"I finally saw a living person!"

Aurora rushed over excitedly and hugged one of the nuns, "I searched among the corpses, but there were nothing but dead people."

"It's okay, child. We are here." The nun comforted Aurora who was holding her. How could she not be terrified? But the elder sister said that fear is a blasphemy against the Emperor's will. As the Emperor's daughters, we cannot be afraid.

"Okay! Aurora! Lift your face!"

Aurora's body trembled violently at the nun's shout, and then she lifted her cheeks, her eyes red from crying.

"Look at what you look like now! Are you worthy of the elder sister's teachings!"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Aurora, realizing her cowardly mistakes, tensed up her whole body, stood up with her chest and head held high, and suppressed the fear and terror in her heart.

After all, she is still a newcomer. The nun shook her head and did not blame the frightened girl too much. She patted her shoulder and asked, "Do you have weapons? Or any other equipment?"

"I. I have this box!"

Aurora turned back and dug something out of the corpse. After other nuns helped her move a lot of corpses, they saw a holy box engraved with sacred runes and pure marks.

"Is this the holy box in the saint's relic room? How did you keep it?"

"I have been hiding among the corpses with the box. They sent me in with a forklift. The nuns of the Holy Relic Department must protect the saint's legacy. This is a creed that must be implemented with life."

"What is in it?" Reese asked. She has not been in the order for a long time and is not qualified to enter the holy relic room to admire these miracles.

"Uh" Aurora was still a little hesitant. Doing so is against the rules.

"It doesn't matter. The Martyrs' Order will soon become history. It doesn't hurt to let her know."

"Okay." Aurora opened the holy box with the key hanging around her neck. There were two items inside. One was a metal ball with a golden cross on it and decorated with gold.

The other was a book emitting a faint white light. The name was already blurred, but Reese could feel the power of devout faith from the light.

"The sacred golden ball and a complete collection of hymns."

"I feel inspired by these holy objects now."

"Keep going, sisters!"

Everyone continued to move forward in this suffocating prison, hearing the friction of metal on the ground and the chaotic footsteps of living people fleeing.

The nuns rushed over and pointed their guns at the corridor, shouting, "This is the combat nun! If you don't want to die, lie down where you are!"

The sound of falling down came in unison, and the fleeing footsteps were replaced by breathing, but the suppressed metal friction sound was still amplified.


Firing fiercely at the shadows in the corridor, the bombs and lasers briefly illuminated the surrounding scene, and also let the nuns see what kind of monster they were going to deal with.

A torturer, but after a more complex and deadly transformation, the head was wrapped in a fully enclosed helmet, and only its dull eyes could be seen from the gap.

The two arms were replaced with barbed wire whips with claws at the end, and there was a huge execution rack behind it, on which a victim's body was worn.

Laser and bombs hit the body of the torturer, shattering his skin and revealing the flesh and blood inside.


The torturer swung its long whip like barbed wire, waving it towards the nuns, and it was wrapped around the waist of a nun.

The torturer who caught the prey pulled the long whip violently, trying to cut the nun directly from the abdomen. The power armor temporarily blocked the further invasion of the long whip, but the power of the torture was transmitted to it firmly.

The nun tried her best to lower her center of gravity to avoid being dragged over, but the crackling sound of her abdominal armor and the blood spurting out of her mouth showed that her situation was not good.

"Aim at the node!"

The nuns concentrated their firepower on the surgical connection of Ling's shoulder, trying to directly interrupt Ling's control of the whip.

"Damn it! Our shooting effect is too slow, we need anti-tank weapons!"

"We don't have it!"

The bound nun felt that her spine at the waist had been broken, her lower body had no intuition, her internal organs were crushed, and armor fragments pierced into it. There was no way to survive in this environment.

But at least I can make a final contribution.

The nun pulled out the ceremonial dagger from her belt. This was the certificate distributed when she just became a combat nun. Now it seems that it is time to use it.

Wrapping her arms tightly around the whip, the nun did not consider the problem of lowering the center of gravity. She released the magnetic lock of her boots and flew out with the power of Ling.

"Come on! Monster!"

The ceremonial daggers did not weaken their combat effectiveness because of their beautiful appearance. These single-molecule daggers could also break through Lingkui's physical defense.

The dagger pierced into the fully enclosed helmet, and green liquid and blood sprayed out. Lingkui fell into a state of loss of control, and violently hit the wall of the corridor under the attack of the nuns.

The other nuns also rushed forward quickly, passed the survivors lying on the ground, and attacked Lingkui at close range.

After a series of bullet attacks and dagger attacks, this rough-skinned and fleshy bully finally fell. His huge body was blocked in the corridor, and from time to time it would spurt out regular jets from its powerful heart. blood.

""After the bitter battle, everyone was a little silent. They lost a close sister like this, which made them feel sad, but at least she died a worthy death. It was better to die for the emperor than to live for herself.

"Thank you for your rescue!" The runaways who were lying on the ground came to the nun to express their thanks. A leading man made a double-headed eagle salute to the nun.

"Wait! Your face!"

A nun saw the true appearance of these escapees, their distorted faces and weird limbs that had been altered and stitched, and she directly regarded these people as mutants.

Seeing the angry look of the nun drawing her gun, everyone was trembling with fear, but no one turned around and ran away.

"Wait a minute!" Sister Reese stretched out her hand to block the runaways who looked like ugly mutants, and looked at the nuns who drew their guns, "They are not mutants! They are not heretics! They are just poor people in Lorne's world! "

"They were captured alive on this ship and desecrated by aliens! This is their biggest crime!"

"Then what if that's the case! How are we going to count! We were also captured!"

Watching Reese and the nuns arguing, Aurora just stood aside thoughtfully, not knowing what she was thinking.

Are there any normal people with black bean sprouts? There should be. But there are absolutely no normal people among the Blood Pity People. They no longer regard themselves as spiritual beings.

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