"Welcome to Taste the Stupid Pain to Learn. Are you just going to join the great master of technology?"

"Yes, we are."

"Okay then, please come down and we will send the furry King Kong to the maintenance room for you."

"No! I don't believe you! And how can you, a little piece of trash like you, be qualified to talk to a great skill master like me! I'm telling you to come over!"

The loud sound of the Gorgeous King Kong's loudspeaker echoed in the flag tower, interrupting the thoughts of many orcs. They looked in this direction angrily, then covered their ears and left.

"How can you do a good job in Waaagh with such low quality?"

The grunt who was yelled at also smiled apologetically, and Mosuo said, "It's not that we don't respect you, the main thing is that you are not from here, and you have no scientific and technological achievements. It is really difficult for us to arrange a job for you."

"Why not!" Lin Fan pretended to be angry and looked at Delia, "Have you installed any new gadgets on this orc titan?"

"Uh, do you think repairing the lightning cannon counts?"

"What can that thing do?"

"It can shoot blue high-voltage lightning."

Lin Fan thought for a while and felt that orcs should not be interested in such things. After all, they had already learned about them.

He began to ask Xiaoyi quietly, "Can you survive this whole thing?"

"Me? Maybe, I can do some illusions or something."

"Then just come up with something that can fool this orc."

"Oh ho ho~" came Xiao Yi's teasing voice, "Are you sure it's really possible? There's a little priest next to us who has as much bionic prosthetic limbs as biomass."

Lin Fan looked at Delia and found that Delia was also looking at him.

The sudden exchange of glances made Delia a little shy, and she lowered her head again, and then she heard Lin Fan's voice, "No matter what happens, please believe me."

Of course I will believe you. You are the incarnation of the God of All Machines.

Delia didn't understand what Lin Fan meant by saying such a thing, but the underground farts who greeted the team were a little impatient.

"I said, when will you..."

Kiki Kiki!

Under the shocked gaze of Gutter, the huge hybrid Gatling on the arm began to rapidly transform, and with an extremely sci-fi sound, it turned into a turbine cannon with a faint black light.

The voice of King Kong sounded again, "This is the death ray turbine cannon that I researched! It's a super awesome thing that I thought of when I saw the black sky in the winter. It can create a black ball, It sucks in everything it comes across and crushes it!"

"I'll demonstrate it to you right now!" He pointed the barrel at the ceiling. The muzzle of the turbine cannon quickly condensed invisible black energy and turned into a pitch-black ball that distorted light and vision. According to human standards, It is said that this is a miniature artificial black hole with controllable suction and gravity.

The Fart Demon was frightened by this thing, and he knelt on the ground and shouted, "Big Tech Master! You should quickly collect your magical powers! We believe it, we believe it!"

"Tch, it's really boring to ask you boss to come over and talk to me!"

Fart wiped the sweat from his forehead and led the Hairy King Kong towards an industrial elevator.

So they boarded the elevator and headed towards the chief's room at the top.

Delia was a little dumbfounded. The operation just now was not done by her at all, and all the words were not said by Lin Fan.

She looked back and saw only Lin Fan, who was wearing simple pants and a man who could walk and talk on his own.

"This. This is..." Delia was out of breath. What she saw today was really beyond what she had seen and known.

Lin Fan tried to comfort Delia's emotions, "Priest Delia, I hope you can calm down a little. That dress is just an ordinary one." It's broken. I don't know how to describe it. This golden age of Xiaoyi The things are really too high-tech.

"Okay~ I am your dear captain's clothes~ That's it." Xiao Yi's brisk voice came, and then returned to Lin Fan's body, turning into a battle-damaged version of the armor.

"Are these clothes?"

"Yes, she is clothes."

It's broken. Delia's eyes are becoming more and more blurred. Could it be that the mechanical heart has been shaken? This is how to do? Go back and find that guy in Trazin to fix the anti-virus?

Lin Fan was worried about Delia's condition, while Delia was recalling what she had just seen.

"A turbine cannon that creates a controllable black hole. Intelligent clothing that can talk and move. The incarnation of the God of Machines. Please believe me."

I understand, it must have been Wanjishen’s recognition of me just now. During these long years of being together, the incarnation of the God of All Machines has been walking on the earth in a mortal body, and has never shown his divine nature to anyone.

He must have his own reasons, it must be those damn dark gods who are causing trouble for the God of All Machines. What he did just now was not only to enter the orcs' heavily guarded camp, but also to show his trust and inspiration.

He is telling himself that he must work hard, conscientiously implement Wanjishen's thoughts and carry forward his glory! That controllable black hole turbo cannon was the best revelation given to her.

I will definitely research it!

Delia, who wanted to understand everything, took a deep breath and said to Lin Fan, "Thank you, Captain." Since Wan Ji Shen didn't want to be exposed, there was no need to tell the truth.

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A true believer should readily accept everything God has to offer.

"Ah, you're welcome." Lin Fan didn't understand why Delia thanked him, but he was even more surprised by Delia's adaptability. She may not realize what taboo thing Xiaoyi represents.

Lin Fan felt that Delia didn't recognize him, while Delia thought that Lin Fan had a more profound plan, and the two people's thinking lines were completely different.

One day in the future, the two of them realized this misunderstanding.

While waiting for the elevator to reach the level where it should go, Delia also wanted to ask about the condition of the clothes, "Captain. That clothes, why can it..."

Listening to Delia's question, Lin Fan's nerves became tense again. How should he explain Xiaoyi's origin? Tell him this is a treasure passed down from their family? Or is it the equipment he got from an expedition to the alien world?

But this is completely unreasonable. His identity certificate only states that Soap is a small citizen of the hive city who was born in the edge galaxy. No matter how he looks at it, he has no access to such outrageous high-tech things.

"That dress. Is it close-fitting?"


Delia's question made Lin Fan a little overwhelmed. He opened his mouth and felt that his throat was dry.

What the hell is this problem?

"Woohoo~ My dear, of course it's close-fitting." Xiaoyi's voice came, and under Delia's gaze, it tightened obviously. Lin Fan even felt that his breath was being squeezed out a little.

I'm so envious. Delia gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Fan's squirming clothes.

Xiaoyi also used a special binary code to communicate quietly with Delia.

two people

No, it was two machines, greeting each other in the intense binary code transmission.

Xiaoyi showed Delia that she could stick with Lin Fan, but Delia felt deeply jealous and resentful about becoming the God of All Machines.

How do I transform myself into clothing? How can the God of All Machines wear his humble self on his glorious body that represents mechanical truth?

Would the Sages of Kaos know this technique?

Lin Fan shuddered unconsciously. He felt that the way Delia looked at him was indescribably strange.

Trazin, who was leisurely watching Lin Fan's role play in the basement, also felt an inexplicable chill. He had not felt such a strange feeling for tens of thousands of years.

Trazin squeezed her hands and said, "It's really novel."

The Tau commander noticed the Adeptus Mechanicus troops entering the battlefield and began to wonder why the mountains were getting closer.

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