Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 177 If I don’t have my son, I’ll be gone.

"Oh! A new contestant has joined the track! That blue and red flag! It's Archon Arendnar's starry viscera conspiracy! I guess they must be seeking revenge for the natural disaster!"

Even without Charad's broadcast, Lin Fan and Khan could hear the angry roar coming from behind them. The consul of the conspiracy called Arundenar was accusing the two of them of atrocities. .

"You are filthy! Inferior! Poor quality! Maggots worthy only of being used as insoles! Give everything for my son!"

"Hey Khan, we're in big trouble this time."

"Aren't they just a bunch of black bean sprouts! I'll kill them all right now!"

"No. It's not that simple."

Lin Fan looked pale as he watched a whole conspiracy group approaching them, and the leader among them was his nightmare when playing tabletop war chess. A single bomb drop could directly evaporate more than 500 points of his units.

A card-carrying vehicle of the Dark Eldar, a Void Raven bomber like the Night Wings, and flanked by him were the Marauder and Devastator anti-gravity cruise ships, as well as Raven fighters covering the flanks. It can be said that this starry sky viscera conspiracy has already come out in full force, and it is bound to capture the two Khans and cut them into pieces!

Lin Fan explained to Khan with a dry mouth what a beastly vehicle the Void Crow bomber was, "Listen, I can understand if you haven't seen it, but you must know that the largest black aircraft is equipped with all the weapons. A void weapon! It doesn't even need to drop bombs, just relying on the void light spear is enough to vaporize the two of you. Do you think you are thicker and thicker than a warrior-level titan? One attack from that thing can do it? Create a huge crater the size of a meteorite fall!”


Khan gave a helpless sigh, and he tentatively believed Lin Fan's explanation, "But how can we run? This car is going at this speed, no matter how fast it accelerates, it will not exceed its design limit. You didn't notice that I was turning when I turned. Haven't you ever let go of the accelerator?"

"So you and me?"

"We have to fight hard. There is no way to escape."

"I'm starting to hate you."

Arendnar sat in the Void Crow bomber and let the marauder yacht capture the dazzling white motorcycle. Behind him, more angry archon conspiracy groups whose heirs were killed by Khan and Lin Fan were quickly arriving. .

"Capture them alive! Capture those two beasts alive!"

At Arendnar's urging, the capture net on the raider yacht was projected out and caught the sharp structure behind the motorcycle. Pulled by several raider yachts, the speed of Khan's motorcycle was greatly slowed down. , it has become a luxury for him to catch up with Elafren.

Cabal warriors opened fire on the Khan from the side planks of the raider's yacht, using relatively less lethal force. It refers to the kind of non-lethal force that contains painful and highly toxic bullets that can cause muscle spasms all over your body, destroy your whole body's nervous system, and make you worse than dead.

Electric blades, poison crystals, and nerve disintegrating needles were fired at them. Khan's instinct told him that he could never withstand such an attack, so he made the most correct decision he had ever made after meeting Lin Fan.

"Come on, boy!"

Lin Fan was lifted up by the Khan with one hand. The thin palm of the Dark Eldar grabbed Lin Fan's neck and began to swing Lin Fan like a towel.

"You bitch!!!"

"You're fine anyway! Are you going to be captured alive by the Dark Eldar!"

Lin Fan was tossed around by the Khan and used his body to block the gunfire. Tears fell from the corners of his eyes. This Khan is indeed a smarter person than Russ. If it were Russ, he would have to take a few bullets in pain first and use Lin Fan as a shield while Siha screams.

Lin Fan, who silently accepted his fate, had no choice but to raise the explosive gun in his hand and silently make his contribution. When they are safe for the time being, they must ask Khan for a token. When they get out, they say to Baiscar's group: I rode in a car with your big daddy, and I even blocked a bullet for him. You can see for yourselves.

At that time, Lin Fan took out Khan's token, wouldn't this mean that he would just casually take the position of an honorary elder in Bai Scar's regiment? In addition, I can tell these people the story of Khan, so I am really more senior than the Holy Honor Dreadnought Mecha.

"That slave? How can he still be alive!" Arendnar looked at Lin Fan who was being waved, and quickly thought about what kind of information it could contain.

A monkey who ignores non-lethal force? There is no obvious flesh and blood transformation on the body? Is this the masterpiece of the Blood Pity Master? Was the purpose of attacking his son this time to suppress the Star Visceral Conspiracy? Why? Because he didn't pay enough slave tax to Lord Victor in the last robbery?

Arendnar quickly thought about all the possibilities and conspiracies, integrated all the information and clues in recent years, and finally came up with a plan that he thought was impossible, but was extremely consistent with Lord Victor. Experienced assumptions.

A new round of great purges has begun.

Arendnar was so frightened by the idea in his mind that he broke into a cold sweat. He knew the history of Black Heart Victor's fortune. When Gomo was still following the rigid aristocratic system of the old Eldar Empire, Vector attracted an entire Imperial Punishment Fleet and used the knife to kill all the old aristocrats; he sent a space hulk full of demons to Smashing into his opponent's house, creating a hell within the hell of Karma.

Not to mention that he instigated another rival's daughter. After a perfect backstab, he peeled off her father's skin, locked his soul into the bedside lamp, and made love to that beautiful daughter to the accompaniment of his painful roar. symphony.

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Although Victor never left any clues related to him when he launched the attack, it was as if he was a mascot sitting on the dark throne of Gomo, wearing a false smile and greeting everyone in front of him. , speaking thoughtful words.

But after such a long time of chaos, anyone who has survived to adulthood in Gemo knows that the deaths, murders, sneak attacks, and fires around them may have been foreshadowed by Victor secretly, but no one has ever known it. Just grab the clues and opportunities.

Often when one realizes the edges of Victor's plan, one's head lifts off the ground, and one looks aimlessly at his own torso spurting blood, as well as the Mandela assassin buried in the shadows.

Arendnar quickly covered his neck, feeling that his heart was still beating freshly and his blood was still rushing. Fortunately, no one came to assassinate him. It seemed that Lord Victor's plan was still far from closing the net. He was still safe for the time being.

So do these two people still need to be killed?

Arendnar was caught in a tangle. Although the death of his heir was heartbreaking, it did not mean that as a consul, he would fall into a mindless rage because of such an issue. As long as the status of the conspiracy still exists and as long as his fear of its members has not dissipated, then he can have as many heirs as he wants.

He had already sensed that there were a few fools inside who were secretly trying to overthrow their old boss, but he had already prepared for it. This rage was more of an act than anything else, and those in power who were angry with him were The officials must also have the idea of ​​​​cleaning up the interior and consolidating their status. I really don’t know if they have discovered Lord Victor’s purge plan.

"These guys, it's better to kill them or not, but they will be doubted. Let's arrest them first and torture them first." Arendnar made his decision silently, tilted his head slightly, and stared outside the cabin with his own eyes. Another Raven fighter covering.

"Idiot. Do you really think you can fight me? When I was playing tricks, you didn't even attend the school's promiscuity party."

Void Raven Bomber

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