Shame. What a shame. I thought I would die like this, with my comrades, with my hive, with respect and apology for the emperor.

But he didn't expect that he was still surviving, living under the whip of the orcs.

Joseph dragged his feet and crowded among the human captives. They were all the guys who survived the battle to defend Seaglass.

There are scavengers dressed in animal skins of mice or other creatures, neatly dressed citizens, wounded soldiers with bandages on their bodies, and nobles who are gorgeously dressed but now covered in mud.

This place is like an exhibition for hive members, dirty, dilapidated, dark, with sewage on the ground, and shriveled mushrooms growing in the cracks in the walls.

There was a foul smell in the air. This huge pit was filled with human captives. Several orcs surrounded a larger orc and stood on the high platform, looking at the slaves.

Swinging the bloody whip in his hand, the big orc coughed and spoke to the prisoners in low-standard Gothic.

"Ahem! You little shrimps! Now! If you lose, you will be beaten! This is the principle of the orcs, and it also applies to you, but you are too weak to even throw it outside. A few good boys are willing to fight with you! So you little bastards will be slaves from now on!"

The orcs casually pronounced everyone's fate. While everyone was still surprised that the orcs could speak human words, they did not realize that their miserable lives would follow.

A nobleman, although his hair was messy and greasy, his eyes were even more bloodshot than the whites of his eyes, and the aristocratic dress sewn with gold threads was dirty and worn, and full of scratches.

He was the first to react to the fact that the orcs could still talk. He widened his eyes, raised his voice, raised his hands, and lost all the dignity of a nobleman.

"My lord! My lord!"

He had to thank the nobles for their biochemical transformation and life-extending surgery. These things allowed him to survive the deadly exhaust gas well, instead of following the example of others and always looking for some cloth strips to cover his mouth and nose.

As for how effective those simple anti-virus equipment can be, it depends on whether these things have a compassionate machine soul.

The big orc saw him and held his chin with one hand, obviously confused. "We don't call you adults here. If anything happens to you, Xiami, it's best to call me boss, do you understand?"

"Yes! Yes! Boss! Boss, listen to me." The nobleman was a little excited, and the words he spoke were knotted on his tongue, but he was still forced out by his desire to survive.

"Boss, please let me go. Our family is very rich, super rich. I can give you as much as you want, as long as you let me go."

Joseph looked at the nobles with disgust, seeing how despicable the nobles were in selling their souls and dignity to beg for their lives.

The even worse-tempered soldiers and prisoners made no attempt to hide their emotions and spat on the nobles' clothes to show their contempt.

The noble's face became extremely ugly. He must have wanted to curse something, but seeing that the mood around him was not very good, and there were no security guards around him, he did not dare to curse.

"These untouchables. I pay for your salary. If it weren't for you trash, I should be lying on my big bed to rest instead of negotiating with those green-skinned trash."

The nobles thought they were negotiating, exchanging benefits for benefits. To the soldiers and ordinary citizens, this was a betrayal of the God-Emperor.

So what about the real masters of the field, the orcs?

"Well." The big orc looked at the noble, and the doubt in his eyes was so big that anyone could see it, "Go, bring that shrimp over to me."

The two orc boys came off the stage and pushed away the prisoners. There was a stampede and chaos on the field, and many people were squeezed and lost their balance and screamed.

The orc boy drove the noble to the big orc. In the noble's frightened eyes, the big orc held the noble's head and held his chin with one hand to look at the teeth.

"Hmm. Some are small and thin."

The big orc was a little disappointed, and then he was furious, "You bastard! How dare you lie to me! You have no money at all!"

"No no! I have money! I'm really rich, I just didn't bring it out!"

"You're such a bastard! Your teeth are as small as those of a fart, and you dare to lie to me like a pauper! You don't even have an armor on your body! Those kids who pick up garbage are more advanced than you! "

As if he was confused by the question, the nobleman was speechless, "Teeth? What tooth?"

But the orc would not give him any more chances to beg for mercy. The big orc raised his hand and slapped him. The noble's head twisted three times on his neck, making the sound of teeth cracking, bones cracking and throat shattering. Eyes fell to the ground.

"You! And you! Throw this liar to the fart and roast him, and we'll eat him tonight."

The noble's body was dragged down, and the whole place was extremely quiet. The captured soldiers weighed their own strength and felt that it would be better to consider the long term. The ordinary residents were frightened and covered their mouths to prevent themselves from speaking. Too loud.

"When you are a slave, you have to behave like a slave, instead of thinking about stealing and cheating all day long! Next time you see this kind of guy, I will just cut you up and put them in mushrooms to eat!"

Amidst the roaring of the orcs and the sound of whips, they were clamped by the neck and walked into the depths of the mine that was even darker and more chaotic.

Joseph vaguely saw a thin and familiar figure in the team. He moved quietly among the crowd. Anyway, there was no order in the chaotic crowd, and the orcs didn't care about it.

They just stood on both sides of the road with whips and traps to keep watch.

Gently patting the shoulder of the familiar figure, the man shook his head and turned to look at Joseph.

"Hello. What can I do?"

The voice is a little weak, and the hair is messy, but from the basic appearance, you can tell that she is a woman.

"No, I think I got the wrong person." Joseph didn't expect it to be a woman's figure from behind. He felt a little embarrassed and apologized in a low voice before preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute are you a soldier?"


"Standing in the frontline trench outside Seaglass, the soldiers also rescued a soldier who was pressed by the orcs."

"Why do you know so"

"I am that soldier, Private Anne, reporting to you." A rather standard military salute reminded Joseph of the cowardly and somewhat clumsy soldier.

Unexpectedly, you are also alive.

The Silent King returns. Hive Mind: New Mission, Survive

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