Following the mutants called Three Eyes who walked in the darkness for a long time, Lin Fan learned about the life of these suffering human slaves in the lower areas of Gomo through his interactions with them.

"The people here all escaped. The only difference is where they escaped from. Some people escaped from the slave ship, so they only suffered some flesh wounds, but they were still intact. There are others who escaped from Xue Lianren’s laboratory, factories and gardens, so they are just like me, with traces of being transformed all over their bodies.”

Sanyan pointed at the big eyes on his forehead, "That kind of torture is really terrifying. In front of you, neurotoxins are used to amplify all the senses in your body, and you endure the uninterrupted pain on your body. You can even die." Can't do it."

"Blood pity people will throw the defective products that they are tired of playing with to scavengers or hounds, and then throw them into factories to make torture and human pigs. When I escaped, they also came up with some new tricks. People’s furniture and stuff.”

Sanyan quietly walked on the ground, like a ghost. Lin Fan listened to the story he told. Although he sympathized with the suffering of these people, he did not feel too sick and nauseated. He could only say that they The stuff broadcast on the TV station was so exciting that it greatly improved his psychological acceptance.

Now I can definitely watch the scene of dismembered corpses and still calmly eat the undercooked steak in my hand.

Lin Fan thought pessimistically, and he felt sad for the hardness of his heart, "I heard that your conversation is quite fluent, your speech is also very standard, and the movements of your hands are the same as those of the Astra Militarum. Is someone training you? Are you a captured Astra Militarum?"

After hearing this, Sanyan had a look of shame on his face, "I am the Astra Militarum of Lorne. These are soldiers of the Astra Militarum of Lorne. Our world was attacked by these damn aliens, and they killed them all first." Half the population on the planet, and then drag the remaining half to this damn slaughterhouse.”

"Then how many of you are there now?"

"If we only count those who can fight, there are probably one or two thousand people. After all, we only have so much equipment, and most of the remaining people have become monsters. Although they can still understand words, they cannot be saved. Many people didn’t escape.”

"Are they only people from your planet? Are there no people from other places?"

Sanyan laughed, "According to our investigation, this is a grazing place. Those bastards come back to harvest every once in a while, once every ten years? Or more often? Anyway, when we came here, there was no one here." Living people only have traces of their past existence.”

"So you think we are here to harvest." Lin Fan sighed, feeling that the human resistance forces mentioned by Elafren were different from what he had imagined. He originally thought that the Resistance Army was like the Matrix, people struggling to resist in deep underground fortresses. Although they were still in captivity, they at least had some ability to resist.

Instead of being like now, there is a serious shortage of weapons and serious personnel mutations.

"Then why are you called Sanyan? Why aren't you called by your real name?" Lin Fan looked at Sanyan's face and asked, but received only a light response.

"My hometown is gone, so what's the use of having a name? Saying it will only bring shame to the emperor and my hometown."


When he finally arrived at the place where these people lived, Lin Fan found that it was even worse than he imagined.

From time to time, a man whose modified body was twisted and equipped with several other people's limbs and heads would crawl over and raise his three or four heads to say hello to the three eyes. This horrifying scene gave Lin Fan goosebumps all over his body, and at the same time, he also felt hatred towards Xue Lianren.

Khan touched his beard and looked at the transformed and mutated humans with vigilance, "These people. In my research, this kind of mortals who are trapped in distortion and mutation will go to the dark road of destruction. But here I didn't sense any blasphemy or subspace smell."

"Is it possible that this is the Webway?"

"No." Khan denied Lin Fan's view. He had been racing in the webway for so many years. Even if he couldn't figure out how to build it, he at least understood the basic nature of the webway.

"It is one thing to isolate the subspace from the webway, but the emotional fluctuations in it are another matter. If you hide in the closed pipe built in the swimming pool, although you will not be submerged in the water, you will not be able to escape. If you sweat, there will always be water.”

"If this place isolates the subspace so completely, then the Dark Eldar don't need to suck other people's souls to prevent themselves from being swallowed by that thing. This place just separates their attention and prevents them from being separated by high walls. Seeing the world behind doesn't mean they can't see the Webway or hear the sounds inside."

Khan thought about the possibility of these people joining the Chaos Rebellion. He suspected that everything he looked at now was the Dark Gods of the Warp. Maybe these seemingly loyal guys were just pretending?

Looking at the frowning Khan with three eyes, he thought that this huge guy was frightened by his companions, so he hurriedly said, "Smart guy, don't look at them. They look really blasphemous to the emperor and the empire, but I swear to you, these guys are all loyal! They are all willing to fight for the empire! Every one of them hates the aliens who destroyed their hometown!"

"What did you call me just now?"

"Smart guy? Aren't you an Ogryn who has undergone intellectual transformation?"


Lin Fan looked at Khan, whose expression darkened, and quickly pulled Sanyan aside, "Ahem, I remember that Lorne is a pilgrimage world, right?"

"Yes, there are grand churches up there, and mass ceremonies around the world."

"Then you should be familiar with the stories of the Emperor, his children, and the Angel of Death."

"Of course, this is true for everyone." Sanyan's eyes widened. He looked at Lin Fan in disbelief and pointed at Khan with a trembling hand, "You mean... he is an angel of death?"

Lin Fan looked at the three eyes with surprise and a little doubt, "You must have guessed correctly, aren't you from the religious world? There is no reason why you haven't seen the Angel of Death or the Space Marines?"

Sanyan scratched his head, "In Lorne, I've only seen paintings of angels from the stained glass in the church and from books. They don't look like this, and they all have helmets. This guy doesn't have a helmet, and he looks... Not flashy, I just think he's a smart Ogryn variant."

Lin Fan sighed and could only say that the artistic beautification and the remoteness of Lorne's religious world had caused obvious deviations in the local people's records of the emperor, heirs, and angels.

The Night Lord, the master of fear warfare. It turns out that the Blood Mercy is better at this than them. During the battle with Westenglert, the Blood Mercy made the Night Lords afraid of the dark.

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