Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 185 Let’s go find the auto mechanic

The bottom area of ​​Gemo is huge and chaotic. There are everyone here, including strugglers, runaways, slaves, or even darker and twisted creatures. The buildings here are also the most distinctive.

The upper area is full of spikes and spires, dark buildings and fluttering human skin curtains. After looking at it for a long time, you will eventually feel aesthetic fatigue, so some guys who are particularly idle and want to find some artistic inspiration will bring His bodyguards visited the mixed-race place.

Here is a simple shack built by human monkeys. There is a green-skin-style factory area. At the end of the other side is a disgusting pit made of unknown alien slime. From time to time, sticky slime pops up. There are bubbles and bones floating on the surface.

Elafren smiled at Lin Fan, and then knocked on a rusty door painted with red paint, "Open the door! Open the door quickly! I'm bringing you a client, old man!"

"Ah, it's you stinky girl again. What are you doing here again this time?" A big head wearing a welder's mask stretched out from behind the opened door. His muffled voice and earthy accent immediately made Lin Fan realized that this was a green-skinned tech master.

"How can you still recognize green-skinned people? In your eyes, don't they look like beasts?" Lin Fan spoke into Elafren's ear and watched Khan's movements. He was afraid that Khan would suddenly Baoqi plucked the green-skinned head off directly.

Khan waved his hand towards Lin Fan, "I still know what is important and what is urgent. I will obey my father's arrangements and follow your command. If he has no obvious malice, I will not do anything, even if you have an Eldar." Same goes for my little girlfriend.”

"She is not my girlfriend." Lin Fan explained weakly, but Khan just turned his head to the side and refused to listen to his unconvincing explanation.

Elafren, on the other hand, happily hit Khan twice with his elbows and said, "Do you sound much better now~"

"Don't touch me! You slut!"

"Tch~ You'd better shut up."

The green-skinned tech master knocked on the door impatiently, "You bastards can't get in! If you're still lingering, I'll close the door!"

"It's coming, it's coming~ Don't be impatient~"

Under Elafren's teasing laughter, Lin Fan and Khan walked into the factory shack of this big tech tycoon.

The situation inside was far cleaner and neater than the orc houses Lin Fan saw on Armageddon. There were only some engines and motorcycles full of mixed styles of orcs and Dark Eldar, which looked similar to the one in Elafren. The structure of a motorcycle is very similar.

There is also a photo hanging on the wall. On it is a smiling Elafren covered in blood, posing amid the human tragedy caused by a motorcycle, and the other is a depressed orc Big Tech squatting on the ground. Use a wrench to repair the motorcycle that was messed up by Elafren.

"Do you have a good relationship?" Lin Fan looked at the photo and felt that Elafren's behavior was different from that of ordinary Dark Eldar. Although it was not serious, it did not have the extreme madness and twisted desire.

"Oh, my god, I have a close relationship with the old iron head~" Elafren smiled and hugged Big Tech Ba's thick and strong arms, but the old iron head snorted and did not push away. She just didn't know what she was mumbling under the welder mask.

"It was so interesting back then, let me tell you~ I found him in the greenskin shack. I wanted to drag him to squeeze the juice, but then we had a fierce fight! No one could do anything to the other!"

"This little bean sprout is really good at fighting. I agree with her. She also drives very hard. I really like racing with her."

I don't know how much of the past these two people have missed getting along with each other. Lin Fan was a little dumbfounded. One was a Dark Eldar who was not so crazy about criticizing, and the other was not so fond of Waaagh! The magical friendship between the orc masters is really difficult to evaluate.

"Look at your confused little face~ Mommy feels very sorry for you~"

"Ahem. Please don't use it like this. Hold it against me, okay?"

"Oh~ you don't like it~ Everyone likes the White Rabbit, don't they~" Elafren's teasing made Lin Fan difficult to handle. You asked him to kill a devil and he wouldn't even blink an eyelid, but when he encountered this kind of familiar The She Niu was too difficult for Lin Fan.

Khan covered his ears with his hands and said to himself, "Hold it. Chagatai. Hold it, impulsiveness is the devil."

"Okay, okay~ I won't tease you anymore." Elafren jumped away, put his hands on his hips and sighed, "Life here is not that easy. The conspiracy group has to hold on tight to survive, let alone me. This poor homeless guy has also lost his little bastards. Many people at the bottom will form a small life-saving group, and we are not the only ones."

Seeing the suddenly heavy Elafren, Lin Fan was still a little uncomfortable, but he nodded, indicating that he already understood such a magical situation. "Then Old Ironhead, I remember that the greenskin will continue to be weak after leaving the orc tribe. Why does he still look so big?"

Dang, Dang, Dang! Elafren knocked on Lao Tietou's body, and there was a sound of metal knocking. Then he pulled out a cup of green wine from his hand like a magic trick, "Old Tietou has already turned himself into a machine, of course. , and the orc squeezed out fresh soul juice to recuperate his body."

"Swipe away hunger and be yourself!" Old Tietou took the green wine and drank it in one gulp. He didn't feel disgusted at all because it was squeezed out by his own kind. After all, they often roasted other orc boys and farts in the tribe. The sperm eat it, and squeezing it out is really not a big deal.

"Yeah! I'm excited!" Old Tietou's whole body swelled up as Lin Fan witnessed it. When he spoke, he didn't sound sullen and decadent. The whole beast became stronger and healthier.

Elafren spoke quietly to Lin Fan, "The cheapest ones here are the green-skinned juicers. They are numerous, easy to breed, and have a high tolerance for pain, so there are many guys who can't afford to eat. They will buy green peel juice and drink it.”

"What about the human ones?"

"Human ones~ I've never tasted that stuff." Elafren looked at Khan's figure cautiously, but Lin Fan felt that this guy must have drank it, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Ahem. Don't look at me like that~ We've all done wrong things, haven't we~" Elafren said arrogantly to Lin Fan and then continued to explain, "Human souls have many colors because they are full of emotions and think a lot. , so humans are the basic currency unit in Gemo. You can buy some services by paying tens of thousands or millions of human slaves."

"The most expensive thing is the juice squeezed out by those Ark guys, the drink that exudes a faint light. I have never drank this, and I have never seen it before."

Elafren had just finished explaining Gemo's drink, and Old Tietou had also finished absorbing it. He came over and crossed his arms, "Tell me! Bean sprouts! Shrimp! You two bastards want to make something for me!"

Do orcs have emotions? Of course, they will even cry for the farts they like. They just have abnormal thinking, which does not mean they are heartless.

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