"No. What I mean is that almost the entire Comoros will participate in every baseline match. Generally speaking, this kind of grand event will last for several months, or even years. The most important thing is not whether you can get the highest score. The most important thing is Is Victor happy?"

Gukarad tried to make Lin Fan understand that the bottom line competition is not just about killing all the contestants to win the final victory. If they really do this, they need to kill all the population of Gemo.

Some people come in not just to compete, but to show off their killing skills to the great Victor, or simply to express their dark art style.

However, under Gukarad's eyes, the Khan who controlled his soul and Lin Fan smiled face to face. In his eyes, that smile was so ugly and teasing.

“How many black bean sprouts do you think we can kill?”

"Oh? Do you have such a plan? I have never seen your skills before."

"My skills are just average. I've only killed a few big demons, nothing to mention."

"We can destroy an entire lower area, and my motorcycle will go very fast by then."

"That's just right. My gun is very accurate."

Lin Fan and Khan were giggling. They could already see the happy scene of hunting black bean sprouts in the bottom line game. At this time, Lin Fan was not afraid at all. Anyway, there was a original body beside him, and he could fight it. They're all black bean sprouts who can't use psychic powers. What's so scary about him?

Lin Fan is not afraid that you are too materialistic, but he is afraid that you are too idealistic, just like a psychic master like Rokasna who gives Lin Fan a headache every time he encounters him. But facing these black bean sprouts who are hiding from Slaanesh in the webway, even saying the name of Slaanesh can make these soul-deeply corroded madmen tremble, let alone using psychic powers.

The two of them just stayed in Gukarad's car repair shop, waiting for the day when the competition started. If they could win the championship, it would be good to give Xiaoyi some nano-worm swarms. Even if not, it would be nice to kill some black bean sprouts. It can be regarded as being loyal to the empire.

A month later, the anti-gravity motorcycle handmade by Gukarad was placed in front of Khan. This motorcycle, which has undergone the unique artistic processing of the Dark Eldar, is completely black and shines with dark purple reflections. The sharp saw blades and spikes attached to it make this vehicle so dangerous to passersby and drivers alike.

The motorcycle board was carved with exquisite patterns. Those abstract lines combined to create a complete set of torture rituals and multi-person sports scenes. Lin Fan couldn't help but take a few steps closer, trying to see more clearly. It was not because of anything else, but because of him. I’m really curious to what extent Gukarad’s artistic talent will be achieved.

Okay, I can't stand it. Lin Fan felt queasy after looking at it for a while. Even if these things were like reliefs and hollow art, the impact on him was too great.

Khan also stepped forward, touching and photographing it with his hands, "This motorcycle feels good, but there are still some shortcomings."

Seeing the dangerous look on Khan's eyes as he narrowed his eyes, Gukarad laughed dryly and took out a can of white paint from his extra-dimensional pocket, "Master. This will make you look too ostentatious."

"What do you know? Showing off is better!" Khan ignored Gukarad's dissuasion and grabbed the white paint, then splashed it on the motorcycle. Looking at the motorcycle with an aura of evil and cruelty, Gukarad felt that his strengthened heart was aching. It took him a full day to complete the matching of the carvings and colors.

"This is much more comfortable." Khan looked at the motorcycle soaked in white paint with satisfaction. He had to say that the carvings looked mysterious and vicious on the dark atomic board, but after the white paint was applied, they became normal. People accept it, and the picture above just looks a bit violent aesthetically, and the entire body is also full of a luxurious style. If golden decoration and double-headed eagle are added, the car will become more loyal.

"Then where will I sit?" Lin Fan folded his arms and waited for the paint on the body to dry. The motorcycle designed by the Dark Eldar was still a bit too slender and narrow. He compared it with Khan's huge body and felt that he There may not be any more places to sit.

"It's nothing to worry about. I've been racing here for so long that there's nothing wrong with it."

Khan waved his hand, telling Lin Fan not to worry, then flipped his hands over, and a triangular spike-shaped object emerged from his hands.

When Gukarad saw it, he exclaimed: "Master of the Vientiane Distortion Instrument, how did you get it?"

"This has nothing to do with you!" Khan drove away the curious Gukarad with his eyes, then turned to whisper to Lin Fan, "This is because I was attacked by a blind conspiracy group, and I followed them all. Kill it, it seems that the little group leader is quite wealthy, this is what he wears on his belt."

Pressing the skull-like button in the center of the triangle, the Vientiane Distortion Device was activated. Under the influence of water waves, Khan's huge original body quickly shrank, and the heavy disguised power armor was also changing rapidly. A slender conspiracy soldier wearing black armor appeared in front of Lin Fan.

"Hmm. It looks like locking the original shape of the body in the dimension, and then breaking up the basic atoms that make up the body and rebuilding it. It's really true that the body can maintain its original functions after perfect body deformation. Amazing technology.”

"Xiaoyi, are you awake? I thought you slept to death."

Xiaoyi's yawning sound came from Lin Fan's ears, "The data in the network is so complex and difficult to calculate. I just feel that when I really get into it, my computing core and data storage are not enough, and the energy consumption is too high." It’s big. I need to take a good rest. Seriously, if you really can’t find the nano bug swarm this time, give me something to eat.”

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"Eat? Can't you bask in the sun?"

"Ah. Why are you such an idiot?" Lin Fan felt that he saw Xiao Yi's helpless eyes, "If I want to bask in the sun, do you know how long I have to bask in it? It will take half a year to recover. You'd better give it a try. I'll eat a whole mouthful of high-energy stuff, star core? High-energy ion pile? Trillions of compressed energy fragments? I won't talk anymore."

"I've never heard of anything you mentioned except stellar core." Lin Fan curled his lips helplessly, but did not get a response from Xiao Yi. It seems that after analyzing and calculating the network channel, this is not correct. The old guy fell into power-saving hibernation.

"Yeah. Although I hate moving like this. It reminds me of those two brothers who disappeared without a trace." Khan moved the body of the conspiracy soldier, only feeling strange, and then threw the Vientiane Distortion Device in his hand to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan doubted whether he could use it, but he pressed the button anyway.

The deformation of the body as imagined did not appear, not even the black armor on the body.

Khan's eyes widened in surprise, but Gukarad's reaction was even more intense. He stretched out all his limbs, assumed a hunting posture that couldn't wait, and stared at Lin Fan's body.

"Please! Please! Let me! Let me carve flesh and blood on your body! Such a tough material is enough for me to create the most perfect work of art!"

But the answer Lin Fan gave him was a bullet that went straight into his eye socket.

A Predator cruise ship, almost all Dark Eldar vehicles have this style, low armor, high speed, deadly, and flexible.

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