Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 179 Don’t say the wrong thing

"Whoops! Got you, little slave!"

Lin Fan felt that his falling body had stopped. His body was pressed against a tight, cold, extremely smooth body. A familiar teasing voice could be heard in his ears, as well as a new and tingling pain on his face. Sensitive hickey.

"You? Why did you come to save me?"

"Save you? Woohoo, stop dreaming. There are not many lovely slaves like you~" Elafren looked at Lin Fan on his lap with a smile, feeling the pleasure brought by the kiss just now. All the nerves in her body relaxed.

You must process him well when you go back and train him into a loyal puppy that longs for the love and care of his owner.

"Then I've become a slave. Can you save him?"

"Oh? Do you, a slave, actually like your master? Generally speaking, you can't wait for your master to die. To be honest, I didn't see you taking advantage of that vicious-tongued guy and I was already very surprised. Here~"

"Save him. If you don't save him, I will."

"What do you want?" Elafren squinted at Lin Fan, who turned to look at her. She didn't care what a monkey could do, and all the weapons on his body had disappeared. This ragged man What else can a guy do? Use his mouth to bite her thigh?

"I still have this!" Lin Fan took out a dark stone from the belt that Xiaoyi transformed into when she last slept, and then pressed Elafren on her navel while she was still confused. It does look like a good place to stick a rock or something.

"What are you doing! Haha, don't be like this, it's still very itchy~" But the next moment Elafren couldn't laugh anymore. She was surprised to find that her soul was sucked into the soul stone, and her current body Keep the vague connection.

While she was still wondering about the wonderful feeling of her body and soul, Lin Fan took away the soul stone from her belly button and threatened Elafren, "This is the soul stone! I miss you as the Ada Eldar. You should know this stuff, right? Go and save that guy, or I will crush it! Let your soul be crushed directly, and then go find the perverted prince you least want to see."

"You..." The smile of Elafren who was threatened by Lin Fan disappeared, and was replaced by an angry expression. She gritted her teeth, puffed her mouth, and stared at Lin Fan fiercely. In the end, she was still in Slaanesh. He bowed his head under the threat.

"Okay. Let me trust you, this weird slave, for once." Elafren drove the motorcycle, took off a gem from his shoulder, and opened a cover under Lin Fan's gaze.

"What's this?"

"Don't worry, honey, hold on tight!"

The violent acceleration caught Lin Fan off guard. He subconsciously grabbed everything he could hold. There was no sound in his ears. This high speed had made those transmissions delayed and lengthy. Lin Fan had no choice but to hold Elafu in his arms. Lun's fair thighs, you have to be careful not to hug them too hard and break them into pieces.

Khan had been captured by the broken net at this time. He angrily tore apart the paralyzing nets that could be used to capture the Titans, and then was shrouded again by more nets, and the whole person slowly turned into a thickly wrapped body. Like a big thick rice dumpling, only a head that is still turning is exposed.

Archon Arendnar watched Khan's struggling movements and applauded sarcastically for his last free time. He was now thinking about whether to send him directly to Lord Victor in the name of breaking the final rules of Gemo. . First look at his attitude and reaction, and finally decide how to deal with him.

But a motorcycle passing by at high speed ruined his plan. He didn't even hear the sound of the thing shuttling. It was only after he had fled hundreds of kilometers that he heard the explosion and the falling broken net. .

"Who is this!" Arendnar roared angrily in the cab, and the host answered his question very thoughtfully.

"Oh! My God, did the Starry Sky Viscera Group's hunt fail like this? Did they get teased by an underage girl named Elafren who dropped out of the Gomo Torture Academy early? Did you see that? That engine that shoots light and accelerates extremely fast, she must have installed a photon state reactor in the core of the motorcycle engine! And filled it with an eternal energy source that our ancestors used - cosmic fragments! We finally found the thief in the Prohibition warehouse theft case five years ago!”

"Elafren? Underage? Ahhh! Shut up!" Archon Arendnar couldn't bear the humiliation, so he fired a single missile directly into the noisy media tower. .

The missile shuttled through the Gemo construction area, drawing a weird trajectory that was absolutely impossible for the empire to launch. It perfectly avoided all obstacles and crashed into the media tower in a sharp-angled turn.

A shock wave equivalent to the height of the head was released, beheading everyone in the entire tower. The host Charad, who had the head of Hades on his chest, had his head cut off in front of everyone, and sprayed Blood fell.

The broadcast channels that lost maintenance fell into garbled code, but this situation only lasted for about a second before their work was replaced by a new media tower.

"Now the media rankings of Gomo have changed! And the reason is just because the idiot Charad pissed off a powerful Cabal executive! Now here is Gomo is a good place news station to broadcast the bottom line track for you Live! I’m the host, Manjessen!”

Arendnar easily made huge changes in Gemo's media, but he didn't care about this problem. What he needed now was to capture the escaped Elafren! This series of failures has shaken his authority! Those damn young men must have started hooking up in twos and threes and started to divide his territory, his slaves!

"Let me catch up with them! Otherwise, you all go and report to Master Amalaga!"

"Yes, sir."

There was something wrong with the tone of these bastards. Arendnar silently activated all the weapons on the Void Crow bomber. If there was an emergency, he would immediately turn the guns and kill all the traitors!

Oh yeah. And those guys.

Arendnar stared bitterly at the other consuls in the distance who were still slowly on the verge of becoming obese. They were like vultures, waiting for the moment when the starry sky viscera conspiracy fell apart, and then pounced on his body to eat.

The ultimate image of the four ancient gods

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