"Do you like it! Do you like this punch!"

Old Jock put his arm around Domian's shoulders and watched Delia's fucker ravage the other two fuckers. From time to time, Delia's happy and wanton laughter came from the loudspeaker.

"To be honest, when we were in the world of Kamaklan, Delia was a gear kid, shy and serious, and a bit of a nerd." Old Jock felt nostalgic.

"Indeed, not like this." Domian couldn't describe it, but Old Jock understood what he meant and patted him on the shoulder.

"You have changed a lot too, fanatic believer."

"For the Emperor, we will fight until death."


The orc troops fled again, this time they really fled. They were completely defeated by Delia's crazy attack. The two furry kings looked so miserable, as if they had been run over by a roller. Same thing over and over again.

The black smoke from Delia's Furry King Kong became thicker and thicker, and the trembling and rattling sound of the fuselage could be heard by all the soldiers of the Third Company present.

"Delia, is this thing going to explode?"

"What? What did you say?"

In the cab where Delia was sitting, she could only hear the roar of the engine and the beautiful transmission sound of mechanical operation. She really couldn't hear Lin Fan's words.

"I'm telling you! This thing is shaking so hard, is it going to explode?"

As a last resort, Lin Fan had no choice but to shout into the communicator at the top of his lungs.

Delia did not reply through the communicator, but still used the speaker on the fuselage, "There is no captain! This means that the machine spirit is very happy! My hands are itchy and eager to fight! Wow!"

Lin Fan only thought it was nonsense. Do orcs' gadgets also have organic souls? And what's up with that "Wow" at the end? Delia, you're not going to turn green again, are you?

"Xiaoyi, continue to search for the location of those prisoners, we still have a mission."

"They're already here."

"What?" Just when Lin Fan was confused, he saw some people in various rags walking towards them.

These people had all kinds of weapons in their hands, including orcs' guns and machetes, Grot's trumpet guns, and some were obviously sharpened pieces of iron wrapped in cloth.

These people were extremely dirty, stained with all kinds of dust, oil, and blood.

Presumably they also suffered a lot of suppression when fighting the orcs.

A relatively strong man also looked surprised, but the joy in his eyebrows was also obvious.

"Hello, Captain!" The man gave Lin Fan a standard military salute with a very tall and straight posture. "This is the resistance force in Area 2 of the slave farm. We are the only ones left at the moment."

"Hello soldier." Lin Fan also returned the salute. Looking at the shabby homemade masks on their faces, he really felt that these people were really in trouble. They could think of resisting in such a difficult environment, which was really a model of loyalty.

"Did we launch a counterattack against the orcs?"

"That's right, soldier. We have launched a counterattack against the orcs. The entire defense line is advancing rapidly. Hundreds of millions of legions are attacking across the entire subcontinent. I believe we will soon drive away the orcs and restore the peace of the past."

"That's great." Hearing Lin Fan's words, the rebels were very happy, "I'm sorry, sir, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Joseph, a senior soldier of the Planetary Defense Force stationed in the Hyglath Hive."

"It's okay Soldier Joseph, now we need to find another camp and gather all those who resist. Do you have any ideas?"

"Sir! We had already thought about this a few months ago, and we drew a rough map."

Joseph took out a neatly stacked hand-drawn map from a bag on his waist, which marked the location of each slave camp in this industrial area, as well as the approximate number of slaves and the strength of the orc defense.

Lin Fan looked at the map and pointed at a location with a picture of a tank and a wrench.

"here it is."

"This is the orc repair shop. It has the largest number of slaves and the largest number of orc boys. The armor of these orcs comes from that place."

This can explain why these furry weapons were fired before they were even assembled. It turned out that they were just pushed out of the repair shop for emergency use.

"In that case, let's go and gather with the compatriots in the repair shop."

Everyone quickly searched for the equipment on the orcs. They didn't know whether these things could be used, but for the resistance forces with crude equipment, there were no more weapons available.

They touched and knocked, carefully inspecting the firearms made by the orcs, picking out the weapons that were barely usable, and keeping the remaining weapons for use as melee weapons.

Although the weapons of the orcs are unstable, they are strong and durable.

The Orc maintenance shop was completely shrouded in fire and black smoke from the explosion. Corpses and the remains of Orc armored vehicles were everywhere. In addition to the crackling sound of flames in the air, there was choking black smoke.

It doesn't look like it's alive at all.

Lin Fan looked at the tiny bullet holes on the ground and felt that this was why the two gangsters arrived late.

These loyal soldiers used their blood to delay the Orcs, giving Delia more room to take over the Orc Titan.

It was really tragic, with tens of thousands of human prisoners, including men and women, old and young. In this way, groups of people fell to death in the fire of the orcs.

Having not received systematic military training from the empire, they did not even understand the basic principles of spreading out to avoid artillery. They relied entirely on their anger against the orcs and their own sudden burst of courage to fight.

It can be said that the dead orcs were very few. According to Lin Fan's judgment, most of the orcs were those who were in the first sneak attack or were affected by the exploding pipeline.

He silently prayed to these people, asking the Emperor to have mercy on them.

Domian fell to his knees, holding the Emperor's icon in his hand and chanting.

The other rebels reacted from the excitement, and they also realized that even if reinforcements arrived, their lives would still be fragile.

"Does the Imperial Military really know about us?"

Lin Fan looked at the disappointed Joseph and didn't know how to answer him.

The empire's military has never cared about the life and death of the soldiers and civilians in Seaglass Hive.

Even Political Commissar Yarick felt the same. He believed that it would be better to devote more military power to the frontal battlefield for the sake of the captives who were tortured in the orc camp and whose combat effectiveness was extremely unstable.

"Captain, I know you have good intentions and are thinking about the empire and the soldiers and civilians of Armageddon. But we cannot rashly send soldiers to the rear battlefield just because of the tens of thousands of slaves. The situation is too complicated and supplies And so difficult.”

But Lin Fan still convinced Yarrick and General Westad, relying on his outrageous record and superhuman combat capabilities.

The third company rode an earth-drilling vehicle modified by Kaos Sage and came to the rear of the orcs.

Their mission is not only to rescue prisoners, but also to integrate all the forces that can be integrated to carry out sabotage missions behind the orcs.

This is why these soldiers are so well-equipped. They are used more as special forces.

"We are here to save you."

Joseph smiled, looked at Lin Fan's face and said, "Thank you, sir, we understand."

The truth was no longer important. At least the captain in front of Joseph would try to comfort their emotions instead of scolding them harshly. That was enough.

Couldn't ask for more.

How can you imagine the moments that Slaanesh went through when he was born.

Fall of the Eldar: Hey all of you, why are you uniting the people around you.

Terra Unification War:?

The Great Expedition: Huh?

Horus Heresy: No time to explain, grab your weapons and follow me!

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