"thank you."

"No, I should thank you."

Dover saluted a transport truck driver and thanked him for getting him here from the field hospital.

Watching the transport truck driver go away, Dover turned around and looked at a signboard built at the gate of the hive city - New Seaglass Hive City.

Dover hugged the package in his hand tightly and walked towards the interior of the hive.

The sound of clanging construction came, and the ruins on both sides of the road were filled with people rebuilding their homes. Most of them were original residents of the Seaglass Hive, conscripts, or other Planetary Defense Force troops who came to help. .

Since the orcs were trapped in the equatorial forest, the large number of trained defense force soldiers had no use. The military felt that the mobilization force could not be wasted, so they simply converted the soldiers into workers on the spot to help rebuild those places that were occupied by the orcs. Severely damaged hive cities and factory areas.

Looking at the bustling reconstruction scene inside, Dover was a little at a loss. Growing up in the Hades Hive, he had never left the neighborhood of that hive. If it hadn't been for the war, he wouldn't have even set foot there. into the complex underground waterways.

Even after applying for a report to his superiors, he was worried about embarking on an unknown road.

Are there any orcs hiding on the road?

Will there be those wild monsters written in the stories?

Dover was thinking wildly along the way, just like when he closed his eyes before going to sleep, but he also felt that he had witnessed so many mountains of corpses and seas of blood and terrifying monsters, and there was really nothing to be afraid of.

He still has the laser gun in his hand and the chain sword that the veteran left for him.

Dover touched the hilt of the chain sword hanging on his waist in a daze. He could not forget that veteran. He could not forget the days he lived in the fortress, and he could not forget the two of them in the ruins of Hades' nest. The experience of surviving in the war, and the blood spurting out when the veteran was beaten by the orcs will never be forgotten.

Late at night, he would always dream about the veteran and his dark, resolute and silent face.

He just stared at Dover without saying a word, holding only the clean dog tag chain in his hand.

This must be what the old people always say: what must be done.

Everyone has something they must do. If they don’t do it, they will feel uncomfortable all over their body. When they die, it will be difficult to sleep peacefully. Dover also knew a lot about people like this who had things to get done from the interactions between neighbors.

There was a debt owed to so and so, or maybe a worker died and entrusted his poor daughter to his co-workers.

"Hey! What are you here for?"

A man came closer and looked at Dover, who was lost in memories, with critical eyes.

"Ah, sorry, I was distracted. I came here to deliver something. Do you know of a cemetery or a monument?"

"Follow this newly built avenue, and you can see the war monument all the way to the end. But that's not important. What are you here for? You haven't answered my question yet."

"I'm here to take them home."

Dover took out a small cloth bag wrapped in clean cloth, opened it carefully with his hands, and showed the contents to the man.

There were pieces of dog tags stained with blood and slightly curved, and the names and addresses on them were a little blurry.

"I asked the chiefs of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and they said that these dog tags belong to the Seaglass Hive Defense Force. As for the names and addresses on them, they couldn't find out. The invasion of the orcs almost destroyed everything. Everything Do you understand? Those data and documents are fragile things and have been lost and destroyed a long time ago."

As Dover rambled on, the scene of the veteran wiping these dog tags kept popping up in his mind.

"I also tried washing it, and I tried really hard to wash it again, but the blood just couldn't be washed away."

"Okay soldier, I understand, I understand."

The man interrupted Dover's soliloquy and looked at him and the dog tag in his hand with a complicated expression. "Come with me and let me tell you the story here. You can call me Joseph."

The two people walked on the slightly empty street, stopping from time to time to avoid the construction team. The next storm season is coming, and if they don't build enough shelters and repair the anti-corrosion domes above them, Hygrath Hive will be flooded with acid water.

"There are not many living people in the Seaglass Hive now. The elderly are all starved to death, or are poisoned to death by poisonous gas that has not passed through the air purifier. There are even fewer children. There are many orcs. Beasts like to eat tender meat.”

Joseph faintly described the miserable experience after the Hercules nest was breached, but his face did not change at all, even the slightly younger Dover next to him was the same. The cruel war has long made the two of them feel numb.

"Those who were lucky enough to survive were also captured and trapped as slaves of the orcs. To be honest, if one day in the future the orcs from the equatorial forest burst out again, be sure not to be captured by the orcs. Life there It’s really not how people should live.”

Joseph lifted his clothes and showed his abdomen to Dover. The place where flesh should have been was now replaced by a pale biological plate with no visible material.

"The germs and the bad smell have long since worn down my body. If it weren't for the anger against those damn orcs that supported me, I would have ended up in the orcs' dirty kitchen and been made into a dish. ”

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"Do orcs also cook?"

"That's great, boy. Those orcs look very barbaric, but in fact they still have their own unique culture. Although they are still quite barbaric, those orcs will chop off your strong thighs with big axes and stuff them Marinate it in big mushrooms, grill it and eat it. You definitely don’t want to see that scene again.”

"You're talking like this again!" An angry scolding came from behind the two of them. A woman with face-length short hair was glaring at Joseph with her beautiful eyes, which even meant Dover was blaming him. Anyone like me who rarely interacts with girls can see this.

Joseph scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed twice awkwardly, "Let me meet you. This is Anne, my future wife."

"I haven't said whether I want to marry you yet." Anne glanced at Joseph, but from the slightly curved corner of her mouth, it could be seen that she was just being tough.

"You guys look different in age?"

"We met on the battlefield, you know."

Dover understood what Joseph meant. In the high-pressure and desperate battlefield, such a life-and-death relationship will always be born. They slept together in the trench, held guns together in the fortress, and even saved each other in life and death. .

These iron-blooded lovers who have been tempered by war have already made accurate judgments on the words and deeds of the other party, although this kind of judgment is more of a habit in war. You can tell something from Anne's subconscious military posture.

Khorne and Slaanesh

Welcome to hell, the land of suffering. Prepare yourself! Because I will crush your humble structure step by step!


For Fxxk's sake

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