Melta weapons, these weapons rely on high-pressure gas compounds as ammunition, have terrifyingly high temperatures that cannot be ignored when firing.

Accompanied by the hissing sound of boiling water, the hot melt airflow can melt anything into slag. Even the thick armor on heavy tanks cannot escape the fate of melting.

But it is a pity that these powerful weapons also have their shortcomings, that is, there is no advantage in range. Most people who are wary of melt weapons in advance can completely eliminate their operators before entering the range of the weapons.

The soldiers of the 3rd company who are now caught in the melee are surrounded by the constant flow of orc murder cans and the two furries walking further away, but they are not worried because of the short range of the melta weapons in their hands. .

Captain Soap will take care of everything.

Next to Lin Fan was a huge ammunition box, which was carried by two soldiers and was prepared for the current situation.

Opening its cover, there are modified melt bombs inside. These originally stable and gentle machine souls were replaced by Delia's more violent and eager machine souls.

In human terms, it means changing from delay fuse to impact fuse.

He took out a melt bomb from it. These things were not light at all. The handle and the huge explosive part were at least as big as half of Lin Fan's arm.

Seriously, I feel like I'm carrying a thermos with lunch in my hand.

Lin Fan turned his head away and told himself not to think so wildly. He stretched out his head and swung his arms, aiming at a heavily armored murder can and throwing it at it.

The melta bomb flew and rolled in the air and landed on the head of the murder can. At the moment of collision, all the energy in it was released.

The high-temperature heat spread out, melting the shell of the bomb and sweeping away everything around it.

The murderous can that was arrogant just now turned into a puddle of molten iron in an instant. The surrounding environment was like a small lake spewing lava and molten iron. The burnt corpses of the orcs were staggering here and there.

"It's really powerful." Lin Fan pulled out another bomb and flicked it to another place.

These melta weapons, like other anti-armor weapons issued by the Empire to the Astra Militarum, are traded for one with the monsters and monsters in the galaxy.

If you, as an Astra Militarum soldier, are holding a plasma pistol in your hand, you should protect yourself from being blown to ashes by the violent plasma machine spirit. But if you get a melta gun, you should trade with the enemy's high-threat troops before you die.

This way you can sleep peacefully.

The continuously thrown melt bombs were also noticed by the orcs. These things, which even the Space Marines could not throw very far, were almost the same as throwing a big brick in Lin Fan's hands.

The big bricks flying in the air are so conspicuous, and the iron puddles created after landing are enough to make the orcs wary.

Orcs are biological warfare weapons. They are not stupid, but most of the time they go up and end it after a wave of recklessness. They rarely encounter opponents worthy of using their brains.

Just like the attack on Hades's nest, it started out as an all-round attack, then turned into a key breakthrough, and finally included covert attacks, open-land integration, and siege transformation.

In war, many orcs will learn due to changes in circumstances, or a sudden inspiration.

Now, facing the threat of Lin Fan's bombs, the orcs in these slave areas quickly mobilized their brains and began to think about a better combat situation.

"These shrimps! They are always so timid and timid, so we can never see them fighting with us with real swords and guns like Old One Eye!"

"Tell those idiots to stop rushing around! Tell King Kong to shoot them from a distance! Let those farts take out all the spicy spores in the kitchen!"

New combat orders were issued to the Orks, and the Orks, who relied on their own psychic networks, received new combat procedures at a speed that those of the Astra Militarum through communicators could not match.

The orcs and goblins receded like the tide, leaving only a hot pit on the ground that was still steaming and waiting to cool down, as well as the orc corpses that had been beaten into charred pieces by the beast suppressor's laser gun.

Domian was killed today. The muzzle of the Beast Suppressor's laser gun overheated and turned red, and the air around the barrel was distorted by the temperature.

Although the orcs have retreated, this does not mean that the orc attacks have stopped. The furry kings further away on the battlefield used their firearms to suppress the position of the third company at a distance from each other.

The sound of bullets clanking and colliding sounded in Lin Fan's ears from time to time. Although the environment with stray bullets was still very dangerous, compared with the more well-equipped King Kong at the gate, these two belatedly arrived. The hairy King Kong is somewhat inferior.

Both King Kongs even have only one arm, and the other limb that should be equipped with a cannon or a crusher has only been partially installed, with cables and steel bars dangling in mid-air.

"Xiaoyi, check the damage."

"Well, 37 of our people died. To be honest, except for the few unlucky guys who were blown up and even their bodies were gone, these guys could have been saved in my day."

You also know that it was your era.

Lin Fan didn't want to think about how powerful humans were in the golden age. Anyway, for a barbarian like him from 2k Earth, everything he experienced now was ultra-high-tech gadgets.

"Then do you know what those orcs went to do?"

"Well, I can't see the specific movements clearly. I can only see a rough outline and count. I don't know why the signal somewhere is not very good. The closer I am to the orcs, the worse it becomes." Xiaoyi was a little confused. She didn't feel any ion storm. Logically speaking, this wouldn't happen.

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"Do you know about subspace energy and the like?" Lin Fan couldn't help but ask. This suit seemed to have no idea about the current bad universe.

Xiaoyi was silent for a while, "Subspace energy. Um, you mean those blabbering things, right? I've seen a lot of these religious guys before, but I don't believe it. My whole body is full of He is a representative of science and technology, where are all the messy magic gadgets?"

Xiaoyi does not believe in the idealistic concept of subspace. After all, the era she lives in is the prosperous period of the materialist and inclusive human federation.

For them, everything can be explained by science. As for those subspace evil gods, they were also very good at fishing at that time. If it weren't for the birth of Slaanesh, howling, awakening the evil gods, and along with it Blows away the warp storm.

So the current human race should still be in a period of technological regression where transportation and communication are completely cut off. At that time, the Emperor was just a little-known immortal psychic kid.

Although there is a lot of dark history, it still cannot keep up with its current power.

Lin Fan remembered what the Holy Scripture said: The Emperor has long lost his humanity.

But it also seems to be mentioned that the emperor's soul has been pulled by various mixed forces, the power of faith, the power of humanity, the power of destruction, the power of faithlessness, the power of humanity, and the power of alien hatred.

But now Lin Fan felt that the emperor was quite normal when talking to him. At most, he was a little shady and loved to deceive his brothers.

I hope this is not due to the influence of my own constitution. Those storm-like voices were filtered out, and what remains is the humane emperor's mantra.

Come on, chicken, we're going on the Great Expedition.

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