Lin Fan and his men were creating chaos in the rear, and the Space Marines were removing the orcs' artillery fortresses. What was the scene like on the front battlefield?

The God Machine Titan had disappeared. In the wilderness outside the Hades Hive, there was only the Imperial Army and the Orc Army exchanging fire.

A new line of defense across the entire subcontinent was constructed. In order to prevent the Orcs' counterattack, these long trench positions were constructed in three layers.

Tens of thousands of legions with different numbers gathered hundreds of millions of soldiers and exchanged fire with the same number of Orc troops.

Now they were out of the complex Hive, without those solid fortresses and turrets with excellent firepower, only the pits and craters full of steaming craters, and the bones and vehicle fragments that were lifted up by the shells and buried deep underground to accompany them.

In this war, neither side had the doomsday weapons they had when they first came. Neither side had those Titans that were like mountains. Only a few Knight Titans and Goofy King Kongs that were more than ten meters high appeared on the battlefield.

But these creatures, whose number is so small that they can be counted on one's hands, are not the protagonists of the battlefield.

The real power of the counterattack of the entire subcontinent this time is the numerous Astra Militarum soldiers, the cheaper and cheaper Chimera tanks, and the durable Leman Russ tanks.

There are also various types of artillery that release deadly artillery fire, petrified lizards, manticores, Medusas, quadruple siege mortars, and all the equipment at the bottom of the box are pulled up.

This time, the desperate counterattack must completely drive the orcs out of the subcontinent.

"Damn Berkman! Turn the muzzle, turn the body! We must turn the body straight!"

An armored unit has been almost wiped out, with only one Leman Russ tank left, moving the body in the orc artillery and using its heavy front armor to block the orcs' anti-tank firepower as much as possible.

The soldiers covering the surrounding area are almost dead, and they can't expect those deafening beast suppressor laser guns to wash their cars.

The commander could no longer open the lid to observe the surrounding scene. He could only keep the vehicle moving as much as possible to prevent his tank from being sent flying by the explosive hammers in the hands of those tank-exploding guys.

The bolt guns on both sides of the vehicle fired deadly bullets, sweeping the orcs approaching on both sides, and the coaxial bolt guns on the front fired at the orc vehicles, affecting their aiming.

An armor-piercing shell was loaded, with a sacred blessing of praising the machine spirit engraved on it, and some dirty words written by the soldiers on it.

For example: Taste your father's hotness.

This behavior was strictly prohibited by the Political Commissar Department because they believed that such frivolous behavior was not in line with the style of the army. However, considering that the survival time of these soldiers after entering the battlefield can be calculated in hours or even seconds, there is no political commissar to investigate these behaviors too strictly.

As long as you don't hold the scribbled shells to show off in front of the political commissar.


An armor-piercing shell was fired, crossing a distance of thousands of meters and hitting a dirty orc car in the distance.

The shell penetrated the front armor, penetrated the entire body and hit the soil behind. The orc operating it was smashed into pieces by the thick shell, and the fuel leaking from the engine was ignited.

The entire dirty car tank was like a lighter, spraying flames from the gap between the turret and the body, and then exploded within a few seconds.

After one shot, it takes more time to reload. The automatic loader of the shell quickly replenishes the shells and presses a new armor-piercing shell into the chamber.

There was a knocking sound from the body, echoing throughout the body. The tank crew endured the shaking of the body and the buzzing echo inside, and once again aimed at the new orc dirty car.

Those unstable artillery could only leave bullet marks and pits on the front armor of the Leman Russ, and no one could penetrate their vehicles like this.

Another armor-piercing shell was fired, hitting the turret of another dirty car, blowing off the upper armor of this modified and unrecognizable tank.

The orcs in it could see the sky above their heads from the huge wound.

"Captain! Those orcs are surrounding us! I can't handle it. There are only more than 100 bullets left in the machine gun!"

A young and sharp voice that gave Captain Hadlich a headache echoed in the communication system inside the car body. This was a new recruit who had just joined their team.

They have fought all the way from the Styx defense line to now. The only veteran left is the gunner Berman. The driver Vicky is also good, but he was sent from another crew and is not familiar with Captain Hadlich's combat style.

But those new recruits operating machine guns gave him a deep headache.

The tank is not like those soldiers. If a crew member makes a mistake, the whole vehicle will bear the cost.

He doesn't know how to save ammunition, doesn't know how to suppress bursts, is emotional, easily nervous, and will press the trigger until the machine soul can no longer support it.

If they are not really short of crew members now, Hadlich really wants to shoot this rookie who is dragging them down.

"Calm down, Rak! Save your ammunition when you know you're out of bullets! Burst fire! Burst fire! And from which direction are those orcs coming?"

"Captain! I don't know! I feel like they're coming from all directions! They're everywhere! I swear to the throne! I can see their dirty teeth!"

This damn idiot.

Hardrich cursed secretly, knowing that he really couldn't count on this guy, so he used the commander's unique external communicator to ask for help from the rear.

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"This is the Pluto Armored Regiment. This is the Pluto Armored Regiment. We have been attacked by the Orcs in the area. We are now unable to support the operation and need fire support."

"Zizi~ Understood~~ This is the 8703 Artillery Regiment in the rear. We can provide artillery cover for you. We will attack the area. May the Emperor protect you."

"May the Emperor protect you." Captain Hardrich turned off the communication and adjusted his posture. He did not want to be hit by the artillery and his head was smashed later.

"Let me guess, those artillery boys are going to fire indiscriminately, right?"

"That's right, you bitch, you're really right." Hardlich scolded Berman. Their relationship has always been so vulgar.


The commander of the 8703 Artillery Regiment is admiring the artillery array of their regiment. He loves his job so much, it is safe and comfortable.

Far away from stray bullets and dangerous orcs, there was only the red and black sky illuminated by artillery, and the distant sounds of fighting reminded him of the beautiful sound of knocking on anti-corrosion metal plates when it rained.

Now, they need to provide fire cover for the new coordinates and friendly forces that are deeply surrounded.

As for whether there will be accidental injury?

Facing these artillery pieces with a caliber of several hundred millimeters, luck is your best protection, not trying to find a bunker. These heavy artillery shells can penetrate those temporary fortresses with one shot and penetrate those bunkers without composite explosion-proof panels. Send everything to heaven.

The mountains of gun casings piled up behind the artillery were shining with a bright yellow light, which moved the commander of the artillery regiment to tears. The members of the Mechanicus Order were quickly recovering these things and sending them to the factory behind.

"Correction of artillery parameters!"

"Load high-explosive bombs!"

"Wait for orders!"


These shells flew out of the thick and long barrel, piercing the sky and flying into the distance. The exiting shells smoked and were thrown into the mountain of shells.


"Did you hear that? You rookies! The artillery is coming! Pray to the Emperor that you will survive!"

Captain Hardlich roared on the communication channel, and then the violent sound of the artillery explosion overwhelmed everything.

The Empire is shit, but Chaos is worse than it

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