Uncle Bone's power claw was shattered by Lin Fan's punch. He twisted his body and used his twin artillery to wash Lin Fan's face.

Amidst the banging sounds of shooting and explosions, Lin Fan felt like he couldn't open his eyes. Subconsciously covering his head with his arms.

"Saint!" The nuns noticed such a scene, and they rushed over one by one with an anger as if they had eaten gunpowder. They threw themselves on Uncle Bones' power armor, cut the joints with the chain swords in their hands, and directly fired the bolt guns. The mouthpiece fired at the power armor.

Uncle Bone struggled and swayed, firing his twin cannons while swinging them like mallets. Some nuns couldn't dodge and were beaten to pieces on the spot. They fell to the ground and died clutching the huge wounds on their chests.

"Ahhhhh!" Uncle Bone's huge body was covered with wounds. The heavy power armor was also as damaged as the iron plate hanging on his body. His hot blood and cut parts were dripping on the ground. Flesh.

Uncle Bones had entered his weakest state. No matter how hard he thought about it, he could not completely ignore the fatal injuries on his body.

The final blow would be completed by Lin Fan, who turned his fist into a palm and struck hard at the chest of Uncle Bones, who was breathing heavily. With the sound of penetrating the armor and flesh, Uncle Bones' huge heart was broken by Lin Fan. fragments, but this is still not safe. This orc has had the experience of being able to save his head after being chopped off.

Just when Lin Fan was preparing to launch further attacks, the sound of dice shaking suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Ho ho ho ha ha ha hehe hehe~ Finally, I got a chance. The dice of fate have already produced the result I wanted."

Indescribable chaotic sounds echoed above the warring sky. Wodehouse's face changed drastically. He clearly felt that in the dark waves of subspace, a powerful enemy cast a hostile look at him. This kind of The concentration was so strong that even his well-trained psychic powers were rapidly steaming up in cheers, applauding their true master.

The seriously injured Uncle Bones and Lin Fan just disappeared amidst the shaking of dice and the taunting sounds of Tzeentch. Apart from the fragments and blood stains on the ground, it was as if they did not exist at all.

"Saint!" Sister Gavestin saw the scene of Lin Fan disappearing, and the anger, self-blame, and anxiety in her heart all came to her heart. She shouted sadly, venting her helpless pain, holding in her hands The sacred power sword seemed to feel her emotions and flashed with a more dazzling light.

"Captain!" Delia couldn't feel any trace of the existence of the Myriad Machine God. The pheromones in the air, the temperature display on the sensor, or the little white mark specially marked by her on the high-power auspicious device. point, all disappeared.

Two devout men who had lost their respect fell into an unparalleled rage, one armed with a power sword and the other with a power gear ax. In a terrible roar that even the seriously wounded Kathe felt grief and horrifying, they returned those The orc guards who were resisting were all chopped into pieces.

The entire battlefield became a slaughterhouse for the imperial army against the orcs. The orcs lost Uncle Bone's leadership and fell into confusion. The powerful nodes that lost the Waaagh energy suddenly dropped a lot.

The orcs who came to support from the outside were even more unbearable. Commander Hardlich and his armored regiment were already prepared to die on the Golden Throne. As a result, the orc planes in the sky and the fast monsters on the ground were all They all ran away as if they were frightened by something.

Captain Hardrich deeply thanked the Emperor for his good luck, and thanked him that the old man didn't really want to serve him today.

The nuns were ashamed and fell into self-blame. Delia also looked depressed and sad. The soldiers of the third company were a little at a loss, but only the Space Wolves warriors were not surprised.

"How long do you think it will take for him to come back this time?"

"It's hard to say. I believe the emperor will protect him."

"Then tell them the truth?"

"It's not necessary. Maybe it would be better if the captain disappeared like this. There are countless soldiers in the empire who have disappeared like this. And it's time for him to avoid the limelight."

"You mean."

"Those insects have already stretched their hands here, and we can just clean up a group of small borers."

A few days later, Captain Soap’s disappearance was included in the report of the Ministry of Military Affairs, along with his service records and combat results:

++The laser gun kills probably tens of thousands of Orc Boys.

A hairy King Kong.

Twenty-three orc killing jars.

Fifteen dirty Orc cars.

A unit of Blood Ax Experimental Weapons Troops.

The boss of a team of orcs

Two (shielded) warriors.

Two (can only be read by those with the highest read permissions)

Based on Captain Soap's combat results and outstanding contribution to Armageddon, his encouragement to the soldiers of the Astra Militarum, and his full implementation of the Emperor's will, a request is made to the Ministry of Military Affairs to issue a replacement Terra Star to Captain Soap.

————Casare Corps, General Westad++

The orcs in the subcontinent have been completely driven out. Now we only need to clear out the orcs who are still resisting on the main continent, and then execute some of the cowards who disappointed and humiliated the emperor during the war. The planet will be on the right track and return to its normal state. Imperial service.

After another half year of the war on Armageddon, the reinforcements of the Blood Angels arrived. Under the attack of two Space Marine battle groups, the orc troops besieging the main continent hive collapsed into the equatorial forest, relying on the forest's strength. The complicated situation led to a guerrilla war with the imperial army.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

And these ultimate evolved plants, which have been nurtured by industrial waste gas and waste water, have unimaginable toughness. Even incineration bombs cannot completely clear a clean land. Now, after the painstaking operation of the orcs, this forest Instead, it became more vibrant.

The imperial army laid a dragnet on the outer reaches of the forest, locking these damn green-skinned plagues firmly in the forest. Although Yaric was a political commissar, his performance and results in the war earned him great prestige, and he became the actual controller of Armageddon.

As for the planetary governor, the glorious and bloated Hermann family perished together with the stupid and arrogant von Strab. According to rumors in the army, von Strab seemed to be on the way to escape. The stable Chimera chariot suddenly lost control at the edge of the sea, throwing the powerful governor into the sea of ​​acid. The defense force responsible for the rescue claimed that the machine soul was crazy. Then, of course, they were whipped 20 times for disrespecting the machine spirit.

When the people from the Adeptus Mechanicus went to check, they only salvaged some biochemical prostheses that had not yet dissolved and a reinforced and modified imitation sponge body.

Now that the real governor has died and his family has perished, the Ministry of Government will send a new governor to manage the affairs of Armageddon. As a pure soldier, Political Commissar Yarick could not bear the pain of managing an entire planet. He happened to have served for a long time and was getting old, so he applied for retirement to the Political Commissar Department.

Everything in Armageddon seems to have settled. The orcs in the forest, the city in ruins, and the orc ruins that can often be seen in the wilderness are always reminders of the brave Armageddon. The Dodon remain hateful and wary of the orcs.

Everyone's right to life is not something they are born with, but a luxury that can only be obtained through the sacrifices of countless imperial soldiers.

In the story of Armageddon, guess where Lin Fan went to have fun next.

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