The fighting was fierce at the front, and the regiment was wiped out in hours. Lin Fan and the others found a place to rest in the huge and vast orc industrial zone at the rear.

Under Joseph's shocked gaze, Lin Fan casually opened a blast door and entered it. The soldiers of the third company didn't feel anything strange at all. They had long been accustomed to it.

After swallowing his saliva, Joseph asked a soldier from the third company: "You captain is really awesome. I have never seen anyone able to open an industrial explosion-proof door with bare hands."

The soldier who was being questioned snorted disdainfully, "You haven't seen our captain in battle yet. Have you seen that orc can?"

The soldier clicked on the Dagger operated by Delia, who was repairing the damage on the Dagger, as well as the lightning launcher on the side of the head.

"You know how you captured that thing? Our invincible captain killed all the orcs in front of him, jumped on top of the can, tore it casually, and crushed the orcs inside like chickens. "The soldiers were very proud of Lin Fan's great achievements, and they were very fanatical.

"The captain is not only a fierce fighter, but he is also very gentle. He is not like some political commissars or lonely veterans who always have a cold face. The captain knows a lot of truths and also taught us how to behave."

Joseph nodded from time to time as he listened to the introduction of Lin Fan by the soldiers of the third company.

Lin Fan opened the explosion-proof door and walked in. It looked like a warehouse storing dangerous and explosive items, but there was nothing inside now. Either there was no time to bring in new goods, or it had been emptied out.

This hidden place was detected by Xiaoyi, so that Lin Fan and the others could have a place to rest at night. They were not space warriors, and they could not imitate those supermen who stayed awake all night long.

A few soldiers were left to guard the door, alert to the surrounding situation, but this was just for show. If something really happened, Xiaoyi would be the first to alert Lin Fan.

"It's really difficult. We encountered the orc Titans just after we came out. If it weren't for the captain and Priest Delia, we would have been finished." Old Jock tore open a military ration packaging bag with his teeth.

Throw the dehydrated chunks into a jar filled with water and wait for them to be soaked in hot water and turned into a thick soup.

Then he took out a few more nutrition bars and gave one to Lin Fan and one to Domian.

Everyone was sitting in the warehouse in twos and threes, lighting a fire and eating.

As for the people like Joseph who had just been recruited, Lin Fan had already called for the earth drilling truck, took out all the supplies and reserve weapons inside, and asked him to go back to resupply.

Anne looked at the ration bag in her hand. This was the first time she had eaten something decent since becoming a slave. She was a little excited, and her hands were shaking as she grabbed the bag. She wanted to pull it open but couldn't.

"Let me do it." Joseph's voice came from the side. He took the bag in Anne's hand, tore it open forcefully, and distributed the dehydrated soup packets and nutrition bars inside.

Although this nutrition bar is small, it contains enough nutrients and calories to sustain a person's needs for a day. Combined with dehydrated soup and purified water, it will be enough to fill your stomach.

"Thank you." Annie held the nutrition bar in her hand, tore open the package, and smelled a faint sweet aroma, which made her appetite whet her appetite, and the hunger in her abdomen became more obvious.

Everyone was immersed in the nutrition bars in their hands, waiting for the dehydrated soup to be cooked.

Lin Fan took a bite of the nutritional bar and saw that the soldiers around him did not have the stiff faces that were trying to endure nausea as before. Instead, they cherished the food in his hands.

These peach-flavored nutrition bars taste good. Although the fragrance of the fruit is just an imitation, they are extremely precious treasures for those who have never seen fresh fruit in their lives.

He could even see a few soldiers who were not from the agricultural world of Kamaklan eating nutrition bars and even crying a little.

This is fine, food can obviously improve morale, and everyone can tolerate eating bad food for a day or two, but once this time is extended to a year or even several years.

Bad food only hurt the morale of the soldiers.

Although this is not a problem for the Kriegs of the Death Corps, most of the soldiers recruited by the empire are normal people, and everyone cannot be deemed inappropriate just because a few are inappropriate.

For those officials in the Ministry of Military Affairs, this was easy, but for the soldiers struggling in the trenches on the front line, it was painful torture.

"Ah, this reminds me of the rebels I met back then, the people who resisted the crazy machine." Xiaoyi recalled the past with emotion. She was very relaxed now. Lin Fan hadn't felt that for a while. Clothes were tightened.

"It was the same back then. A group of young people who were passionate about the stars. They were also eating hot pot and singing songs in such a difficult environment."

"Then what?"

"Then they discovered the heat source by the super surveillance system installed on the stars of the galaxy. The star fragments extracted in one shot traveled tens of billions of kilometers and directly turned them into steam."


Xiaoyi stopped talking and seemed to be stuck in the memories of the past.

Lin Fan called Joseph and Old Jock over after eating, "Get some rest. Tomorrow we will try to move towards the Titan Fall Basin. The headquarters has always been very cautious about the industrial area built by the orcs on the Titan ruins. We are very vigilant, but in order not to destroy the emperor's sacred creation, we need to see what the orcs are doing, and then establish a signal point so that the fleet can directly hit the troops accurately. "

"This job sounds like what angels should do. Can we really sneak in? It is completely unknown how many orcs we will encounter along the way."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Before, we definitely wouldn't have been able to do it. The most we could do was wreak havoc behind enemy lines with Joseph and his men to attract the attention of the orcs. But now, we have the orc Titan controlled by Priest Delia. "

"Oh! That's it!" Old Jock understood what Lin Fan meant. They were going to use the disguise of the Orc Titan to sneak in and create chaos and destruction inside.

"Can that thing hold so many people?" Joseph was a little worried. There were more than 400 soldiers in the third company plus the reorganized slaves. Although the orc furry King Kong looked like he had a big belly, he could hold a lot. It looks like a human, but it still feels a little bit different.

Unless everyone is like products on a shelf, stacked one on top of the other.

"Well, then I'm going to continue to aggrieve you."

Lin Fan showed an apologetic smile to Joseph.

Conversation between the Emperor and the leader of the Mechanicum.

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