The Gorgeous King walked with heavy steps on the wide streets. These streets made of iron plates and various garbage were extremely strong and stable.

Numerous orcs were walking through the camp, and it looked like a chaotic and noisy downtown area.

There are orc vendors selling grilled mushrooms or kebabs on the streets, or grunts carrying various metal scraps. The orcs were all red-faced and bargaining with their big teeth. If they really couldn't negotiate well, they would raise their fists and fight each other fiercely.

The orcs next to him would not stop this behavior, but would boos and yell loudly.

People led by ropes such as Joseph had to bear the first wave of smell from the orc neighborhood. The thick smell mixed by millions of orcs could even penetrate their simple gas masks.

Many people can't even stand the taste and forcefully swallow the digested food they regurgitated into their mouths, leaving the stinging pain in their throats burned by gastric juices.

More and more orcs noticed the progress of King Kong. They cheered at King Kong and hit the ground with their axes and guns. It seemed that this was a welcome ceremony.

"What should we do?" Delia was a little nervous, holding the joystick that controlled Gatling in her hand.

"Don't fire, let me deal with them." Lin Fan cleared his throat, making his tone sound like an orc, and then spoke into the loudspeaker, "You brats! Don't block my way! And You! Don’t touch my shrimp slave!”

At Lin Fan's signal, Delia pointed her iron fist like a crusher at a sneaky fart who was trying to cut through the cables binding Joseph and the others with the tattered dagger in his hand.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Boss!" The glutton was so frightened when he saw the huge, blood-stained crusher-like fist approaching him.

"This is what you should do to be an orc."

An orc with clasped fists sighed as he watched the furry King Kong show off his power.

There are no orcs busy to stop the furry King Kong. After all, they are busy with other people's work, and you are busy with yours. What they do is none of your business.

The orcs on the front foot are still thinking about how big and cool the furry King Kong is, but on the back foot they are going to find a grilled mushroom restaurant to have a good meal.

"This is really easy. These orcs have no suspicion at all." Delia was very surprised by the carelessness of the orcs. She originally thought that they would undergo basic inspection procedures.

Lin Fan felt that this should be the case for the orcs. After all, their Waaagh was not large in scale this time, and there was no super warlord like a beast. Although Uncle Bones was also very fierce, he was not as powerful as their predecessors. It is said that there is still a lot of difference.

When they arrived under the largest flag tower, they saw the shimmering shield in front of them. Lin Fan didn't know this thing very well. It looked completely different from the void shield, but he remembered that the orcs called the void shield bubbles. shield.

Maybe the basic principles of the two things are different?

Lin Fan couldn't remember clearly, but he didn't care about these problems anymore.

There is a tall wall around the flag tower to protect the buildings inside, and the huge rusty iron doors are controlled by gear transmission structures on both sides.

A large number of armored orcs, in teams of a dozen or twenty, patrolled the entrance and the city walls. Judging from their serious expressions, they were quite serious.

"Let me tell you, what are you bastards doing here?" Lin Fan asked the orcs, hoping to get some information or to simply get away with it.

The orc who looked like the captain stopped patrolling, and the orcs behind him spread out, holding guns and anti-tank weapons in their hands, ready to attack at any time.

The orcs on the city wall also turned their heads and looked at the movements of the furry King Kong.

The orc captain wore armor that covered his torso, a helmet with huge spikes on his head, and the ax in his hand had a chainsaw structure and was painted red.

He raised his head and looked at the talking King Kong with vigilance: "I don't think you are such a lumpy can. With your paint and big bang bang, I think you came from the maintenance shop that killed him."

"My enemy, I came from the repair shop where I killed him. I killed him and was attacked by the shrimps. I couldn't pay him a big tooth's salary, so I took the shrimp slaves to defect to Big Tech. ”

"Shrimp slave?" The orc captain looked behind the furry King Kong and found that there was indeed a group of ragged shrimps being controlled.

"Then wait a minute. We don't have this authority. I'll ask the superiors." The orc captain said hello to the furry King Kong and took out a brick-like thing.

"Crooked? Crooked? Can you hear me? This is the gate of the Waagh flag tower pro-max-plus x20."

This crappy name pro-max-plus x20 is okay, and the name of your tower is super overbearing, which is really easy to misunderstand.

Orcs have such a strange taste in naming.

"Ah, there is a King Kong. The little thing inside is coming to defect to our boss, and he is bringing a bunch of shrimps with him. Will we let him in?"

"Ah, okay, okay. I understand."

The orc captain seemed to have finished the phone call, and said to the furry king, "You can go in, but you must accept our boss's rules when you go in. Don't shoot around, and don't damage the things inside. That's a big deal." Losing money!”

"I understand all these principles, but who is the boss you are talking about? Isn't he your boss?"

"We are the Blood Ax security team. If you give us money, we will be your security guards, but don't think about becoming our boss."

Lin Fan signaled that he understood, and asked Delia to drive the Orc Titan into the open shabby door and into the huge flag tower.

The ground inside is quite clean and tidy. Basically, there is nothing except the welded and flattened floor. It is completely different from the bustling streets outside with potholes, dripping water, and all kinds of garbage.

But the walls on both sides are covered with various cables and electronic tubes, with blue sparks flashing from time to time. Numerous technicians are repairing and repairing the entire tower on the stairs or railings on the walls. debug.

The technician boys all looked very smart. They had magnifying glasses hanging on their noses and wore somewhat shabby white coats. They looked like scientific madmen.

The orcs gathered together in twos and threes to discuss, sometimes yelling, sometimes meditating, sometimes angrily, sometimes laughing, but they did not take action.

The big sign hanging from the top, illuminated by light bulbs, had these words welded into it with iron bars.

"Welcome, learn from the pain of stupidity, Xunsi is the first Waaagh! Li - Xiaochang·Laoba."

The orcs are not teaching the right people. It is an orc university. It seems that these orcs are entering a stage of highly climbing and seeking the power of thinking, which is not easy to deal with.

Lin Fan could only hope that these orcs would not think too hard and turn those strange weapons that were still on the draft paper into reality and use them to deal with them, "social idlers."

Forty-one Thousand Years of Sport: Prophetic Chess

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