight for five or six years."

Rebecca's statement made sense. The speed at which the Void Phoenix fighter jet traveled through the webway was outrageous. As long as Lin Fan wanted to, he could fly from Terra to the cafeteria in just a few months.

Delia couldn't help but smile. She just needed to win the current victory. As for the more long-term planning, she left it to Lin Fan.

As for Teacher Odemair, Delia looked into the void, feeling a little worried about her teacher.

Rebecca didn't care at all about Odemeyer's disappearance. After all, Odemeyer had deleted a lot of her spiritual food to free up her memory. According to Rebecca, the two had a deep hatred.

And she knew the strength of the Jin quite well. Even if Odemeyer was thrown into a pile of demons alone, she could still fight her way out. Not to mention, before Lin Fan left, he also found a lot of holy weapons for Odemair to defend himself.

Increasing the engine output, Rebecca aimed the bow of her ship at a demon the size of an asteroid. As the largest battleship in the canteen, Rebecca has naturally received the best upgrade. The spear-like black stone bow is her new equipment. It can withstand psychic spell attacks head-on and allows her to easily Tear apart the huge demon.

The asteroid demon discovered Rebecca's malice toward him. A hole opened on the fleshy surface, and the solidified blood was shot at Rebecca. The blood dissipated under the dual influence of Geller's stance and the Blackstone equipment before approaching Rebecca.

Then the asteroid demon was stabbed by Rebecca and exploded in the void like a balloon.

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