Lin Fan originally thought that the Blood Ax security guards equipped with repulsion shields were the most troublesome enemies, but it turned out that the gentle-looking invention boys were the most troublesome ones.

All those weird weapons that were dreamed up were used on Lin Fan and the others.

"Xiao Yi, hurry up and repair those repulsion shields!" Lin Fan used the Beast Suppressor laser gun to block the attack of the orcs. Domian had been knocked unconscious by the weird firearm in the hands of the Invention Boy, and was now sleeping with his butt stuck out. Sleep.

The orc who hit Domian was still very happy and shouted: "Can only the sleeping ray be used?" Then his exposed buttocks were smashed by Lin Fan's laser gun.

"Don't rush! These repulsion shields are very delicate objects! You should be more gentle!"

Three-quarters of the invisible parts separated by Xiaoyi were repairing the repulsion shields from the bodies of the Blood Ax security team. Whether Lin Fan and the others could survive from the hands of these inventive boys depended on it.

"Waaagh! You interrupted my train of thought! I will destroy you on behalf of the power of thinking!"

An inventor launched a self-propelled gun from his research room. The unusualness of this gun can be seen from the slender barrel wrapped around electronic tubes and various cables.

Two thick cables are plugged into the back, connecting the high-energy nuclear reactor.

After pressing several buttons and pulling down two safety gates, the real launcher appeared on the gun fuselage. This safety standard was already ridiculously high in the eyes of the orcs.

The cannon was charging, making a low buzzing sound, and all the electron tubes on the barrel flashed red and green brightly. The coils were overheated due to high charging, and glowed with a scorching color.

After the energy storage is completed, a stream of colorful light with an indescribable shape is ejected from the barrel, and everything passing on its path is undergoing changes that violate common sense of physics.

Xiaoyi immediately felt this strange thing, which reminded her of those dark and twisted things in the distant crazy war. She immediately retreated to Lin Fan's body, clinging to him desperately.

"Those electronic evil things. They're here again."

Lin Fan looked at the cracks created by Liu Guang with a solemn expression. Those orc boys still didn't realize what they had done, but Lin Fan knew.

A dimensional concussion cannon. Although the effect of these things is to project a force field tunnel through subspace, it seems that this imperfectly researched defective product has now created an uncontrollable subspace rift.

The sticky and disgusting subspace energy escapes, and the colorful clouds shine with diamond-like brilliance. The ever-changing whirlpools and bubbles are looming, telling the truth of the universe that cannot be heard in the midst of destruction.

This is a subspace rift in the realm of Tzeentch, and judging from the concentration, it should directly lead to a great demon of Tzeentch.

Those orcs really did some good things.

"Delia retreats! Prepare to face subspace pollution!"

"Subspace pollution? What is that?" Joseph didn't understand the situation yet, but Anne beside him was in a bad situation.

Anne was breathing heavily, holding her head, and talking in her sleep about equations and calculation tables that Joseph couldn't understand. Some of the people integrated into the third company were fine, while others fell into crazy talking to themselves.

A man suddenly straightened up, raised his head and shouted: "For"

Just when he was about to shout out that dark name, Lin Fan knocked him unconscious with the butt of his gun. At least he could be saved now, but if he really shouted it, he would not be saved at all.

Strong winds and lightning tore through everything around the crack, and gorgeous feathers fluttered out from the crack. More and more people's minds were shaken. Those soldiers had no idea what was happening, and they had no idea where their feelings came from. .

But they did fall into the corruption of confronting the truth of the Warp.

"Soldiers of the Third Company! Take them away! Old Jock! Take this! Purify their minds!"

Lin Fan shouted anxiously and threw the holy statue given to him by the Emperor to Old Jock. What the orcs failed to do was accomplished by a demon of Tzeentch who could not even show his figure. Their morale collapsed and their minds were shaken.

The rift opened by the orc's dimensional shock cannon was too far away from Lin Fan, making it difficult for him to rush over and seal it.

"What a crude creature. It interferes with my plan." The incomprehensible devil's language echoed among the orcs' tutors. A huge, ever-changing demon lord gracefully walked out of the crack, but his eyes shining with the fire of wisdom could only The coldness of contempt.

"You big bird! Why are you so arrogant! I will pluck your bird feathers right now!" The orcs here are very smart, and they can completely understand the contempt in the mouth of the All-Changing Demon Lord.

Various weapons turned their muzzles and fired towards the All-Changing Demon Lord.

He raised his hand casually, and a faint blue light spread out. All the orc weapons were wrapped with unspeakable blue lightning, and they self-destructed under severe overload.

The explosion spread throughout the flag tower, and the Orcs inside suffered huge casualties and losses with a casual blow from the All-Changing Demon Lord. A big demon with such power is definitely not an unknown person.

He must be one of the top subordinates and servants of Tzeentch.

Lin Fan frowned and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. He and the All-Changing Demon Lord stared at each other for a long time and exclaimed in unison.


"Weird one!"

Lin Fan was relieved now. If he could kill Rocasna the first time, he could kill him the second time, especially since Rocasna didn't have the formation to strengthen him this time, and there was no subspace to directly supply him with energy.

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Although Di Ritian and Leman Russ were no longer here, it did not affect Lin Fan's ability to kill this outstanding graduate of Tzeentch University.

Lin Fan was rubbing his hands, while Rocasna's legs were trembling.

That day, after he was killed by Lin Fan, he thought he would be punished by his respected principal, Tzeentch.

But Tzeentch just held Rocasna's soul fragment, roughly browsed the situation, and said lightly: "It's not that our army didn't work hard, but the other side has Gundam."

Rocasna didn't know what Gundam was, but he could hear the regret and helplessness in Tzeentch's tone, but there was no rage after failure.

Just as plan.

The principal always said this. Perhaps this failure was also in the plan of the omniscient principal. This was not a failure, but a new change.

Rocasna could feel that Tzeentch's power was stronger than before. The great web of destiny that he could not look at directly in the air was expanding and changing again.

"TMD." Tzeentch cursed like this, and a new line of destiny appeared. Just because of that damned subjective person, he created a line of destiny that should not exist.

Tzeentch, who was a little melancholy, comforted Rocasna, who was working hard, and then sent him to the impossible recovery mental hospital to let him recuperate well.

Rocasna, who was grateful and tearful, thanked Tzeentch profusely, and wished to shed his blood for the principal.

On this day, Rocasna was lying on the ever-changing bed, admiring the ignorant flowers outside the window of truth, and was comfortably recovering his soul.

Then he fell into the crack that suddenly appeared on the bed. After he came to his senses, he saw those stupid orcs who only knew how to fight, and the damn weirdo in front of him.

A famous heretic agent, codenamed xx, is active in this war zone. Fulfill your duties as a member of the Inquisition and lock his location.

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