The elevator came to a halt, and the metal door in front of King Kong retracted upwards and downwards. The team of welcoming farts walked in the front, leading King Kong on the right path.

The boss, Lao Ba, who had a hard time leading students, was waiting for the arrival of the big tech tycoon in his laboratory-like room.

He had already learned from Fart that this guy had a very cool black clown cannon, which made Lao Ba, who was obsessed with thinking and research, almost overflowing with curiosity.

Since the battle with Xiami's Gu Juji, Lao Ba's name has spread. Everyone knows that there is a cunning and thoughtful smart tycoon in Gu Juji's explosion pit.

Those orcs who survived the Titan War defected to Lao Ba's men. While collecting the Titan's relics, they also built their own shacks and factories on top of those remains.

The flag tower in the middle, that is, the central location of the Emperor Titan after the explosion.

Lao Ba relied on his own luck to survive after the explosion, and found interesting things in the damaged energy core left behind after the Emperor Titan self-destructed.

The violent and chaotic charged particles, even without a cloud chamber, can be seen with the naked eye as their flashing rays of light. Lao Ba felt that this was a revelation given to him by Brother Gomao.

So the Taste of Stupid Pain Education was established, in which the energy supply and source of inspiration were provided by the damaged energy core underneath.

And Lao Ba also relied on this huge energy to create many new types of equipment, allowing him to make a lot of money.

The heavy sound of the iconic moving footsteps of King Kong came, and Lao Ba saw a King Kong with a paint that was different from any gadget made by any big technology tyrant in the basin approaching him.

Presumably this is the new one who defected.

Regardless of whether he wants it or not, Lao Ba will give him the position of a beast, grow his big teeth and eat big meat to win his heart, and then slowly ask how this little kid came up with such awesome weapons.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself." Laoba put one hand behind his back and the other on his chin. Matching the white coat he was wearing, he looked quite cultivated.

"I'm just a boss who takes pains to teach. Laoba, I can arrange a position as a beast for you. How about giving you 500 teeth every three ten days?"

"Oh? Are you the boss?"

"That's right."

"The arrogant leader who teaches through stupidity? The boss of this big basin? An employee of the Blood Ax Security Team? The role model that all the big tech masters and technician boys want to learn from?"

"That's right, it's me." Lao Ba looked calm and relaxed, but the corners of his mouth that could not be controlled were curved to tell others that he was very happy now.

If you can speak, speak more.

"In that case, there's nothing more to say! Do it!"


Neither Lao Ba nor the Welcome Fart next to him reacted, and they saw the lightning cannon of the Furry King Kong in front of him being activated, and the giant Gatling in one hand was also raised, completing the preheating rotation in an instant. .

not good! This bastard wants to be punished!

Lao Ba broke out in cold sweat. He was counting on plagiarizing the results of this big tech tyrant's thinking. But the big tech tyrant in front of him wanted to be more ruthless and black, and he wanted to take away my bird's seat.

"Electric shield!"

In an instant, Lao Ba activated the personal position shield installed on his body, and an irregular shield with dancing lightning instantly rose up.

"Oh! This is the repulsion shield! We also had something back then, but it wasn't mass-produced yet. These orcs are really surprising!" Xiaoyi's voice came, which made Lin Fan feel a little bad, but the trigger It has been deducted and the attack cannot be taken back.

Deadly blue high-voltage lightning and mixed metal storm bullets swept in and hit the shield. The lightning and bullets all bounced off the shield. The reflected bullets and separated lightning destroyed the long tower. All indoor scenes.

The cables and unknown electronic tubes on the wall were all beaten into scrap. Amidst the stray bullets, the welcoming farts were also smashed into pieces. There were dense bullet marks and lightning on the Mao King Kong. The charred marks after being hit.

But fortunately, Joseph and the others had been hiding behind the body of the Mao King Kong and did not receive too much damage.

"Sir! Can you hit me outside? I feel like my butt was shocked!" Old Jock's voice came from the carrying room inside the plastron.

Lin Fan asked Delia to first deal with the Blood Ax security team who rushed in after hearing the exchange of fire. He connected to Old Jock's communication device, "I will unfold the plastron and pay attention to avoid attacks from the three o'clock direction." "

"Xiao Yi, use some smoke cover on the hour!"


Xiao Yi transformed again and separated from Lin Fan's body, just like a bowl of fine sand splashed in the air. These tiny nano-insect swarms refracted light in mid-air, creating virtual images.

No one appeared in the gaping place where the plastron was wide open. Instead, Old Jock and his group ran out from behind King Kong's butt.

"This is?"

"It's just an expression of light, a very simple trick."

After waiting for Joseph Lao Joke and the others to be fully deployed, Xiaoyi returned to Lin Fan again.

Delia controlled the weapons on the fuselage to sweep away the Blood Ax security teams that came out of various gates and hidden openings. These well-equipped orc boys also had tactical abilities that were much higher than those of their own kind.

Lin Fan patted Delia's shoulder to indicate that he was going down, then he jumped deeply towards the open hatch and jumped to the ground.

Laoba, who was in shock and unfolded his electric shield, was stunned by the sudden appearance of these shrimps. He saw with his own eyes that this shrimp jumped out of the cab.

Could it be that that scumbag had trained such a group of well-trained shrimp slaves?

It looks really good, I will have to add some shrimp guards later.

Lao Ba was about to run away quietly, but Lin Fan would not give him such a chance, so he picked up the laser gun and chain sword and rushed over.

"You're not done yet!" Laoba yelled as he looked at Lin Fan, who was determined to aim. He raised a hand towards Lin Fan, and the equipment under it began to rapidly deform, smashing the green skin camouflaged on it into a pulp.

Astonishingly, it was a cannon transformed from an arm.

"Hey, try this!"

A solid cannonball was fired at Lin Fan. Lin Fan, who was unable to dodge, was hit firmly in the head by the cannonball. Broken shell fragments scattered on the ground.

"Thank you Trazin for the inertia eliminator!" Lin Fan's movements were not slow at all. A shot in the head was just a mud ball to him. But if it had been before, Lin Fan would have been knocked back by the cannonball, and his steps would have slowed down.

"Okay orc! Die!"

Under Lao Ba's horrified face, Lin Fan raised his chainsword high.

Ah, a victory (translation below)

A world controlled by the Empire: supply lines have been cut off, and resources that have been mined for centuries have been exhausted. The Imperial army rushes to resist the invasion of other things, including Orcs, Eldar, awakened undead, and the incoming Hive Fleet.

The Tau Empire's vanguard invasion force: a victory.

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