"Brother Mao, this is Waaagh! It shouldn't be like this." Uncle Gu, Geshigu, got out of his car, which was the ancient giant that was detonated by Wodehouse, with resentment in his eyes.

Those painted iron cans, Uncle Bones hated them so much. There were only a small number of them, so it was not pleasant to fight them. Moreover, he always stabbed them secretly and stabbed them in all the nooks and crannies.

The surviving orc boys crawled out of the ruins under the influence of Uncle Bone's Waaagh energy and moved closer to Uncle Bone. It can be seen that these boys in Uncle Bone's personal guard were all angry and unprepared.

A heavy-armed boss had the courage to make a small suggestion to Uncle Bones: "Boss! Should we catch those tin cans and twist off their heads!"

"Well, it's good to do this. But! I got the inspiration to make trouble! They told me a better way!" Uncle Bones smiled evilly, and his deep voice made other heavy-armed bosses feel frightened.

"As the chosen beast, I just lead some small tribes. Is this good? This is not good! I already know how to launch an eternal Waaagh! A war that will never have any orcs in the past or in the future. Big Waaagh that works!”

"The weak orc boss will only bully the weak orc boy! But I, the big boss, will bully all the bosses! My big warlord will bully all the little warlords! We are going to conquer those poor little Waaaghs! Then kill them Integrated into one big Waaagh! It doesn’t get much better than this!”

All the orcs were fascinated by Uncle Bone's idea. They seemed to have seen the beautiful scene of tens of millions of orc warlords gathering together to launch the War of Waaagh. They would smash everything on the road and drive from here to there. , and then back in the car.

At that time, the entire universe will become a happy party house for the orcs. They will have countless fights to fight and many good brothers to accompany them. They will eat the strong thighs of those poor guys during the day and listen to the old man next to the garbage mountain at night. The orcs told them stories, which were very exciting just thinking about them.

"So now! The fight on this stone ball is almost done! Our awesome Colossus is also finished, it's time for us to go! It's time to prepare for the next Waaagh!"

"Hey! Big brother with unparalleled bones and iron head!" The orcs cheered, and everyone began to take out various usable parts and junk from the rubble. With the help of welding and sledgehammers, they quickly pieced together a series of beautiful looking vehicles. The rickety car got up.

The orcs got into the car and drove towards the camp where they came from.

But Lin Fan, who was trying to hunt them down, would not just let them leave.

"Captain Hardledge! Get their attention!"


The Pluto Armored Regiment loaded its artillery during a rapid attack, and relied on the multiple stabilization systems of the artillery body sight to lock onto the convoy that the Orcs had just assembled.


Under the command of Commander Hardlich, the Leman Russ tanks of the 37th Pluto Armored Regiment opened fire almost at the same time, and the vehicles they targeted were all different, as if they had already had a basic understanding of such a scene before. plan.

The shells pierced the air, and with the help of calculations, they made perfect advance shots, hitting the Orc convoy, sending these vehicles into the sky in the flames of the explosion.

"Ah! Boss, those tin shells of shrimps!"

A dirty gun boy used the high-power scope on his big gun to see the Leman Russ tank in the distance and reminded Uncle Bones.

"Boys, fight back! Call me those bastards who fly airplanes!"

"Yes, Big Boss!"

The hand-cranked thing that looked like a radio transmitting device was operated by a special operations boy and quickly transmitted messages to the nearby orc troops. Several groups of orc flying gangs who were chasing the imperial air force in the sky received orders from the big boss. , immediately abandoned the shrimps and moved closer to them.

More other scattered orcs were attracted by Uncle Bone's Waaagh energy field. They vaguely felt that they were going somewhere, and immediately climbed onto the combat pickup truck and the cool cars of the weird boys. Uncle Bones approaches.

The artillery of the Leman Russ tank smashed the Orc convoy at a long distance, but those vehicles with heavy armor bosses had no good way. The shells fired at them were all hit by an Orc wearing heavy power armor. The shield blocked it.

Not to mention targeting Uncle Bones who was surrounded in the center of the convoy.

"Tsk, even though this brat like Lao Ba is a bit greedy and a bit greedy! He likes to do little things! But the gadgets he made are really useful!" Uncle Gu highly praised the electric shield developed by Lao Ba. , these expensive gadgets are not only used by some wealthy tech masters to protect their workshops, but they are also placed on power armor by heavy armor bosses.

However, the ones who love purchasing these things are the special operations boys of Blood Axe. They seem to have developed a formation specially used for counterattacks by relying on electric shields, but Uncle Bone has not witnessed it with his own eyes.

Above the ground, the vehicles of both sides exchanged fire. Below the ground, the earth-drilling vehicle that was randomly modified by Trazin was trying its best to keep up with their fast pace. It was really difficult to dig the soil and travel at high speed. It’s a machine soul designed to carry concealed cargo.

"We should rely on the coordinates provided by the armored regiment to locate the orcs and let the naval guns clear the ground!" Judge Weisi said, seeking Lin Fan's opinion.

But Lin Fan didn't want to use something as unstable as naval guns. In these Warhammer stories, naval guns seemed very powerful and powerful, but it was like the theorem that there is no harm in smoke.

Respectable people can still survive in the ruins that have been blown into a lava-like environment. God knows why the shock wave and heat of the explosion failed to kill them. These ruthless people always have various ways to survive the artillery strikes. Survive.

For the ruthless people in Warhammer, if you want to really kill something, you have to fight them with real swords and guns, although this does not sound like science fiction at all.

Some people will scold the backward combat method of fighting in single battles despite the age, but in the chaotic and backward space opera stage of Warhammer, this method is often the most effective.

After considering his words, Lin Fan responded to Weisi's suggestion: "It is convenient to clean the ground with naval guns, but it cannot guarantee the true destruction of the enemy. I believe that in your long career as an inquisitor, you must have seen many An example of an enemy who was deemed destined to die and survived a bombardment."

Wei Si fell silent. Lin Fan's question did indeed bring up the point.

"But this doesn't mean that we can't use naval guns." Lin Fan smiled, "We can't rely on naval guns for those guys blessed by strange powers, but to deal with those small fish and shrimps, we can still delay their speed. Made it happen.”

Weisi understood what Lin Fan meant and began to contact Captain Casimian.

"Use the smallest caliber macro cannon in your fleet to shoot at the geological structures of our pursuing troops."

If you survive and get a nun's love

Although the nuns believe in celibacy, and most of the battle nuns are fighting madmen, it does not mean that all nuns have become war machines. The Battle Sisters are just a part of the Sisters, such as the gentle sisters of the Medical Order and the cute bespectacled girls of the Speech Order. And not all Sisters will have fanatical religious creeds, such as the Order of the Silver Shroud, which is famous for its selfless heroism and altruism.

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