Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 151 You kid, you always have new tricks up your sleeve

"What should I do? Do you want to escape?" Luokasna considered the possibility of escaping. Repairing the soul was so troublesome, and he didn't want to go through it a second time.

But running away in such a dejected manner was really beneath his dignity as the All-Changing Demon Lord, and he could even hear the scenes of his foul-mouthed colleagues laughing at him.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this an outstanding graduate?"

"We haven't seen each other for a few days, why are you like this?"

Damn it, it's all this damn weirdo's fault, Rokasna thought bitterly, and decided to run away later, and spar with this guy first, and then say something.

Just as plan.

It's also a good idea to interact with other colleagues with your own dignity.

Luokasna made a decision, put on an inscrutable look, and spoke to Lin Fan with a changeable and elegant voice: "Finally let me find you, weirdo. Prepare to be satisfied with the endless changes. Be tortured!"

Holding the staff tightly with both hands, he shook the ground hard, and the magnetic field changed, moving closer to Rokasna's body. The entire flag tower quickly collapsed, like a paper tower that had been completely soaked in water.

The sound of machinery and metal deforming and twisting came, and they were assembled under the control of subspace energy and the All-Changing Demon Lord. A ball with blue light shining like electroplating appeared, and thunder flashed around it from time to time, hitting nearby places.

"Oh my god! My detector can't tell what it is at all! There is only garbled code in my field of vision!" Xiaoyi's scream came, and Lin Fan didn't know what Luokasna wanted to do. .

But he knew that the cunning All-Changing Demon Lord would never give him a second chance to get close to him. Just look at the cautious look on that Rochasna, with half of his foot already stepping into the crack. He would definitely see it. If something goes wrong, quickly rush in and seal the crack.

"Priest Delia! Where are you now?"

"We have now reached the outskirts of the flag tower. Everything here is compressing, and it continues! Captain Soap, how are you doing there?"

"I'm fine. You quickly leave the flag tower, set up a signal point, call for help as much as possible, and tell them that a big blue bird has appeared here, and they will know what's going on."


Lin Fan had just given the order to Delia and the others. The beautiful metal ball seemed to have finished charging. Lightning no longer burst out, and was replaced by more mechanical parts surrounding it.

A giant mechanical body with a sphere as its core and bound by magnetism and subspace energy stood in front of Lin Fan in an instant. Even Delia's Furry King Kong looked like a dwarf compared to this thing.

Moreover, Lin Fan could also see that it was getting bigger and absorbing more metal parts.

Rokasna smiled sinisterly. This was the remnant he found in the ruins of a destroyed planet when he went out for an internship at the School of Impossible Graduation. That thing was a wilderness development device made by humans in the Golden Age.

Relying on magnetism and the advanced AI in it, the minerals in the desolate planet are absorbed and then transformed into parts on the fuselage, which can then be produced and transformed according to the needs of the colonists. All in all, it is extremely convenient.

But since the Iron Man Rebellion and the destruction of the maximum restriction protocol code, these advanced AIs have been driven into madness by the electronic demons written by the principal, and have turned into greedy monsters that only know how to devour everything.

Now that Luokasna has repaired the main core of this thing through the power of subspace and his own ingenuity, now it is for him to deal with this damn weird person and let himself avenge his shame.

Even if he failed to kill him, he would have to completely devour the planet under his feet. Let him repent in the cold loneliness of the void for the atrocities he has committed against himself.

Lin Fan looked at the magnetic structure that was absorbing the flag tower and getting bigger and bigger. He knew that he could not waste time like this, so he had to bravely rush over and shoot at the looming core.

The straight, high-temperature lasers were deflected and quickly rotated in a circular orbit around the core, like the rings of a planet. Then those lasers were intensified, becoming thick and dazzling, and aimed towards Lin Fan. shot in the direction.

"Yeah!" This attack made Xiao Yi retract directly, and all the nano parts hid behind Lin Fan. Lin Fan faced such an enhanced laser cannon that could evaporate the armor of a super-heavy tank, and felt a little burning in his chest, as if he had been scraped.

The laser attack had no effect, so the problem could only be solved by close combat. Lin Fan didn't even bring the chainsword with him. God knows whether this thing would be sucked in by this weird thing.

Lin Fan rushed to the feet of the magnetic structure. At this time, the thing was as huge and terrifying as a centipede standing up straight. It had even filled the entire interior of the flag tower, and some sharp limbs and mechanical structures had broken through. The heavy metal exterior wall lets in the natural light from the outside.

Several thick mechanical legs swept towards Lin Fan, with an unstoppable momentum like a heavy truck carrying cinders coming directly towards him.

The mechanical leg collided with Lin Fan's body without causing any damage or knocking him away. Instead, a large human-shaped hole appeared in its tight structure, and the surrounding area was all twisted armor.

However, such an injury was of no use to the magnetic core. The hole created by the front foot was re-adsorbed by the back foot under the influence of magnetism, and with the help of subspace energy, the dent on it was repaired with shining crystals.

The entire mechanical leg became intact as before.

Lin Fan was a little distressed. There was nothing he could do about something that had deep wounds, was huge, and could heal itself. However, Luokasna, who was watching the show on the side, felt sincere joy at Lin Fan's predicament.

"Hahaha! Today will happen to you too! Go to destruction!"

Lin Fan ignored Rokasna's taunts and contacted Trazin amid the frenzied attacks of the mechanical legs amid the metal fragments in the sky.

"Hey! A very good collection has appeared here! Come quickly!"

Trazin lay on a suspended chair, taking a sip of precious wine from time to time, and said lazily, "I saw it."

"Then why don't you come?"

"You go ahead and let me watch the show."

"What the hell?"

Lin Fan called Trazin to the disc and greeted his virtual mother, but Trazin just ignored him. Trazin wanted to collect it, but he also wanted to watch this show, and he couldn't miss any of it. .

For him, recreating historical scenes is far more troublesome than repairing human creations, especially since this is still a subjective historical scene. Trazin has deployed tens of thousands of various cameras in the Titanfall Basin to monitor the dimensionality. He didn't want to miss any details.

Lin Fan grabbed a mechanical leg, pulled it off, and then threw it hard onto the huge body of the magnetic structure. Then he felt some heat on the top of his head.

Looking up, he saw an orange-red glowing turbine cannon aimed at Lin Fan's head.

"I'm going to run away first." Xiaoyi said this, turning into a small nanometer stream and running towards the crack in the ground.

Now Lin Fan was only wearing a simple pair of pants. He looked at the energy storage core that was far more dazzling than the Beast Suppressor's laser gun and cursed lightly.


The High Lord on Terra, captured an accident and pointed out high-value targets for Imperial assassins.

Zoom x4

This person, have you seen this person?

Kill him.

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