Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 171 The Stealth of the Original Body

"Good morning! Gomo! Yesterday's Dead Man's Lottery, the final result is full of calculations! Thanks to the endless bloody battles of the conspiracy group, five groups were wiped out in the Gloomy Hope neighborhood alone in one night! But there is a natural disaster trooper I’m dead too! I think you’re all going to be tortured by the Blood Pity Association! Because the noble nobles will definitely not be able to swallow this!”

"Another power outage in the Despair Slaughterhouse, the destruction of the dying star, and another good deed by the Laughing Thieves! The Slaughterhouse cabal can only pay the tax of five million slaves and has 150 billion torture values ​​to pay. Starstealer scum buys new dying stars.”

"At the same time, the scavengers of the Blood Mercy Association are collecting the bodies of those idiots who were assassinated and burned to death on the street. I believe they will become the new flesh and blood potted plants of the Art Association in the near future!"

"And what about in Taiping District? Well, Taiping District is still that Taiping District! I am your Charade who knows the news about Gemo! As for yesterday's host Hades, his head is here! Let's start Gemo Have a new day of motorcycles!”

Lin Fan watched the Dark Eldar named Chalad hang Hades' head on the piercing nail on his chest, and felt that these Dark Eldar TV programs could no longer be described by a simple 18-bar. .

In the past few days, Lin Fan and Khan were waiting for the bottom line competition to begin. Khan was meditating next to his motorcycle, cultivating his body and mind. All of his white-scarred descendants probably have this same personality, and Zen and motorcycle maintenance have been implemented throughout their lives.

Gukarad carved the flesh and blood of the orc slaves he bought and other Dark Eldar slaves in his gloomy art room, absorbing the painful souls from their bodies to extend his life. For Khan, as long as Gukarad could turn a blind eye if he didn't catch humans to torture him.

Lin Fan, who was bored, could only sit in the room and watch the TV channels of the Dark Eldar. From the first few times of being shut down by the cold, then to numbness, and then into a new cold, these Dark Eldar always It would break through Lin Fan's assumptions and break through his self-consciously solid worldview again and again.

"How about I don't let Slaanesh rush in and eat all these human detritus? In that case, how can I use the webway? I finally have a clean place, so don't let those things come in." Lin Fan quickly rejected his idea, and then heard cheers and roars coming from outside.

"The bottom line has begun! Break through the bottom line!"

Khan's eyes opened suddenly, and then he transformed into a conspiracy soldier and stood up slowly. Lin Fan also put on the leather jacket prepared for him, which was quite dungeon and Dark style. According to the two people's assumptions, Lin Fan could Khan, the slave of the Cabal warrior.

Gukarad walked over slowly and greeted the two of them. But Khan was too lazy to pay much attention to this guy. He stepped on the motorcycle and started it with Lin Fan. He sprayed black smoke in his face and ran away.

Gukarad was not angry either. He slowly wiped away the black smoke on his face, showed a disdainful and cruel smile, and held another pitch-black stone in his hand. "You think you won? Stupid monkey. How could I just completely cut my soul into a soul stone, hahaha."

"That's right, so this is mine too." A big hand quietly grabbed Gukarad's arm, crushing the bones and flesh while snatching the soul stone back.

"No! You? How did you get behind me! I clearly saw you driving away!"

"Tch, you are still too confident." Khan did not explain to this bloody pity what the concept of stealth at the original body level was, but just slapped him hard, shattering half of his cheeks. , crushing his spine with one foot.

Lin Fan looked at Gukarad's miserable appearance, but he didn't feel any sympathy at all. He only felt that the stealth technique of the original body was really nonsense. That thing clearly resonated with their subspace nature. When they thought it was necessary, Time covered their aura.

Otherwise, with such a big body, such heavy power armor, and the anti-gravity motorcycles under their crotches, no matter how hard they think, they cannot sneak around Gukarad's back so quietly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Gukarad's broken body lay on the ground, letting out a sorrowful cry that was not like a human voice. He seemed to feel pain at his own incompetence and underestimation of Khan, but this pain made him feel sad. His mood improved, and the ugly crying disappeared after just a few seconds, and then he barely raised half of his face to smile at Khan.

"This is crazy."


"So this thing is for you."

Khan threw both soul stones to Lin Fan and asked him to deal with Gukalad's fate. It seemed that Khan was not ready to come back after this bottom line competition. Lin Fan felt that the soul stone might be useful in the future, so he did not smash it directly. Instead, he slowly spoke under Gukarad's pleading eyes.



The wailing Gukarad's body quickly shriveled up, and the shadow on his body turned into a nightmare that devoured his soul, eating this delicious soul dip like McNuggets amidst laughter.

Looking at Gukarad's body, it was like a model with no collision volume, shrunk into a small point, and all the details on the body were condensed into a ball-like thing. There was no leakage of blood and juice, and it seemed that there was no trace of it. Locked in it.

The shadow that lost its master swallowed the meatball in one gulp, then looked at Lin Fan with dark eyes, and slowly approached, trying to touch Lin Fan's cheek with his hand. The shadow's mouth opened and closed: My champion, come and play with me.

"don't want."

Lin Fan took out the holy icon and threw it towards the demonized shadow, dispelling Slaanesh's projection.

"Psychic energy fluctuations detected! The natural disaster troops are dispatched!" The natural disaster troops patrolling in the air quickly felt the changes in the shadows of Lin Fan and the others here. They drove their wings to fly down from the piercing spire one by one, holding the entanglements in their hands. Silk Blaster Lances seek out fools who violate the few rules of Gomor.

Yes, even a crazy place like Gomo has final rules that cannot be violated.

Rule One: All psychic powers are strictly forbidden to prevent Slaanesh from drawing attention to the Dark City.

Article 2: Obey Asdubar Victor, he is the boss of Gemo. If he asks you to commit suicide, you will commit suicide. If he asks you to pee your pants, you will pee.

Rule Three: Obey the command of the Cabal, unless these idiots want to disobey Lord Vector.

Article 4: Don’t fool around with those Eldar weaklings! Adults can, but you're just a pariah!

Article 5: This may be a rule that impresses every resident of Gemo. After all, those natural disaster troops can be seen every day.

Don't kill those flying Scourge Birdmen unless your name is Asdubar Victor

Scourge: These things used to be infantrymen carrying jet packs, but later they were transformed into flesh-and-blood birdmen, and the wings on their backs were real.

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