Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 180 You always have to pay back if you come out to fool around.

"You guy, why are you so heavy!"

Elafren disliked Khan. The speed of her high-speed motorcycle had dropped visibly because of carrying this fat pig, and the sounds of speeding in Lin Fan's ears also caught up with his ears again.

Khan's body was still tied up with broken nets, and those nets hung just below the gravity blade at the rear of the car, preventing it from being cut. Khan just fell behind the car and cursed at Lin Fan, "I knew you damn guy was already thinking with your lower body! Tell me what kind of ulterior deal you made with this damn bean sprout!" "

"I didn't use my lower body to think! If she didn't come, we would both be smashed down. We must not fall into pieces from such a high place!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You idiot! Shameless! You betray the glory of mankind! Are you and I in a good situation now?"

"You bitch! How come you didn't see you shouting Glory when you used me as a towel to throw away!"

Lin Fan also got angry after being scolded by the Khan. The two of them were in mid-air above Gemo and on Elafren's motorcycle, scolding each other one after another. Lin Fan's saliva even He sprayed onto Elafren's thigh without even realizing it.

"Pfft. Although your scolding is quite interesting, but can we understand a little bit first." Elafren smiled cheerfully, and then changed her optimistic and nonchalant look, and turned into a vicious roar, "We are being hunted by a whole conspiracy right now! Can you think about how to survive first? You two fat pigs can't even carry a piece of space debris in my head!"

"Cosmic fragments?" Lin Fan heard the key words in Elafren's words, and he felt that these little clothes should be edible.

Khan turned his curse words around and bombarded Elafren indiscriminately. This underage girl had never seen such sharp and sharp curse words, but she had to swallow it for the sake of the soul stone in Lin Fan's hand.

Angry, congested and bulging blood vessels appeared on his head, his lips were pursed tightly, and his chest was rising and falling violently.

"I won't argue with you anymore. Now I can only rely on luck! Otherwise, they will catch me sooner or later!" Elafren turned around and observed, and found that the distance between them was getting closer and closer. She could already see the conspiracy. The brightly dancing flags on the tour boat.

"Hopefully we can survive."

"Why are you talking like you're telling the aftermath?" Lin Fan looked at Elafren uneasily, fearing that she would do something impulsive.

Elafren pointed at a colorful burning storm in front of them, his black lips slightly opened, "They will never dare to enter there."

"My mother is separated? Isn't this rare?"

"You know quite a lot, don't you? Give me a bite~muaaaa~"

"What are you talking about?" Khan still didn't understand why Lin Fan was so scared. He had never heard of a word with a weird pronunciation like "separation".

Lin Fan turned around and explained to Khan, a curious baby, about the natural disasters in the webway, "Separation is the worst and rarest extreme phenomenon in this hellish place like Gemo. This thing is simply earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tsunamis, and all the things you can imagine. It’s a combination of natural disasters! And it can also bring in some demons. Generally speaking, this kind of situation will only happen if something goes wrong in the subspace!”

"The answer is correct! 100 extra points for the social and humanities class, and I'll reward you with a kiss from the teacher~mua~"

Elafren kissed Lin Fan's face with a smile. She just felt that no matter how hard she kissed her, she couldn't get enough. Maybe it's the same feeling that humans feel when they see a cute cat and want to hold it hard and suck it on their face. , but Lin Fan could only see the vicissitudes of explaining the funeral affairs from the blue eyes of Elafren.

"Last time, a separation suddenly occurred, and it was extremely large. It took almost half of the slaves in the entire city to survive, but it still failed to solve the problem, leaving behind this continuous separation storm area. Although we still found ways to separate this space from other places."

Extremely large scale? Suddenness? Subspace?

It was over. Lin Fan felt that this might have been caused by him making Khorne angry and causing a cerebral hemorrhage, and then wrestling the Emperor fiercely in the subspace. He could only say that he would have to pay back sooner or later.

"Are we really going in?"

"Let's go! Little one! What are you afraid of? My sister is with you!" Elafren put her body next to Lin Fan's ear and breathed out gently, then grabbed Lin Fan's hand and twisted the accelerator and plunged in. Understand the separation storm area.

Just like penetrating a membrane, with a bang, they completely entered this isolated area and disappeared completely.

Arendnar stopped chasing outside the separation storm area. In their judgment, these guys would never survive.

But he failed to capture these guys alive. This was also a blow to his authority.

"Sir. Lord Osabel wants to speak to you."

Arendnar adjusted his face so that he would become calm and indifferent, preventing anyone from seeing his inner emotions. He held a glass of wine in his hand and connected to the communication of Archon Osabel.

"Hello, Osabel. Are you here to witness my success?"

"Successful? I don't see it, if suicide without torture can be considered a success."

"Hehehe, this is just a step for me to clear out the small hidden dangers in the team. It is insignificant."

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"Yeah, I really envy you for having such a good temper. You can still be calm after losing so many predator cruise ships. If it were me, I would have been angry to death~"


Arendenal Governor smiled faintly, but in his heart he had already begun to greet Osabel's family. He was really talking about something else. After he survived this Victor purge, he must skin this kid and use him as his foot cloth.

He slowly pushed the driver in his hand, and silently locked the missiles and torpedoes mounted by the Void Raven on Osabel's vehicle, "I remember that my relationship with you is not very good, or does your daughter want her good uncle to teach her to study well again? That's really a naughty child, and she needs to be spanked."

"Hehe. My daughter has always been a good student, unlike your son who needs to be sent to the Blood Pity to be resurrected." Osabel responded lightly, constantly stimulating Arendenal's tense nerves.

Osabel's troops surrounded Alendenar's troops. As long as someone gave an order, the two sides could start a fight, and the killing weapons loaded on them would be fully launched on the other side's head.

After thinking for a long time, Alendenar closed his eyes and slowly spoke, "Did you see the wild warrior riding a white motorcycle?"

"I saw it. He has outstanding skills and extraordinary martial arts. I want to marry my daughter to him."

"The slave behind him has been transformed by the master of the blood-pitying people. Do you understand what I mean?"

Osabel's face changed drastically. He thought about what it would be like to transform a blood-pitying person without flesh and blood mutation. He and Archon Alendenar began to think wildly.

Finally, the two smiled in tacit understanding, "For Lord Victor."

It would be helpful if you were willing to smile more. Okay. My baby son is so cute.

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