Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 158 The second wave of reinforcements

The garbage mountain finally completely dissipated, and a semi-arc high wall surrounded everyone. Everyone helped each other climb out of the enclosed pit and saw the messy Titan Fall Basin.

"These Mechanicus guys will have to spend more time digging up Titan ruins."

"It doesn't matter, they like digging graves."

Cather laughed at Wodehouse's joke, the only sound in the dead air. Sister Gavestin and Judge Weiss stood on the other side, controlling the excited battle sisters with their eyes.

Everyone can see the excitement of those fighting crazy women. Even the gentle medical nuns in the team clenched their fists in excitement. If Sister Gavestin didn't have the prestige here, it wouldn't be impossible to rush directly to Lin Fan's feet to worship.

"The orcs here are probably all dead, and the orc offensive on the subcontinent should be weakened a lot."

"Then what? Are we going to fight on the main continent? I heard that there are still three large tribes of orc troops in the equatorial forest."

Listening to the chattering of his soldiers, Lin Fan silently took back the holy statue and hung it around his neck. He and the emperor had just made another deal, a deal that would allow him to take off, but the specific implementation , it may take a long time to realize it.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Lin Fan saluted Kaiser and asked about the next battle plan.

This kind of thing was quite normal, but the battle sisters who regarded Lin Fan as a saint were a little unable to accept it. The angry sounds of gritted teeth and the clatter of tightly clenched guns aroused the alertness of the Space Wolves.

The Gray Hunter silently put his hand on the trigger. The Blood Claws hadn't figured out the situation yet, but this didn't stop them from firing their chainswords.

Seeing that the nuns and wild wolves, who had never dealt with each other, were about to cause friction again, Sister Gavestin quickly stopped the nuns' impulsive behavior.

"That's enough, are you trying to embarrass the emperor's chosen one?"

The battle sisters looked at each other, and then apologized to Lin Fan in shame. They lowered their heads and knelt down on one knee. "I have shamed the Emperor's Light, and I will atone for it with my life."

"No, no, no, that's not necessary." Lin Fan didn't know how to deal with these overly serious nuns, so he had to help them get up by holding on to their armor.

Kaiser curled his lips and didn't say much. The Space Wolf warriors also understood what he meant and lifted their alert.

"Your kindness will be remembered for the rest of my life, and I will never let you down."

A nun who was helped up by Lin Fan raised her head and looked at Lin Fan. Although she was blocked by her helmet, Lin Fan could see a tearful face from her tone. It can only be said that the emperor really raised some good daughters. ah.

"Now it's not up to me to decide the mission, but up to you. Among all the people, you are the only one who knows the orcs best."

Listening to Kaiser's words, Lin Fan nodded subconsciously, and then gave his opinion, "If we really want to solve the orc offensive, we must kill their real boss, the warlord who commands the entire Waaagh. OK."

"And that warlord has huge horns decorated on his power armor, a giant red iron jaw, power claws on his arms and oversized twin-linked automatic cannon-like firearms."

"Wait! This warlord you are talking about, why do I feel so familiar?"

The expressions of Cather and Wodehouse changed. They glanced at each other suspiciously, and then turned to ask Lin Fan.

"The orc you are talking about has a bone flag like a bull's head stuck on his back, and his head is bare and covered by a piece of metal."

"Yes, have you already killed him?"

"Uh, maybe."

"What does maybe mean?"

Cather scratched his head and pointed at Wodehouse, "Let him speak first."

Wodehouse took over the conversation, "When we came here, we eliminated a group of orc armored troops. The orcs resisted quite tenaciously, and there was this orc Gu Juji supporting them."

"Kaiser and I led them into a canyon and relied on the melta bombs deployed in advance to paralyze the ancient giant base. Then we rushed into it and destroyed everything that could be destroyed."

"That ancient giant was finally detonated by my spiritual energy to detonate his unstable engine, triggering a series of chain reactions and eventually turning into ruins in the internal explosion."

"Then we received your call for help. When we rushed over in a hurry, we saw a huge orc standing on the ruins of the ancient giant base and roaring at us."

Come on, this is a perfect missed opportunity to kill Uncle Bones, but Cather and Wodehouse would probably be injured if they hunted a ruthless beast like Uncle Bones. After all, they were blessed by the power of the orc Waaagh. Prophet Mao.

The helpless people had no choice but to walk out of the ruined basin, and heard the rumble of tanks moving on the edge of the slope, which was the sound of the Leman Russ tank engine.

A commander leaned out of the hatch above the tank turret and saluted everyone, "This is the 37th Armored Regiment of Pluto coming to our rescue! Follow the orders of the adults!"

Damn me, how did this place get like this? Captain Hardlich was a little surprised, and the lineup of these combat troops he saw was really too luxurious.

Battle Sisters, well-armed Astra Militarum, Space Marines.

"No need to be polite, soldier! Now we have to fight in a new direction! Does your armored regiment still have room to carry it?"

"Uh. Captain." Although he didn't know why a captain could speak first and have everyone treat him with such respect, Captain Hardridge still answered Lin Fan's question cautiously.

"The Chimera armored vehicles that our troops came over to cover have all been destroyed. Now we are the only tanks left. If it hadn't been for the inexplicable collapse of the orc troops, I don't think I would have been able to break through their defense line. "

Lin Fan looked at the bullet marks on the Leman Russ tanks and could understand the difficulties of these armored regiments in forcing a breakthrough, but they had to surround Uncle Bones and completely kill the core of the orcs' Waaagh in the cradle. The second time Armageddon has already seen such a terrifying giant of technology. Lin Fan would not even dare to think about the Third Armageddon War being an even bigger one.

"Then only a few people can go."

"No Captain, you seem to have forgotten about us."

As a familiar voice connected, the ground in the distance trembled violently and stirred up dust. The earth drilling vehicle that Lin Fan had called back for resupply appeared in front of everyone.

Now, they will be able to bring as many troops as possible to hunt down Uncle Bones and put an end to this bloody greenskin frenzy!

I am a heretic and I am a loyalist. Titanium is so stupid.

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