"O Divine Merciful Emperor. Your servant will carry out your truth with all her soul."

"Sisters of the convent, Reese has never forgotten your teachings."

"All living beings of Lorne, Rhys will accompany you until the end, until everyone rests in the light of the Emperor's love and majesty."

The gentle female voice echoed in this nightmare place of flesh and blood. The surrounding walls and the ground underfoot were all a mixture of horror from various human limbs, those twisted and stretched faces, and the holes from which hot breath was exhaled. The big mouth that opens and closes from time to time is so incompatible with the white figure kneeling in it.

The arms, thighs, and hair are intertwined among them, stretching out towards the kneeling figure, and swaying slightly with the sound of women's prayers.

Sister Reese held a poetry book that exuded a faint white light in her hands. The faint light illuminated the scene around her. Hundreds of huge eyes all looked at her position, with only her reflection in their eyes.

Although it was twisted and terrifying, it was inexplicably quiet. Apart from the cautious breathing of the flesh wall, there was only the gentle and beautiful singing voice of Sister Reese.

The sound of unsociable footsteps was heard, and the wall of flesh and blood squirmed. Some of the eyes turned to the direction of the sound and saw three people walking in.

One is the Three Eyes who returned from vigilance, and the other two Walls of Flesh have never been seen before. A torrent of thousands of hands blocked the three people from moving forward. An eye squeezed out of the hand, staring at their figures and slowly said, "Who are you?"

Lin Fan looked at this huge twisted body of flesh and blood. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. The Khan on the side was also shocked by the scene deep in this residence. The things here could be placed anywhere in the empire. It's enough to be regarded as a heretical thing from either side of Chaos.

Khan held the handle of the knife with one hand, took a step back, and turned sideways to face the terrifying thing in front of him. The wall of flesh also noticed Khan's small movements and let out a threatening growl. The arms also stretched out one by one, trying to grab Khan's body.

"Wait!" Lin Fan pressed Khan's arm and put his hand down from the knife handle.

Khan stared at Lin Fan in surprise, watching him push down his hand, but he had no ability to resist at all.

This brat? Is he so strong? I really don't know if his ribs can be broken if he hugs that stupid big guy.

Seeing Lin Fan's action of suppressing the Khan, Sanyan breathed out a sigh of relief, "Everyone, they are not enemies. This is what the nuns and priests have mentioned, the emperor's heir! A great sacred principle. body!"

"Nonsense. The original body is not like this in the painting."

"He has no wings!"

"He has no aura!"

"He looks so scruffy! He can't even shave cleanly!"

The Wall of Flesh expressed their suspicion of the Three Eyes and their dislike of Khan, but that's right, Khan was not suitable as a propaganda target among the original bodies.

From history, this guy didn't do anything big. He was very good at fishing during the Great Crusade. During the rebellion, he also watched the show for a long time because he couldn't tell who the real traitor was. Not to mention his frequent violent remarks against the Empire and the Emperor, if not for the fact that he ultimately stood on the loyal side to defend Terra.

It is not impossible that subsequent chroniclers of the empire would label the Khan as a suspected traitor.

Lin Fan saw that Three Eyes and the Wall of Flesh were still trying to convince each other, and he patted Khan's arm, "They just don't know. You must know that Sanguinius Day is also very popular in the Empire, don't be too I care."

"Sanguinius." Khan thought of the brother that everyone liked and sighed, "It's a pity for him. If he hadn't died and the empire had asked him to be the regent, the situation wouldn't have been so bad. ."

Lin Fan also sighed for Sanguinius and wondered if he should take the time to meet Guilliman. But the problem is that it's useless to go see him. Caul's Armor of Destiny is not finished yet, and there is no news at all from the Death Army. Lin Fan can't just pull Guilliman up on the spot.

"You can go in, Saint Reis wants to see you."

"She doesn't like the title of saint."

"But everything she has done deserves this name."

The wall of flesh and blood discussed quietly, opened a hole and let Khan and Lin Fan in.

From a distance, they noticed the only light that existed here, and there were humans without any mutations.

Sister Reese sat on the ground, lowered her head slightly, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't greet you in person, envoys of the Merciful Emperor."

"Ahem, it doesn't matter." Lin Fan carefully observed the image of the nun in front of him.

She only has a simple white breastplate and a white long skirt with red edges. Her hair is not the common short hair that reaches her face, but hangs down to her ankles. Her whole expression is kind, gentle, and holy. Write it directly on the sign.

"Sorry, there's no chance to get a haircut here."

"What's going on here?" Khan pointed at the wall of flesh and blood surrounding them, waiting for Sister Reese's response. Everything here seemed to have no blasphemous flavor, but rather the power of redemption and gratitude was possessed by him. Perception.

But he won't let his guard down just like that.

Reese smiled gently, "These are the people of Lorne. They have been transformed by aliens, and their bodies are multiplying and mutating all the time. They merge with each other, first becoming two people, then three people, and then Bigger and bigger, more and more.”

Rhys raised her head and scanned the wall of flesh and blood with her eyes, "In the end, they became like this."

"Then why are you okay? Everyone I saw has mutations, but you are still pure."

"I think that's what everyone is looking at me. Everyone in the Abbey, and everyone in Lorne. They are in pain, they want redemption, they want to get rid of the blasphemous appearance."

"They begged me, hoping to get the Emperor's forgiveness. They did not betray the throne, they only became like this because of the aliens, which angered the Emperor."

"I reassure everyone that the Emperor will never abandon his people just because of their ugly appearance. As long as you don't forget your humanity, the Golden Throne will always leave a place for you."

"I sang the hymn of love that the monastery taught me. I accompanied them until the end. I can tell you our story."

What I think is that people with serious mutations in Lorne have turned into something similar to this

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