"Each of you has his own place." I don't know if it was Lin Fan's illusion. He seemed to see sadness flashing through the emperor's eyes, just like a strong father who was severely misunderstood by his son. .

"Lorgar. He was supposed to be a messenger, using enlightenment to protect mankind from the influence of superstition, so that people could learn to reject the whispers in the dark. Magnus was to sit on the Golden Throne and become the guardian of the human webway. , became the Librarian of the Omniscient Library Horus.”

When the Emperor mentioned this name, all emotions of regret and anger came up. "He was supposed to be the Grand General, protecting humanity across the galaxy from outside threats. Conrad was going to be the enforcer of the law. Morta Rhian would supervise the genetic mutations that occurred on all planets that violated the basic principles of biology. Dorn and Perturabo would become the architects of the Empire. Alpharius and Omega would become an artist. Angron would make a good intelligence minister and maybe a caring psychiatrist."

"Each of you has value and a place. All the sacrifices, plans, deaths, sorrows, glory, battles, tests, and tribulations of more than 40,000 years will eventually lead to this result. We are responsible for creating a relatively stable and safe survival and evolution. Environment, until humans completely develop natural immunity to subspace, humans will receive eternal salvation.”

"And at that time, I will take off the heavy crown of the emperor and become a mortal again. Walking in the world."

Khan was deeply shocked by the Emperor's vision. He was speechless. He could only blink and think quickly about everything the Emperor explained to him. The conversations he heard today were far more than the short conversations he had with the Emperor in the past. Got along with each other.

"But. I. I remember you were just. You were just a ruthless tyrant, a hypocrite."

Khan said to himself. At this time, he suddenly woke up and looked up at the emperor's figure. He finally understood why the emperor had done so many contradictory things in his knowledge, so many things. Brutally and incomprehensibly wrong.

His lips trembled, remembering the ever-changing shadow that played with the soul, "It's their interference."

The Emperor said nothing, but his gaze was the best recognition.

Khan realized that his own memory might be tampered with, and he even realized that the memories of other Primarchs might also be tampered with. He raised his head and trembled his lips, "What about Angron's madness?"

The Emperor sighed and closed his glowing eyes, "Angron. On his home planet, Khorne and Tzeentch affected his mind. When I landed, he had fallen into madness. Killed everyone, everyone around him."

"So, it's not that you don't want to save someone."

"That's unnecessary. I only need to send down the imperial army to suppress the slave owners above. Why should we cause more trouble?"

Khan closed his eyes, and he could already think of the truth of everything that had happened. Angron led his brothers and sisters into the palace of the slave owner, advancing among the blood and corpses. Finally, affected by the Butcher's Nail and the casualties of his brothers and sisters, Angron fell into confusion, and then let him take advantage of the situation. and controlled by the incoming Khorne and Tzeentch.

He killed all the brothers and sisters who resisted, but instead protected the slave owner. He knelt down among the corpses and cried silently. Self-blame and pain shattered his last nerve as the original body.

The Emperor, who arrived belatedly, fought off the slave masters who tried to capture the dying Angron alive. After hastily taking over the rule of the planet, he rescued Angron back to his flagship. When he discovered that Angron's mind had been linked to that of the Butcher, The spikes merged into one, as his soul projection in the warp headed towards guilt-ridden destruction.

The Emperor decided to be the villain himself, tampering with Angron's memory, taking on all responsibility and malice, and becoming Angron's most hated enemy. All this was just a father's attempt to save his child.


This was the first time that Khan addressed the emperor without any sarcasm. He raised his head and looked at the emperor's silhouette, his eyes tightly holding back the tears from falling, "Since you can modify your memory, Then why not just let Angron forget all that!"

"He will not forget his brothers and sisters, just as I will not forget humanity."

"Then...the two missing brothers?"

The emperor's expression finally changed, and anyone could see the obvious sadness and distress, "Don't ask, child."

Khan shut up knowingly. Maybe the two cleared legions had darker and heavier secrets, but it was not the time for him to know it yet.

Lin Fan's eyes widened as he listened to the conversation between the Emperor and the Khan in horror.

This is completely different from what is written in the book!

Why is this happening?

Oh yes! It's because the writers at GW never connect the entire Warhammer story together! They only write one thing here and one thing here and there, making the whole story confusing and contradictory.

Let the Emperor seem to be a helpless normal person in this book, and then become a complete bastard in the next book, with an EQ and IQ lower than the hound of Khorne, and then in the years to come Overthrow and start again! Finally, the Emperor was written into a hypocritical god with no humanity!

The true gods of chaos in this universe are not some bullshit hawkers, but the GW headquarters who are trying their best to sell chess pieces and write books in the higher world! In order to make money, these guys dare to write anything outrageous!

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Lin Fan realized with a pale face the biggest problem in the Warhammer story collection and settings. He had traveled through this universe and he knew most of the settings, but what about the content that GW did not describe?

What about beyond the Milky Way? What about the Magnetic Devourer that Rokas took? And that big mechanical head made by Naoba that he couldn't even recognize? Those things are never mentioned in the books!

Will the books written by GW be stories from another perspective? A false story twisted by the piece of shit that is Tzeentch? Maybe the truth is really just as the emperor said, full of helplessness?

If not, how can we explain that the Emperor has so many people willing to follow him? If he was really an incorrigible tyrant, he would have been overthrown by his subordinates long ago. Would there be any need for the Four Hawkers to take action?

The world has undergone tremendous changes because of Lin Fan's appearance. The Wolf King and Diritian were found in the subspace. The Bonebreaker's first Waaagh! It ended early, and the fire in the Gulf of Damocles was extinguished, not to mention that the conversation between the Khan and the Emperor and his son revealed ancient secrets.

So where to go next? Can my prediction of the future really be used? Lin Fan bit his fingers and frowned. Then he interrupted the father-son communication between Khan and the Emperor. He needed to ask an ultimate question that would affect the subsequent development of the empire.

"If the story of Angron is really like this, then is it really you who sits on the throne?"

Is the Emperor a good guy or a bad guy? All I can say is that the Emperor was a schizophrenic psychopath in the writings of those writers.

When gw was selling chess pieces, it only wanted to touch on old historical stories. It didn't expect that it would become such a huge story later, so the setting was contradictory and it was very confusing. In addition, these guys only want to sell chess pieces, and everything is centered around selling chess pieces. If one day the 40k financial report is not good, the emperor will be directly upgraded to the God of Destruction, and you will be rewarded. Learn from the ancient times and start a new era of AOS and continue to sell. piece.

I can only say great sadness.

Therefore, the emperor in this book will be deviated from the original work. If you want to really see the emperor's chaotic virtues, you still have to find a book to read.

It’s really hard to describe, he did too many immoral things.

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