The power sword passed through Osabel's body, and no internal organs or bones destroyed by the decomposition stance could be seen. Only a cloud of black smoke appeared at the point where the sword blade struck.

Osabel didn't even bother to dodge the attacks of others. Under the gaze of Sister Lucia, he quickly waved the sharp blade in his hand. The Baizhan guards who came around had their hands and legs cut off one by one, and they were rolling on the ground like human pigs.

"Damn it!" Lucia felt extremely angry and hateful when she saw her sisters having their limbs chopped off by Osabel and being packed away by other conspiracy fighters. She slashed with all her strength with the power sword in her hand, trying to find the characteristics of the armor on Osabel's body.

The melt pistol in the other hand did not consider the problem of splattering on himself, and shot at Osabel. The hot molten flow hit Osabel's body, but the black mist just opened a big hole directly, avoiding the attack of the hot melt weapon.

"I'm starting to get tired of it." Osabel was bored by the nun's attack. He originally thought he could have some fun, but when he came in, these monkey idiots were not enough for him to show what swordsmanship was.

He casually locked the power sword blade with the anti-gravity field on the armor, and leisurely put the long demon blade back into the scabbard. With a shake of his hand, a poison-quenching spike slipped from the gap in the armor into his hand.

Noticing the critical situation of the elder nun, the other nuns tried to get closer to her, shooting at the Archon with the guns in their hands, even if there was an alien holding a sharp blade in front of them.

"Don't let them disturb your lord's interest! Throw the screaming grenade!"

The pale grenades carved with crying faces were taken down by the conspiracy soldiers and accurately thrown into the middle of the nuns. The sharp, high-frequency screams were caused by tens of thousands of people crying in unison. These screams, carrying the meaning of terror and despair, penetrated the protection of the helmet and pierced the nun's ears like armor-piercing bullets.

nausea! Headache! Blurred vision! Heartbeat! Sweating like rain!

Some nuns without helmets even had their eardrums pierced by the sharp sound, and blood spurted out from all five senses. The strong nausea made it a luxury for them to control their bodies, and they vomited the undigested residue in their stomachs. The thing kneels on the ground.

The support of the nuns was blocked. The elder nun was pierced into the gap in the armor by Osabel's spike. The archon found a tricky angle so that the sharpest part of the spike did not come into contact with this. The armor of blessing collided head-on, and the dark and cold power of despair cut off the Emperor's protection.

The long nails pierced the armor and the body of Sister Lucia. The poison took effect the moment it came into contact with the blood, and then spread throughout the body with the activity of the heart.

Lucia felt nothing but coldness on her body. The whites of her eyes had turned pure black, and her fair skin was glowing with a cold blue light. She couldn't control her body and felt that her whole body was made of stone. Composed, she couldn't feel the weight of the power armor on her body, nor could she feel her heartbeat or breathing.

"Now you are honest, good." Osabel sat on the stiff Sister Lucia, admiring the sad and angry faces of the other nuns, sucking in the desperate power of their struggle.

A gust of dark wind blew, and Amaraga floated in the air, walking with twisted steps, "Lord Osabel's mist really surprised me!"

After cutting off the high nun's arm with a scalpel and using rongeurs to separate the upper armor, Amaraga held the high nun's arm and admired it, "The muscles are strong, the skin is firm, and it feels quite smooth. "Tearing off a piece of meat and stuffing it into his mouth to taste, Amaraga nodded with satisfaction, "The taste is also quite good. The genetic sequence is very malleable, so it is good to be used as a servant."

"Master, as long as you like it."

Osabel stood up from the nun and patted her butt, "Okay, have these guys been caught? The peripheral reconnaissance has detected the Empire's reinforcement fleet, which will arrive in about half a month. What else can you do?" Have a good time and have fun, just treat it as a holiday.”

"Okay!" The still-living cabal tied up the nuns, threw them in human skin bags and dragged them away. Now that the last spark of organized resistance on the planet has been extinguished, this has become their playground. As for those companions who were unlucky enough to die, they didn't care. The more they died, the more slaves they would get, and everyone would settle the score.


Hmm. My head hurts so much. It feels like it's going to explode.

Where is this?

It's so dark. It smells so bad.

Can you stand up? What is this thing holding me down?

Reese woke up from the darkness. She touched her body and found that she was still complete, with no arms or legs missing. She touched the book bag around her waist again, and found nothing, only an empty pocket. The poetry that she considered her life might have been taken away by the Dark Eldar.

Enduring the stinging pain in her head, Reese groped in the darkness, trying to move the thing pressing her arm away. The thing felt a little soft, like flesh. Reese opened his eyes wide, tried his best to receive as much light as possible, and then moved his face towards it.

It was a nun with her eyes closed tightly. She was wearing damaged armor and clothes, her face was stained with blood, and her face was horrified, as if she had fallen into some terrible nightmare and was unable to wake up.

Reese patted his sister's face and found that it had no effect. Then he calmed his breathing, put it against the nun's ear, and sang softly a song of solemnity and tranquility. Under the gentle singing, the fear on the nun's face dissipated, she gasped and opened her eyes.

"He's a new member of your choir class."

"You lie here for a while. This should be some kind of alien prison."


The nun who had just woken up watched Reese groping around in the dark place. Under the dim light, the breastplate on Reese's body shone with mottled light.

Reese groped carefully with her hands and found several nuns who were still in a coma, but more of them were dead. She dragged the bodies pressed together hard, muttering something in her mouth, hoping that her sisters could Forgive her for her rude behavior.

The physical training in the monastery came in handy, allowing the non-combatants in the chant class to have enough strength to drag the unconscious nun together. After waking up the only remaining living people with hymns, they began to think about the current problem.

That's probably what Blood Mercy Factory is, except it's another comic, Requiem: Vampire Knight

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