The emperor smiled. This was the first time Lin Fan saw the emperor's smile, and it was also the first time Khan saw it.

If this kind of gentle smile didn't drive the battle sisters crazy, those space warriors would swear allegiance to this shining man to death.

"You finally asked this question. I thought you would ask it much later."

"So... is it really you who is sitting on the throne?"

"That's me." The Emperor paused. "It's not me either."

"Can you make it clearer? It's really annoying for you to be the Riddler."

The emperor smiled helplessly, "That was originally me, but then it became a guy called the God Emperor."

"I am many things. A savior. A destroyer. A true god. A mortal. Sometimes I don't know what I am."

"I was helped onto the throne, and I looked naked at all the madness in the subspace. I changed from a frustrated loser to an icy sun suspended in the subspace."

"Those beliefs united the empire and condensed the chaotic hearts, but they all pointed to me in the end, or to my gradually decaying corpse on the throne."

"Many people are shouting for the throne, for the God-Emperor. Even if they don't know what the God-Emperor is or what the throne looks like, this does not prevent these emotions from becoming the great power of subspace."

"You are the only one who can hear my voice of humanity."

Lin Fan looked at the emperor and felt his eyes were a little sore. He could hear the great sadness in the emperor's plain tone. The man who refused to become a god became a god, and his divinity completely overwhelmed the emperor's humanity, and he became a god. It became an insignificant whisper amidst the chaotic roar.

"There are only a few people who can hear it, right? You can't completely stop guiding the empire."

"Yes, most of them are hints from dreams, or illusory things like prophecies. They need to be interpreted and thought about, and most of the time they are not the true meaning I want to express."

The emperor held Lin Fan's hand and looked at him seriously, "Now only you can hear my voice of humanity, and only you can protect those around you from the invasion of my divine power. Chagatai also Well, whether it’s Trajan, the same Judge Weisi, or Priest Delia. You know what I want to do, and you are the only one who can lead the empire back on track. You won’t misunderstand me, no. You will persecute others in the name of religion. You teach very well in the Third Company, and you can teach more people to follow the right path."

"And when your preparations are complete, please come to the throne and free me."

Lin Fan looked into the emperor's eyes, felt his warm hands, and didn't know what to say for a moment. The two of them stared at each other in silence for a long time. Lin Fan choked and said, "Then what should I prepare?"

"I will pave the way for you, you just need to move forward bravely and bring more people with you."

The emperor's virtual image became more and more transparent, and his voice became erratic, "They are coming, it's time for you to go, repair that little guy, and move forward bravely!"

"Wait!" Lin Fan wanted to say something else, but the emperor just waved his hand and sent the motorcycle, which was drifting in the separation disaster, back to Gomori. The emperor was the only one left in this chaotic natural disaster area. He turned back to look into the void, and his whole state had undergone tremendous changes.

The face with a hint of humanity became cold, sacred, not allowed to be blasphemed, and inhumane. A sword burning with holy fire appeared in his hand. The armor on his body exuded a holy light, and there was a vague sense of piety. The choir sings all about him.

The emperor now became the God Emperor. He raised the flaming sword, and behind him appeared a number of warriors of the Cursed Legion whose bodies were burning with flames. They were waiting in full formation, fearless, and never let up. They were bound to follow them. The king fights to the end of the universe.

"It seems you haven't fought enough in the second fight, right?"

The Emperor's response was only a furious roar and the roar of drums.


"Well. My head hurts so much. What happened just now, and why are you two crying? No! Why is there a big fat pig hanging on the back of my motorcycle! Where is that guy with a bad mouth!"

Elafren rubbed his head, which was still in sudden pain, and found Lin Fan with tears streaming down his face, looking as if he was moved to death, and a savage monkey with a beard and braids hanging on the back of his motorcycle.

The celestial instrument on Khan's body failed at some point, probably when he was talking to the Emperor, and the disguise dissipated. The Khan was now trapped in the broken web in his power armor, but he was not angry at Elafren's disrespect. He was still immersed in the words of the Emperor's human side.

"Please, free me."

Khan repeated this sentence in disbelief, several times. There was only his father in his mind, and only the back of the tyrant who supported the entire empire. He remembered the pain he had experienced when he had to deal with Shushan Wenhai in the fortress. At that time, he was tortured so much that he quickly blamed it all on the company commander, and then rode his motorcycle to relax.

But what about the Emperor? He manages an empire that is far larger than a fortress. He not only considers how to deal with Shushan Wenhai, but also plans the future development direction of the famous human race. He also has to fight wits and courage with the enemies of the subspace, and deal with their bad tempers. Brothers and legions don't get into trouble with each other. To whom could he entrust these tasks? Leave it to himself?

What kind of pressure is this?

Khan felt a splitting headache just thinking about it. He had never looked carefully at the fighting Astra Militarum. They were killing millions of people on the battlefield. He was just indifferent. Looking at the numbers on the screen, I think this is a necessary sacrifice for victory in the war.

What about the Emperor? He watched tens of thousands of Space Marines die, how could he personally lean down and comfort them? Does he have time? Does he have the energy? So many casualties are enough to make any sentimental person hard-hearted. Treating everyone, and even himself, as a tool may be just a helpless move because he is unwilling to use his emotions to rule his thoughts. The Emperor did not collapse under such pressure, but was full of hope for the future of mankind.

He did not choose to build a political structure around the Primarchs and Space Marines because the Space Marines were more powerful than mortals, but hoped to recreate the self-confidence of mortals in the Golden Age to conquer the stars.

"I misunderstood you for so long"

Khan shook his head in pain, tears falling from his cheeks uncontrollably.

If we follow the theory of shamanic fusion in the early years, the emperor's hesitant appearance may be because there are hundreds of shamans quarreling in his mind, and he doesn't know who to listen to.

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