"Is this the weapon you found for me? An explosive gun from the Sun Army that has been around for who knows how many years?"

"Why, don't you like it?"

Khan drove the motorcycle through the complex environment in the bottom area of ​​​​Gamo, racing at the extreme speed of the accelerator. While dodging the shots from the aerial disaster, he was also creating the best shooting horizon for Lin Fan sitting in the back seat.

Lin Fan raised the explosive gun in his hand, quickly locked on a high-speed flying natural disaster figure, and pressed the trigger. This weapon is now extremely scarce in the empire, and even in the later stages of the Great Crusade, it became a great weapon that could be spread among the legion, and unleashed his attack. .

The heat energy rays shot from the muzzle carried far more energy than any laser weapon, and hit Scourge's body with a huge amount of heat energy. The slender black shadow was instantly ignited by the thermal laser, causing continuous explosions and burning sounds.

This explosion not only burned him to ashes, but also blew up other natural disaster troops into flying ashes. This terrible weapon cannot be withstood by the armor that is as sensitive and fast as flesh and blood worn by these natural disaster troops.

These Dark Eldar, who regard dexterity and agility as their life, rely more on their own skills and judgment of the battlefield to elegantly dodge attacks, or simply rely on equipment and illusions to deflect attacks to stay alive, just like fatal madness. Like a masked dancer.

So sometimes, when Imperial forces face marauding Dark Eldar pirates, covering an entire city block with fire and shooting with your eyes closed is your best option. Of course, the best thing is to just shoot yourself in the head. It is better to die quickly than to become a slave of pain.

But in front of the ultimate humanoid locking turret like Lin Fan, the dodge and dexterity of these black bean sprouts turned into pictures in his field of vision. The speed of these natural disasters was also quite fast, but in the face of the original body and the imperial army, Calculating this level, it was not too far off, and they were far apart, leaving enough distance for Lin Fan to aim accurately.

I really don't know if I can keep up with those melee witch spirits and nightmares.

"It's okay. It's very useful. Although it's my first time to fight these guys, it seems like their speed is far inferior to you."

"I am Khan! The eagle of the grassland, no one can be faster than me!"

As Khan shouted confidently, Lin Fan and he embarked on the road to the bottom line.


Asdubar Victor, the lord of the dark city of Gomor, the leader of the Black Heart Cabal, and the ultimate happy man who has lived since the fall of the Eldar until now. In his life, he only likes to do things that harm others and benefit himself, or for him, harming others is the best way to benefit himself.

Wearing a completely black armor and holding the scepter of Youdu in his hand, Victor looked bored in front of him, accompanied by many other invited consuls, twelve members of the Blood Mercy Association, and the Nightmare Guard. The bottom line contest.

Such activities are becoming more and more boring. The methods of torture and combat techniques are the same ones I have seen ten thousand years ago. There is nothing new about them.

If it weren't for the fact that this kind of bottom-line competition can attract the attention of these idiots and consume part of their strength, I wouldn't even bother to sit here. Even calling Eldarad in a secret room would be more exciting than this game.

The real ruler of Gemo was absent-minded in the field, and the other political leaders were also busy with their work secretly. They communicated with each other through various micro communication devices installed on their armor and bodies, and completed their work behind the dark curtain. distribution of benefits.

The Nightmare Guard may be the only existence without any words or emotional fluctuations. Each of these weapon masters among the Dark Eldar is the ultimate killer. Almost all nightmares are proficient in mastering a weapon called the Clive Broadblade, and have trained this powerful weapon to be indistinguishable from their own limbs.

Cut off limbs and smash weapons in the battle. Only those who survive to the end in the endless battle can become nightmare warriors, and those who fail only deserve to be ground into ashes and sacrificed to Kane in the shrine. idol.

Victor shook the soul essence in his hand slightly and poured this magical drink that exuded a faint white light into his mouth. This pleasant feeling of sucking the soul made the Lord of Darkness with a false and indifferent smile on his face reveal a trace of his emotions. A real sense of satisfaction.


A huge explosion came from outside the Black Heart Spire, but it did not attract everyone's attention. This kind of thing always happens, as long as those fools don't run into the prison under the Black Heart Spire.

The sound of the explosion became more and more intensive, and at the same time there was the obvious sound of burning flesh and the strange sound of armor dissolving. Everyone here is a master of torture, and such things are not surprising. There are even some more optimistic archons among them who are whispering about torturing more than 10 million slaves with poisonous and painful fires. The painful symphony of time.

But then the faint wailing in the air, and the natural disaster troops constantly rushing down from the spire made everyone present feel that something was wrong. They finally focused their cruel eyes on the central screen, and then they saw a picture that was enough to make the consul nobles suffer from cerebral hemorrhage.

A consul stood up uncontrollably and buckled his hands into the seat. The chair trembled as the sharp hand armor penetrated into it, and then the whole body tightened and trembled.

"Pay attention to your style, Arendnar. These living chairs are sponsored by Master Amaraja. They are not cheap." Witek's face buried under the huge pointed helmet showed a perfect expression of comfort, but if there is anyone Those who believe such hypocrisy are the real idiots.

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"I can serve Lord Victor." Amaraja's mouth on the left side of his face spoke the first words.

"That is my greatest honor." Amalaga said the second sentence on the right side of his face.

"This living chair just crushed the bones of hundreds of slaves." The third mouth at the back of the head spoke.

"And the internal organs were adjusted." The chest opened and the fourth mouth answered.

"In this way, they can be squeezed into a soft and strong chair, and they can still survive. They can survive as long as they drink some nutrient solution." The last sentence was completed by a servant next to Amalaga. Master Lianren removed all unnecessary organs and ensured survival through an anti-gravity suspension device and a sophisticated life-support system.

Now, this pale fleshy ball with only one mouth has become Amaraga's favorite mouthpiece.

"Oh ho ho, I remember this, let me think about it, this is the rent paid to you by the Piercing Heart Conspiracy. A. A senior nun of the Monkey Martyr Order."

"Yes, sir, you really have an excellent memory. This is the female monkey with a moving voice, like a nightingale. It took me a lot of effort to erase her memory of the Corpse Emperor, but it was worth it in the end."

Victor and Amalaga chatted with each other, not caring about the chaos in the bottom line and the anger and anxiety of the Archon named Arendnar.

"My lord! Me"


Arendnar's courageous speech was shattered in Victor's dim eyes. The tall and dangerous Nightmare Guards came closer one by one, with the sharp blades in their hands placed in different positions, just waiting for Victor to With a single command, they could cut the Archon into perfect pieces.

"Oh hahaha~ My dear, you are too nervous, aren't you~" Victor's teasing voice came, causing the Nightmare Guard to retract their weapons, and Alendnar, who was locked in the cold murderous aura, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Those guys did break the rules. This is not good. My friends, go and maintain order in Gemo."

"Thank you. Thank you, sir!"

Arendnar left, taking with him other consuls whose expressions changed drastically after seeing the massacre in the bottom line scene.

Victor sat on the high platform and was deep in thought.

"Could it be a new opportunity? Just like in the past."

Victor, the representative of Long Aotian who turned from a slave to the supreme consul, is a contemptuous person.

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