They should have died in a mixture of natural disasters, but they didn't. Elafren passed out on the motorcycle, pressing Lin Fan's back with her breasts. The entire Raider motorcycle was moving forward automatically.

Lin Fan raised his hand, holding the icon to create a sacred golden shield, while Khan, who was wrapped in rice dumplings and hung at the back of the car, was arguing with the emperor's virtual image.

After they plunged into the death zone, the disconnected emperor signal on Lin Fan's body was immediately connected. The holy statue was also emitting a sacred light. Lin Fan, who understood the emperor's intention, quickly raised the holy statue high. The shield was used to block natural disasters caused by thunderstorms, floods and mudslides.

Who knows why this place can produce floods and mudslides, but at least Lin Fan and the others don't have to worry about their own safety for a long time.

Elafren was attracted by the light of the Emperor's icon, and just when she was about to touch the thing in Lin Fan's hand, the Emperor's virtual image appeared, and then the little girl was crushed by the huge amount of subspace power. , comatose on the motorcycle and couldn't sleep.

"Father" Khan stared blankly at the emperor's shadow, not knowing what to say.

The Emperor spoke, and Khan's brain felt like it had been sharply scratched by a razor. The many voices made it difficult for him to understand what the Emperor wanted to say to him.

"I am the true God!"

"Time is running out."

"The plan failed."

"Destruction. Hatred and revenge!"

"He who has no faith! There is no hope of salvation!"

"Reviving the Golden Age"

"For mankind to stand on top of the universe forever!"




"I am also a human being."

"Who will save me."

"Makado, my friend."

As the Khan endured the Emperor's thousands of simultaneous words, a different scene emerged in his mind. It was the time when the Emperor went to war, it was the time when the Emperor was concentrating on research in the laboratory under the Himalayan Palace, it was the time when he burned the last church on Terra, it was the time when he was trapped on the throne and sighed silently.

Khan knew the Emperor's subspace nature, but it was far less terrifying and chaotic than it is now. What kind of existence has become of his father, whom he has never acknowledged? He didn't dare to think deeply

"Hey! Jaghatai! Wake up!"

Suddenly waking up and panting violently, Khan shook his head hard in the broken net and tried to regain his consciousness. Then he saw Lin Fan's concerned eyes and the shadow floating in front of his eyes.


This time, Khan heard the emperor's true voice, and the pain that felt like a razor scratch disappeared. He looked at the emperor in surprise, and then at Lin Fan, thoughtfully.


The two people fell into silence, one was the arrogant silent father, and the other was the aloof adult son who had his own ideas. Neither of these two people wanted to be the first to speak. The Emperor's ability to deal with matters related to his family was a piece of shit. Maybe he should learn from his loving father.

Lin Fan really couldn't bear the sight of the two arrogant people just looking at each other in silence, so he said, "Ahem, Emperor, what are you doing here?"

"Alas." The emperor sighed, "I suddenly lost your figure and then caught it again, so I came over to take a look and found that your situation is not optimistic either."

"So what's going on with Armageddon?"

"It's safe, for now."

"What about Delia and the others?"

"They are currently resting at Armageddon, waiting for orders from the Ministry of Military Affairs, but I think they will be on their way to the Gulf of Damocles."

"Damocles Bay?" Lin Fan was puzzled. He remembered that the place had been ignited by the Mechanicus and turned into an insurmountable sector-level fire wall. Was going to Damocles Bay at this time a trip?

The Emperor seemed to understand Lin Fan's doubts and answered, "A subspace storm blew away the flame barrier somewhere, and the Tau have begun a new round of expansion."

"Ah, it's that guy's fault again."

"That's right."

"What are you talking about?" Khan frowned and looked at the emperor and Lin Fan. He could understand some of the words, but the coherent events were beyond his comprehension.

"About the Empire, son." The Emperor responded to Khan's question calmly without explaining too much. Just like his previous practice, he only responded and never explained. He even didn't even respond when he was anxious. Give you an expression and feel for yourself.

"The Empire. Is the Empire okay now?"

Although Khan asked this, he was not optimistic about the situation of the empire. It must be worse than when he was still active. The Space Marines who lost the leadership of the original body were just a group of soulless war machines. The empire that lost its emperor was an indescribably hopeless country.

The emperor glanced at Khan and said nothing. Lin Fan could only bite the bullet and tell Khan the desperate story of the empire's continuous decline and intermittent brief outages for more than ten thousand years, and then fell into a deeper and more depraved abyss. .

Khan nodded matter-of-factly at first, he had expected all these situations, and then as Lin Fan told him, his expression became more and more strange, until his face was as black as coal, and the red lightning on his forehead became more conspicuous.

"This group, this group." Khan was so angry that he didn't even know what to say, so he had to restrain himself from shouting in front of the emperor while gasping for breath.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Finally, he sighed, lowered his head, raised his eyelids and glanced at the emperor, "Do you think you can still be saved?"

"Maybe there is, maybe there isn't."

"Hey!" Khan curled his lips, his expression extremely mocking and sarcastic, "You are still the same as before, always saying such nonsense! That's how you buried the seeds of doubt in the hearts of other brothers. ! You haven’t even changed your bad habits yet!”

"You can't say that, he also has his own difficulties."

"His reason is to hide his little secret from everyone! And then treat everyone who died for him as a tool! Just for his so-called rise of mankind! Then aren't those of us who fight bloody battles to the death human beings? We have spilled so much blood and sweat! Why should we be abandoned!”

Khan vented his ten thousand-year-old anger and dissatisfaction to the Emperor. He had not been able to say it during the defense of Terra, nor when the Emperor ascended the throne, but now he was deeply affected by the tragedy of the Empire. Deeply shaken to his soul, he broke out completely.

"Actually, the Emperor." Lin Fan glanced at the Emperor silently and saw that he had no objection. Then he made up his mind to tell Khan the secret, "Actually, the Emperor has left you a living space. In the palace Below, there is a group of abandoned buildings, which are the homes prepared by the emperor for you."

"How is this possible? All my memories tell me that he is a heartless person! How could he do such a thankless thing!"

"Really! Magnus saw it with his own eyes!"

"Each of you has his own place!" The emperor finally spoke. His voice drowned out Khan's complaints, causing both Lin Fan and Khan to look at his frozen body, which had never changed. face.

Between you and me. I'm really no angel. (Everyone loves angels)

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