"They became like this because we failed to protect them! Where did the blasphemy and heresy come from!"

"The meaning of the existence of the Order of Martyrs is to spread the Emperor's love and mercy to the lost lambs! It is not to follow the example of the Order of the Holy Rose and the Order of the Blood Rose and execute all unbelievers!"

"If you want to kill them! Kill me first!"

Sister Reese just stood in front of the gun and closed her eyes. The transformed person behind her was also trembling and didn't know what to do.

"I. I agree with what Sister Reese said. They are just victims, not heretics."

There were differences among the nuns, and the toughest purifier also sighed, "Okay, Sister Reese, I have to admit that what you said makes sense. I am too nervous."

The nuns put down their guns and began to use daggers to cut up the corpses left behind by the abuse, so that the huge garbage would not block the entire passage. Reese turned around and asked the reformer.

"Where did you come from? What's going on with you? Is there anyone else?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sister, please slow down, please, I have to answer one by one."

"Okay, but please be brief. We have no time to waste."

The leading reformer thought for a while, organized his words, and then answered, "We ran from the other end of this corridor. There is a built-in factory somewhere, and there are many people who are still alive hanging on hooks. They are sent in batches for transformation.”

"We were processed people. We were hung on a hook and sent to another place for finishing. I struggled on the hook and broke my shoulder bone before I escaped."

He showed his back to Reese. He saw a pair of horrible scarlet scars that were unsightly, but there was not much blood flowing out. On the contrary, it was beating up and down.

"Then we were chased by that thing, and some of us were captured. Now we are the only ones left."

"This is good news! Let's rescue them! Take everyone with us and fight to death with the damn aliens! Instead of being treated like meat!"

"That's right!"

All the nuns responded in unison. A happy death in battle was their only wish now. The reformers looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and stamped their feet, "It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself! We will follow you!"

"Very good, at least you still have a sense of shame as a human being."

"May I have your name?"

"Call me three eyes, sir."


Dirty, crude, noisy, and inefficient, these are all torturing Hesahor's nerves. He stared at the struggling livestock hanging on the constantly fluttering meat hooks, watching them put into the disgusting flesh and blood one after another. In the mill, I just felt that the art I had learned and known had been tainted.

There is no beauty in this!

Beauty without torture! There is no beauty in engraving! There is no beauty of magnificent flesh-and-blood miracles! What is the use of torture and human pigs produced by this assembly line? To waste these captured slaves?

My teacher has always been a wasteful person.

A guy like him must be overthrown by himself, his most proud student, which is most in line with Gemo's path of sustainable torture.

Hesahor used his modified arm behind his back. He didn't want to hold on to the disgusting old railing. He silently glanced at the wailing and struggling animals in the field, and then he felt that his depressed heart was slightly relieved.

The few escaped guys were chased by Yao Yao. I believe there will be results soon. If those Yao Yao can't even do such stupid work, they'd better fill the stove with firewood quickly.

"Huh? There's something wrong with this pheromone, there are some healthier guys."

Hesahor sniffed gently with his nose, then looked at the door where Abuse was chasing in confusion, hooked the wall and railings with his long arthropod-like legs behind his back, and moved his body to the ground.

He blew out a sound that was beyond human comprehension, and all the bullies wandering around the factory gathered around him.

His side was particularly bright, and the other side was indeed extremely dark, but this did not prevent him from using his modified eyes to capture the heat signals from the distance.

A group of female monkeys. That box is a bit interesting.

The ribs on the chest were open, and these slender ribs were hung with strong muscles, which looked like outstretched wings. The rib wings fell off and were equipped by the Blood Pity Apprentice. Like a lightweight shield with sharpened edges.

The female monkeys also caught his movements and were ready to abuse them. Some stood behind and shot at them, while others charged forward, holding a strange homemade weapon in their hands. There was a dagger attached to something that looked like a thigh bone.

"With weapons? Those lazy idiots still want me to do these dirty jobs. Interns are not so exploited." Hesa ​​Hall lowered his eyes and cursed his teacher and the idiots of this conspiracy with hatred. them.

"Deal with them quickly!"

At the command, the abusers rushed out and rushed towards the attacking nuns. There were also two abusers whose arms were transformed into huge bone shields, one on the left and one on the right, standing in front of Hersa Hall, blocking the nuns. their long-range firepower.

These modified white bones are as hard as tanks and armored vehicles. The explosive bombs just exploded on them, leaving negligible craters, and the penetration was unthinkable.

The nuns were not afraid of death and charged towards the abuse without caring about their own safety. But these modified security guards were completely different from the inferior goods they saw in Lorne.

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It's so difficult to deal with a capture abuser, not to mention that they don't even have the numerical advantage now.

The abuse ruthlessly crushed the nuns' attacks, crushing the nuns' bodies with their big feet, and tearing apart their flesh and blood with their modified beast-like claws.

"What did I think? It's such a ridiculous thing."

Hesahor yawned boredly and curled his lips. Then he noticed the semi-finished products sneaking in in the distance and wanted to save their compatriots.

A nail shot out and nailed a half-finished head, leaving a hole dripping with brains and blood.

"Go, you two, crush those guys and feed them to the dogs."

The two Bone Shields stood up after hearing the order and rushed towards Sanyan and the others.

"At least, we struggled." Reese was knocked away by the abuse and hit the wall. She knelt on the ground, feeling the pain in her back. Next to her was Aurora, who was holding a box and looking expressionless. .

"Aurora, are you scared?"

"Are you afraid of it?"

"I'm not afraid."


The unknown laughter came, and Reese thought that Aurora had been frightened for a while, but the next moment she was surprised to see Aurora's appearance and body undergoing huge changes.

A huge man, wearing a blue-painted helmet with a golden snake on his head, and the power armor on his body was covered with scale-like fine gold, and those scales shone with magnificent and changeable colors under the light.

A male voice came from the helmet, which was completely different from Aurora's voice.

"I'm not afraid of the child either."

Who is this? do you know? Do I know? What is he going to do? Does he really exist?

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