"Woohoo! It's so comfortable to have a drink after racing! Let's celebrate that we have lived another day today!" Irafren held a glass of green soul wine in his hand and hugged Lin Fan to drink in a tavern in a corner.

Khan turned into a dark Eldar warrior again, drinking in a dark corner with his head resting. Lin Fan smelled sweet and greasy, like some dangerous poison.

"I told you to find a safe place, why did you come here?" Lin Fan tried to push Irafren away silently, but Irafren hugged him tighter.

"Come on! Open your mouth!" Irafren rubbed Lin Fan's cheek with his face, making a comfortable purring sound like a kitten, and poured him a sip of the green wine in his hand.

"It's safe here~ This is the bottom of the Dark City of Gomor. Apart from the homeless ghosts and the slaves who escaped by chance, the only people who like to come here are the scavengers of the Blood Mercy. They will come to collect some dead people and corpses." "It sounds like the bottom of the hive." "Well~ I think so. I haven't been out yet, so I don't know what the bottom of the hive you are talking about looks like." Irafren kissed Lin Fan's face again, looking quite comfortable, "If you say it is~ dear~" "Ahem, I remember you called me a slave just now." "Oh~ It's a different time~ You have someone's soul, don't I have to treat you as the master~" "Then don't you lack respect for the master a little too much." "I don't see you hate it~" Lin Fan looked into Irafren's eyes and turned his head shyly. He really couldn't be angry with such a beautiful girl, even though she was a dark elf. It's okay, Lin Fan! The emperor didn't kill her when he showed up! Don't worry too much! Could you hate these aliens more than the Emperor?

Lin Fan thought this explanation was reasonable, so he didn't send Irafren to Slaanesh to eat him right away. And she was indeed useful. As a resident of Gomor, she was also a lone wolf. She had lived for so long and drove a motorcycle almost as well as Khan. With her help, Lin Fan and Khan could fight better in Gomor.

Putting on a serious expression, Lin Fan took away Irafren's hand holding his arm and looked at her seriously.

"Okay, okay~ Master, you want to ask something. I hope I haven't forgotten too much of what I learned in school."

"What's the matter with that cosmic fragment?"

Irafren took off a gorgeous gem from his shoulder armor and put it in Lin Fan's hand. "This is it, cosmic fragments, a kind of eternal energy used by our ancestors. The general principle is to copy a galaxy cluster and then lock the dimension into a hyperdimensional glass ball."

Lin Fan listened to Irafren's words and held the cosmic fragment in his hand. Looking at the lights of the bar, he didn't find anything strange. There was no starry sky, galaxy eyes, or black holes.

This thing looks like the bottom of a beer bottle, and it doesn't even feel smooth and round.

Seeing Lin Fan's puzzled look, Irafren took another sip of the green wine and asked the bartender for another glass. "So it's a fragment. This thing was supposed to be a glass ball as big as the city of Gomorrah, but now it's broken into pieces. I found it in a heavily guarded warehouse."

"I use this thing to accelerate the motorcycle now. It can make the engine burst out with output far beyond its design structure, and there are no sequelae. It can be said to be a very clean and safe energy source."

Tsk. Accelerate suddenly? This sounds like the nitrogen acceleration in the racing game. I really don't know how many of these fragments Xiaoyi needs to eat to make her recover. Oh yes, she is now damaged, and Lin Fan has to find a way to repair her. What a headache.

Lin Fan fell into silence. He began to recall the books he had read, trying to find some clues so that Xiaoyi could wake up from the terminated state. Irafren sat obediently aside, looking at Lin Fan's face and playing with her hair.

"Ah~ It's really intoxicating, the more I smell it, the more addicted~" Irafren hugged her body, closed her eyes, felt the warmth coming from her body, and the satisfaction of her empty soul being repaired. She could clearly feel that her desire for pain and soul had been greatly reduced.

You can tell from her drinking today. If it were before, she would have to drink more than ten cups of green juice to feel full, instead of feeling full after just drinking a little more than one cup like now.

And when she was unconscious, she clearly remembered that she saw the phantom of a god, and that thing was the direct cause of her coma.

So what is that thing? A god in the Supreme Heaven? Are these two monkeys the chosen ones of that god? To be honest, Irafren, a young girl over a hundred years old, has never seen that kind of thing, and she doesn't know much about human monkeys.

You have to know that she slept through the animal care breeding and torture and slaughter courses, and she didn't listen carefully at all. But she didn't care. Anyway, the most troublesome soul wounds had been repaired a lot. What was there to be afraid of? The master she met seemed to be a man who could talk. He would not turn his face and disown her and cut her into pieces and eat her as a snack.

When she thought of Lin Fan, Irafren couldn't stop smiling. An exaggerated perverted smile appeared on her face, and saliva fell from the corner of her mouth. "He looks quite cute when he's shy~ I really don't know if he can be trained in reverse~"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Lin Fan thought for a long time but had no idea, so he was going to ask Irafren if he could repair the nano swarm. After all, these black bean sprouts that inherited the legacy of the Eldar Empire can be said to be the second materialistic technology in this universe.

The Necrons are of course the absolute materialistic ceiling, and the Eldar are right behind. Although most of the equipment was broken directly because of the deep sleep, just like the mechanical keyboard you put in the corner and covered with dust, and many overlords were also confused in sleep, the computing core and database were almost messy.

And the Eldar after the fall of the Eldar, the wilderness Eldar who advocated natural life probably brought some environmental transformation technology and light industry, happily playing with the world soul and dinosaurs, not enough to attack but barely enough to protect themselves.

As long as they don't run into the Imperial Punishment Force or something.

Another Ark Eldar was tired of the crazy life of the old Imperials. These dignified and quiet guys couldn't stand the endless parties. Every day, they woke up from a strange viscous liquid mixed with countless people, and then drank a cup of medicine to treat their noisy and promiscuous days that had made them shout until their throats were hoarse.

So they chose to drive an Ark that was almost the size of a planet and ran all the way to the depths of the universe. They successfully avoided the scream of destruction when Slaanesh was born, and then trembled on the road of suppressing emotions.

These guys failed to inherit the entire Eldar Empire, but their soul stones and paths did protect their souls from Slaanesh's invasion, so these Ark Eldar inherited the ancient psychic skills.

The Dark Eldar retained the most of the old Eldar Empire's heritage because of the existence of Gomo. Their warehouses and secret rooms are full of the golden technology heritage of the ancient Eldar, but unfortunately, most of the deadly weapons require psychic energy to activate. This was a crazy act that was tantamount to making the Dark Eldar commit suicide.

So they changed their mindset, gave up psychic powers as much as possible, developed science and technology, and took the path of materialism, although this was a helpless move.

As a result, many overlords fell asleep or died in their sleep.

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