Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 178 Hand-torn black bean sprouts

Khan's motorcycle was dragged, and Lin Fan was trying to fight back under the poison crystal, turning the conspiracy fighters on the cruise ship into burning ashes.

But Lin Fan was alone, and the firing rate of the explosive gun in his hand was really difficult to deal with so many conspiracy fighters. Soon, Khan's motorcycle was surrounded by the predator cruise ship.

"Surrender! Idiot! At least you can suffer less!"

"Surrender? Haha!"

Khan stood up from the motorcycle, set the vehicle to automatic driving mode, and then jumped to the tail of the predator cruise ship in front. Khan's heavy body at the level of the original body made the anti-gravity cruise ship sink suddenly, but the driver did not panic, but just readjusted the engine power with some surprise.

"You fat pig! Does the armor on your body lock up all your fat? Are you from the self-binding school?"

"Shut up!" Khan seemed to be a little annoyed about his weight. After all, it was not a happy thing for a fitness superman like him to be called a fat pig by an unknown alien.

The conspiracy soldiers laughed at Khan's overestimation of his own abilities. He actually rushed into the encirclement of many soldiers. The single-molecule blades in their hands would dismember this fool very well, and then send him to the archon in one breath.

But unfortunately, the true identity of this dark Eldar was Khan.

A soldier who was still laughing suddenly stopped, and the sound also stopped suddenly, just like a phonograph record was suddenly broken.

"What's wrong with you?"

The other soldiers patted his shoulders, and saw that the soldier fell apart under such a pat, and turned into bloody fragments on the ground.

Such a bloody scene made everyone's scalp numb, and they suddenly looked up at Khan.

"What's wrong?" Khan asked indifferently with his arms crossed. It looked like he had never moved since he jumped on the Predator Yacht.

This guy! Something is wrong!

He was so fast that we couldn't keep up! He cut a man into pieces without anyone noticing. Vitek was so cruel that they didn't even see the flash of the knife.

Suddenly, Khan's body trembled.

"Be on guard!"

The warriors in a protective posture blocked the monomolecular blade in front of themselves, and the rest of the troops covered Khan's position with poison crystal guns behind them. The poison crystals shot into the hull with a clang, but Khan just yawned slightly and touched his back with his hand.

"I just feel a little itchy on my back, what are you afraid of?"

Such calmness made the conspiracy warriors more nervous. They didn't see Khan move, but the poison crystals didn't hit him at all. After leaving the motorcycle, Khan used his high speed and the slenderness of the black bean sprout to avoid the attack of the poison crystals.

Since the mockery was over, Khan didn't need to waste time. His figure disappeared again. When the warriors of the conspiracy group reacted, they saw a warrior holding a black blade standing there, glancing at his head that had rolled on the deck of the cruise ship with contempt.

"This guy is very strong! Destroy that plunderer cruise ship!"

The ravager cruise ship turned the dark spear on the hull and pierced the hull of the plunderer cruise ship where Khan was. The light decomposed by the dark light particle flow and the exploding engine of the cruise ship drowned Khan's figure.

Just when the warriors thought that the strange guy was dead and began to consider how to report to the furious Archon of Arundnar, Khan jumped out of the smoke with the impact of the explosion.

A punch hit the hull of the ravager cruise ship fiercely. The iron fist completely penetrated the defense and grabbed the neck of the driver inside. Under the strong blow and irresistible suppression, the poor driver used his head to control the cruise ship to fly towards another cruise ship.

Khan jumped in the Dark Eldar vehicles that surrounded them, and quickly killed all the Eldar with the blade in his hand, without any extra torture or skills. Few people could keep up with his wide-open and wide-open swordsmanship.

Often, before they could react, a whole ship of soldiers was killed by a single blow. When other ships opened fire, they saw Khan's blade jumping over and holding it on their heads.

Such high speed and ruthless efficiency of the Space Marines not only deeply shocked Lin Fan, but also shook the audience on the field.

The host Charade stared blankly at Khan's killing feast on the field, and at the exploding and falling cruise ship, he couldn't help but shed tears with emotion. He suppressed his emotion of being moved to tears and explained passionately to the audience.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such ruthless, efficient, and unstoppable killing! Think about the games we've played. The more fancy and skillful the game is, the more people will admire it from the bottom of their hearts. But now, this retro art is once again presented in front of us! This is the revival of the classical art of killing! Who would have thought that the scene of killing one person with one sword and fighting one hundred people would be more shocking?" "I believe that after today, those girls in the academy will go crazy for this mysterious wild warrior!" Charad was very excited, while Archon Arundnar, who was still thinking about the plan of the two-five and Victor, was deeply shocked by the Khan's killing. He began to think carefully about whether he could survive such a swift and deadly blade.

Only the Lord of Blades of the Nightmare Guard, or the Succubi and Sirens of the Witch Spirit Sect can compete with such martial arts and strength.

Is this a warning from Lord Victor?

Arendnar only felt that his throat was tight. He quickly took a glass of wine from the luxurious cab, poured it into his mouth quickly, and then crushed the crystal glass to calm down his emotions.

"Raven. Come on, use lethal force and keep his body. I will go find the Blood Mercy Man and torture him properly."

"Yes, sir."

Raven fighters flew out from both sides of the Void Raven bomber and attacked Khan's position. The particle beam of the black light spear spanned a long distance in an instant, but Khan was also awakened by his combat intuition, twisting his body almost to the limit to avoid the deadly particle beam of the black light spear.

But the fate of the cruise ship he just jumped on was not so good. The black bean sprouts on the boat were punctured like a skewer of candied haws, and half of the entire cruise ship became particles floating in the void.

Khan lost his footing and fell rapidly.

"Chaghatai!" In desperation, Lin Fan shouted for Khan's life. He anxiously moved from the back of the motorcycle to the driver's seat, trying to control the vehicle to save the falling Khan.

But how could those black bean sprouts who had been approved to use lethal force make Lin Fan so satisfied? They had been the grandchildren under that dangerous explosive beam for a long time, and now it was time to take revenge.

A crushing field grenade was thrown on Lin Fan's head after accurately counting the seconds of explosion. The grenade with a built-in double explosion fuse exploded for the first time. A cold feeling swept through Lin Fan's body instantly, and the motorcycle under him became fragile.

Then the second fuse was activated, and the powerful impact shattered the motorcycle into an empty shell like an ice sculpture, and pushed Lin Fan down.

Lin Fan tried to find his explosive gun in mid-air, but the weapon had already turned into powder during the impact.

"What's happening now? I feel so bad."

Xiao Yi's weak voice came. The nano-worm swarm she had wrapped around Lin Fan was also seriously damaged under such an attack. The erratic voice even made Lin Fan think that she was about to stop functioning.

"Xiaoyi, are you okay?"

"Well, I feel that the system integrity is less than 25%. It has entered a deep termination state. Please find the nearest Keweiman maintenance point. For details, please contact Otosch."

Khan who fell, Lin Fan who lost his weapon, and Xiao Yi who was about to shut down, the attack aircraft from the sky flew down again, opening a broken net, preparing to capture them.

Only a fool would trade with the Dark Eldar

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