Bombs and flames exploded on the flesh of the tortured. After being fused and transformed by the Blood Mercy Master Factory, a lot of gene sequences were added to their flesh and bones, allowing their flesh and blood bodies to withstand such powerful firepower for a while.

These bombs could only leave a series of tiny holes on the pale and tough skin after the explosion, which seemed insignificant under their huge bodies. The promethium flames stained them, and the burning flames made the flesh burnt and smelly, but it would take some time to completely burn the tortured with these things.

But now, what they lack most is time.

Sister Lucia held a power sword, and the guards around her supported her everywhere in the church position, chopping the tortured who successfully squeezed out of the firepower network of the door and window into jumping pieces of meat on the ground. These tough flesh and skin were not much stronger than melted butter under the attack of power weapons.

Lucia didn't even need to use excessive force. She just let the sword pass through her hand gently, just like cutting through the air, and the huge Lingku was cut in half. The clean and rough cross-section and the instantly cut internal organs inside made it not react by spraying a lot of blood at the first time.

The swordsmanship of the elder sister was outstanding, and the guards around her were all experienced. With their cooperation and blocking, Lingku's mindless attack was withstood. The nuns sang the emperor's hymn and steadily cleaned up all the filth in the church with the accompaniment of bombs and fire.

Lingku's flesh finally couldn't hold on. Big bullets swept over them, cutting off the flesh like a razor until the bones were exposed, breaking all the joints and exposed internal organs, leaving only their pale bodies that lost control and could only collapse on the ground.

"Pay attention to the defense line! Beware of sneak attacks!"

Sister Lucia reminded the nuns not to be complacent because they had repelled these hateful and hateful tortures, but to be alert to the real threat behind them.

Her temples throbbed violently, and Sister Lucia was reminded by her combat instinct. She quickly turned her head to dodge a thin poisoned spike. In the pile of tortured corpses, a thin black shadow flew towards them.

The real enemy appeared!

Lucia held a sharp blade in her hand, caught those dark alien figures, swung it out violently, and collided with a thin single-molecule blade. At the moment when the collision caused the body to pause, the shadow behind the sister twisted out another guy, and the sharp blade in his hand was aimed at her joints, trying to cut off her limbs in the fastest way and eliminate her ability to fight.

The sacred golden barrier blocked the attack of the single-molecule blade and locked the attacker's weapon.

"Emperor's power! Alien!" Lucia swung her blade with hatred, chopped off the attacker's head, and turned around to punch the Dark Eldar, who was sickened by the holy energy of the Holy Wall. Blood spurted out from the broken pieces of armor. The Conspiracy warrior's face was broken by Lucia's punch, and his eyes and nose lost the support of the bones and moved down from their original positions. "Activate the bomb!" Lucia shouted to the nuns behind her, asking them to quickly activate the explosive traps set on the ground and pillars of the church. Without caring how many sisters were fighting with the Dark Eldar, as the start button was pressed, the flames swept the entire position, and the flames and debris swept everyone fighting in the field indiscriminately. "Ahhh! Alien!" A nun whose face was burnt beyond recognition by the flames of promethium, with the flesh and bones on her face beginning to melt, rushed out. She screamed and hugged another dark Eldar who was panicking in the flames, and would never let go despite the fierce attack.

"Let me go, monkey!"

This all-out attack without considering friendly forces caught the conspiracy warriors who rushed in off guard. They were used to conspiracy and backstabs, so they would only send their teammates into traps and stand safely in the distance to watch the show, rather than risking their lives to play such a worthless tactic of mutual destruction.

Sister Lucia's power armor was wrapped in flames, and so were the guards around her. They roared angrily while avoiding the flames and the fleeing aliens, and killed the hateful aliens with their weapons.

The temperature in the church was like an oven, and no blood could flow down, and it often evaporated in the air just after it splashed out. Osabel was somewhat dissatisfied with the chaos and failure in the field. He must go back and clean up a group of cowards so that they know that their orders cannot be disobeyed.

"Let's go, Master." The mist armor was activated, Osabel took out the spirit blade and flew towards the church.

Osabel stood at the gate of the church, feeling the waves of heat blowing from it, and the sacred piety that made him feel sick. They, who have been struggling in the conspiracy for so many years, can't stand this disgusting positive energy.

The long blade swung quickly, drawing a stream of colorful knife light in the air, and then gracefully put it into the scabbard with a light touch.

The front wall of the entire church collapsed under Osabel's swordsmanship. The gaps between the perfectly cut cylindrical fragments were extremely smooth, sliding down under the influence of gravity, showing Osabel a door with a wider view.

"It's still a little hot." The despair amplifier in his hand was activated, and the spiritual cold despair was released into the interior of the church. This pure spiritual coldness actually affected the temperature of the flames in reality, and the blazing red flames changed one by one. Cold and pale, like a desperate person who is about to die.

Sister Lucia looked at the gorgeous armor on Osabel's body with a solemn expression. What alarmed her most was the careless and lazy posture. Her intuition told her that no matter how she attacked, the alien in front of her would predict it in advance and cut off her arm.

"Cover the Sister!"


A round of volleys was aimed at Osabel's position. He yawned in boredom and strolled among the bullets. The bullets that hit him only stirred up layers of dark smoke. Under the gaze of Sister Lucia, the black mist was penetrated by bullets, but the body of Archon Osabel also drifted away with the smoke, and then gathered together to become its original appearance.

Immune to bullets? Rebirth? Or hallucination?

Lucia quickly thought about all the possibilities, and only when she found the key could she decide how to deal with the blasphemous enemy in front of her.

"Sir Emperor, may I live up to your glory."

Lucia gripped the power sword tightly, and together with her guards, charged towards the arrogant Osabel.

A Cabal Archon. The richer the Cabal, the more beastly the Archon's equipment.

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