Osabel opened his eyes wide, he already understood Amalaga's vision.

"This. This taste must be unique."

"Yes, my lord." Amaraga replied gracefully, "I spent a week revising her memory and adding new content."

"Probably she led the nuns to repel our offensive, and then was rewarded by the State Church. Finally, she went to Terra to receive the Light of the Corpse Emperor, Barabala, etc. In the end, the Corpse Emperor stood up and said that she was the greatest living saint, and then assisted her. The story of the corpse emperor clearing the world, reuniting the monkeys, and recreating the golden age."

"This must be wonderful for her."

"Yes, it is true. When she saw the Corpse Emperor's throne and was recognized by the emperor, her mood swings were the greatest, but it was pure worship and piety. I made a wafer cookie with these things, The taste is average, salty and spicy. ”

Amalaga stroked her chin and savored the biscuits that were full of fanatical beliefs. On the side, Osadeer suppressed the disgust in his heart and watched Lucia's false memories.

"So this is the monkey's life after retirement?"

"Yes, when the memory is stimulated deeply enough, her brain will complete it on its own. This is the most beautiful scene she can imagine in her subconscious - on a beautiful planet where animals and nature live in harmony. , every animal lives with dignity, and she is the dean of the church and the dean of an orphanage.”

"Oh my god." Osabel closed his eyes and wiped the saliva from his mouth with his hand, "I can't wait to taste the pain of the moment when her dream is shattered. It feels so delicious just thinking about it."

Amaraja chuckled. It would be best if his work could be recognized. He turned off the memory-making device and awakened Lucia.

"Well." Sister Lucia opened her eyes drowsily, "Tommy? You."

She saw a completely unfamiliar scene, as well as the blasphemous figure of Archon Osabel, whom she had already killed, and another monster that was larger, more twisted and terrifying.

Everything in the place was so luxurious and dazzling that it stung Lucia's eyes. She also vaguely smelled the smell of barbecue, just like the smell of burning corpses in the past battlefields.

"Am I dreaming?"

"No dear." Amalaga gently stroked Lucia's face with her hand, her tone as soft as Lucia was his daughter.

"Welcome to reality."

With a snap of her fingers, the syringe on the back of Lucia's head drew out all the telepathic suggestion poison and nerve-paralyzing toxin. Lucia felt the strange feeling of her head being sucked, and found that all her senses had returned.

The burning pain spread throughout her body, making her want to cry out in pain, but found that she could not do such an action.

"Oh, by the way, I shut down some functions of your brain. I want to see if your mental pain can break through the brain's blocking needle. I'm very curious. I'm going to write this in my next report."

"You." Lucia spat out the words tremblingly, and her fragmented memories began to be stitched together one by one. She remembered her failed past, when she was paralyzed by the alien's poisonous needle, and then she was caught in their bloody on the plundering ship.

The monster in front of her is the Master of Blood Pity who has tortured her for a long time. No wonder she always has horrible nightmares in her beautiful fantasy world. She originally thought it was the sequelae of the war, but it turned out to be her. Protection reminded her.

So it's all false. Humanity has not risen. The Emperor has not stepped down from his throne. He is not a saint himself. Sisters of the Order of Martyrs. People of the world of Lorne. The truth is that I am a loser.

"Yo, she's crying! Can I have a taste?"

"Please help yourself, my lord."

After receiving permission, Osabel immediately took a teardrop from Lucia's face with his hand and licked it with his scarlet tongue.

Black Muse is here! What an amazing and great flavor this is! The deep despair of decades of a good life shattered, coupled with the slave's unique hallucinogenic component of dream disillusionment, directly plunged Osabair, an addict, into addiction.

"Muse, this is too fierce." Osabel collapsed on the chair and gasped. The extreme pain brought the ultimate pleasure. His hands were so trembling that he couldn't even hold the handkerchief in his hand tightly.

The maid on the side saw this and came over to give him a fragrant facial cleanser.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Lucia felt that her heart was dead. No one came to save them. They were being played and insulted by aliens like this. Where is the emperor of faith?

"My dear, cry more." Amalaga touched Lucia's head with one hand and cut her flesh with the other hand. The customized torture has been proven to be effective. Now it's time to eat. The rest Parts can be sent in for re-finishing.

You can keep your head and eyes, and you should be able to continue to produce this kind of tears amidst stimulation. Just playing this memory repeatedly is enough.

As for the Corpse Emperor? Haha, this nun's faith has been completely shattered, and this is the Webway, a place where even Gomo and Slaanesh cannot directly intervene. What can a rotten corpse emperor do?


Reese and the nuns who had recovered had found laser guns and bolt guns among the corpses. Although there were not many bullets, they were better than nothing.

They formed a tactical team and moved forward in this huge suffocating cage, trying to find an exit or find other people who were still alive.

"I don't know where Sister Lucia is. Those aliens seem to be coming to capture us, and many times they don't kill us directly."

"I saw the nun. She was finally captured by a disgusting monster and a black-armored alien, and she was sent all the way to the ship."

The nuns whispered to each other what information they knew so that they could better analyze the situation now.

The sound of moving was heard, and the nuns immediately turned their guns and aimed at the place where the noise came from.

I saw a person who looked like a nun struggling to squeeze out from under the pile of corpses, sitting on the ground and breathing heavily to recover her strength. She also seemed to see a figure in the distance, and she shouted in horror, "Who is there!"

The sound of advancing footsteps was heard, and the surviving nuns saw the true appearance of those figures.

"I remember you. You are Aurora from the Ministry of Relics."

By the way, are the nuns good-looking? The chess pieces are quite ugly, but the book mentions that these crazy women are so pretty that it makes people think about what the state religion is trying to do.

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