"My master, do you want to sign up for the bottom line?" Gukarad is using his highly biochemically modified arms to assemble a high-speed anti-gravity motorcycle. Those bones that look like just flesh and blood are unimaginably hard and sharp. The atomic plates are cut into perfect shapes extremely lightly and then spliced ​​together with precision.

This kind of auto repair work looks so elegant and quick in the hands of Gukarad, who was once the master of blood pity, just like he once performed great flesh carvings, although Gukarad's appearance is really too terrifying. , in those movies, just his appearance is enough to leave a shadow on people's hearts.

"It's okay to sign up. It's okay not to sign up. Anyway, you lunatics never have any rules, right?" Khan held up a porcelain cup he carried with him, which contained green tea. He was savoring the sweet and bitter taste carefully. Wonderful taste.

"That's right, Master. There are no rules for the bottom line. You can register, you can join temporarily, you can join halfway, or you can hunt racers. There is only one rule. Get the face of 1,000 idiots first, and then climb to the highest level. Archon Spire, let the great Victor admire your skill."

Gukarad smiled sinisterly and slowly described to Lin Fan the bad behaviors that broke through the bottom line in the bottom line competition. Of course, facing these Dark Eldar who have reached the peak of hedonism and indulgence, the game is named The bottom line is that they are simply mocking the universe with their nihilism.

Ancient Kalad describes the cultural color of the Dark Eldar very well, or the last living conditions of those people in the Eldar Empire in ancient times. Imagine that you are trapped in immortality and powerful power, and the stars are changing their shapes wantonly in your hands. You can make a whole set of Water Dragon King Paradise today, and turn this planet into an epic battle royale slaughterhouse tomorrow. .

There's no reason or purpose, it's just that you can do it and you're bored, that's all.

Resurrection is so simple and easy that life is so ridiculous and cheap. Coupled with the innate emotional characteristics of the Eldar, they can easily fall into extreme emotions, either extreme joy or extreme joy. Extremely boring.

That is to say, the Dark Eldar's current depraved life is the best successor to imitate their ancestors, and in order not to attract the attention of Slaanesh, they have restrained too much from what they are doing now. As for those guys on the Ark who gave up the culture of promiscuity and chemical bliss of the old Eldar, those weaklings only deserved to live a boring life under the protection of the soul stone and a crazy clown.

Since the fall of the Eldar, Slaanesh has been devouring the souls of all Dark Eldar, so these Dark Eldar need some alternative methods to offer sacrifices to Slaanesh in order to keep their souls for a while longer.

Their competitions and daily life are the heartfelt expression of this culture. They torture others through competitions and eat other people's souls to avoid having their own souls eaten. Even a guy like Lin Fan, who has read the Dark Eldar setting, felt a chill rush straight to his Heavenly Spirit Cap from Gukarad's description of the baseline game.

"If you want to get high scores in the competition and let Archon Victor recognize you as the champion, you have to torture all the contestants in the most artistic way, but remember not to kill them, use anti-gravity motorcycles Cutting their flesh with a sickle and hanging them on long hooks is a technical job."

"Or you can use long knives coated with neurotoxins to cut off the skin and flesh of other pilots, and then ruthlessly slap their muscles on their twitching bodies, letting their dissolved bright red juice soak into the whole body. This act of stabbing brought him a lot of limelight. Many little girls in the cabal wanted to experience the feeling of having their muscles contracted and broken by neurotoxins."

"It seems that I haven't been here to teach you for a long time, so you have forgotten the original rules, right!" Khan listened to Gukarad telling Lin Fan something like a horror story or something extremely abnormal while he was assembling a motorcycle. A scene that could only appear in his notebook, he stood up angrily and grabbed Gukarad.

He smiled apologetically at Lin Fan, then walked into a room holding onto the curved spine exposed on Gukarad's back. Then came the sound of the Khan beating Gukarad, and his wails of pain.

The sound of violent bones being broken and muscles being torn off shook Lin Fan's little heart. If he hadn't seen Khan walk in with his own eyes, he would have even thought that a follower of Slaanesh was holding some kind of torture party inside.

Khan clapped his hands and walked out, looking gentle and calm. There was no strange liquid on his body, and he was still as smooth as before. But Gukarad behind him was even more twisted and miserable. The spine could not support his body, and he was moving on the ground like a reptile.

It only took a few seconds for Gukarad to be in this situation, and then black and thin insect-like jointed limbs grew out of the gap in the spine, supporting him up, and then quickly repaired it like sewing silk. The bleeding wounds hanging from his body were stitched up.

This twisted treatment method made Lin Fan feel deeply psychologically uncomfortable. Even those fat guys from Nurgle looked more pleasing to the eye than this Gukarad.

"Huh. Ahem." Gukarad's head was completely separated from his neck, but the shaking head that seemed to be nailed to the body was still talking. This made Lin Fan marvel. Those who shoot horror movies The directors will definitely benefit a lot from being in the territory of these Dark Eldar, provided they can return to Earth after death.

"I'm sorry. My offense. Hahaha. Let me recover." Gukarad tore off his broken neck, then threw himself on a cabinet, opened the cabinet door with his jointed limbs, and took out a bottle soaked in The throat in the yellow bottle, looking at the pale flesh and delicate skin, this throat belongs to the Dark Eldar.

"Ah. Ah! Ah? Okay, this will make you recover, my master. Although you have an indelible hatred for us, the fallen dark ones, if you really want to win the bottom line. Apart from this, I really can't I can’t think of the second one.”

"Why don't we choose to kill all the people who participated in the bottom line?" Lin Fan asked. Anyway, these guys in Gemo are not only torturing madmen but also slaves. As long as we kill all the decent guys, Lin Fan will feel happy in his heart. You won't feel any guilt, save these space pirates from looting everywhere.

"No, no, no, dear monkey servant." Gukarad's mouth twisted. In the dictionaries of these Dark Eldar, it was difficult for him to find a real name that could be used to communicate. As for friendliness? You actually talked about friendliness in Gemo? I still recommend that you go and be a potted plant for half an hour in the Bloody Flesh Sculpture Garden. I am doing this for your own good. Remember to give me your complete soul. This is a reward that you are not qualified to refuse.

It's what a bloody pity should look like, but it still can't compare with the description in their words. This thing looks as cute as a kitten.

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